Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 518 Final Preparations Part 2

As the second wave of the attack force arrived in the village, Shiro had Estrella prepare to escort them into her realm so that they could hide their number advantage. Of course, she also had Keiko distribute more of the ch.i.p.s so that every single one of the adventurers had a chip with them.

Once she was sure that everyone was given a chip, she sent a notice to Nan Tian to remind him that everything was ready and that he should start making his way back from the branch. To which he only replied with:

[I'll be there don't worry.]

Seeing his response, Shiro only shrugged before putting her phone away. Since he told her not to worry, she won't.

After which, she instructed Keiko to lead everyone inside Estrella's dimension.

Sitting in the corner of Estrella's Realm, Shiro watched as Keiko, the Martial Hero and the elders talked to everyone about the upcoming fight. While they were doing this, she was tapping away at her computer.

"As you all know, this is the first time in while that this many high level adventurers have gathered to face up against a single threat. Even the rebellion 15 years ago in Rui didn't require this much man power so you know the threat is serious. With us, we have two heroes, a total of 8 elders that are level 500, a level 500 spirit that will help us go undetected and finally, we have you. The key players of this operation." Keiko shouted out as the adventurers listened with a serious expression.

"Naturally, for an operation to require this much manpower, you know the risk of death is high. HOWEVER! What if I told you that we have a healing skill that can heal everyone here by a minimum of 40% of your health per cast?" Keiko grinned as a commotion rang out within the attack force.

"Though a skill that can heal everyone comes with a cost. There are only four charges of this skill, meaning you basically have 4 additional lives. Of course, this does not mean you should throw it away without a care in the world. The healing is limited so you still need to take caution." She warned as the excitement died out just a little.

Seeing that they settled down a little, Keiko nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Now that you know what's backing you up in the coming fight, I shall now tell you our strategy. Since there are more than 6,000 of us, getting the advantage at the start of the fight is going to be difficult if we don't surround the enemy. Hence why we'll be waiting inside this realm. Estrella, the one that brought you in here, will be ready to teleport everyone out the moment we come into contact with the enemy. Hence why I'll be needing everyone to stand on guard inside this realm while we invade the dungeon.

"As for some pre battle preparation, we'll assign you into groups of 500 and each of you will be under a different leader." Keiko called out.

Standing up, Shiro walked over to Keiko and handed her a few sheets of paper. These were the groups that she had assigned while she was explaining the situation to her.

During those moments, Shiro used the ch.i.p.s that were present on the adventurer's bodies to find their identification within the government's database. Naturally, there were a few defensive measures but Shiro bypassed them with ease.

Setting it up so that each group had amazing synergy with each other, Shiro made sure that the suspicious individuals were put in Nan Tian's group so that he could deal with them swiftly.

Not only that, but Shiro also passed her a holographic device that would show the adventurers a few of the Light God's skills so that they could mentally prepare.

As this was happening, the adventurers were naturally curious about who she was but brushed it off as Keiko's assistant for now. After all, she wasn't a part of the attack force and since Keiko didn't say anything about her, they believed that she wasn't anyone important.

"Let's see, I'll have the esteemed elders here help me organize all of you into groups. In the meantime, I will now display a few of the skills that you need to watch out for when the fight begins." Keiko called out while pointing at a second hologram. On that, the Light God's skills were displayed in categories.

Single Target, Multi Target, Self Heal/Buff, Enemy Debuff, Disengage and Passives.

The single targets spells were near instantaneous due to the fact that his main element was light. However, there was a way to get past this. If you have a high level reflective skill such as Crystal Maze, you would be able to mitigate most of the damage.

Since Crystal Maze was a high level tank spell, Shiro made sure that each group had at least ten people with this spell so that they could rotate between one another in case the spell was on cool down.

As for the Multi Target spells, the best way to stop them was to have a disruption mage on standby and cancel out certain parts of this magic circle. Most would think that one should just cancel the entire thing but by targeting certain portions that focus on increasing the damage, the Light God's Multi Attack spells would be about as harmful as torchlight. With this, one could save more mana since not everyone could regenerate it at a monstrous pace like how Shiro could.

Of course, Shiro would also make sure that she could assist in taking out the magic circles since her skill set made her a pretty good anti mage personnel.

Unfortunately, they couldn't do much about the Self Heal/Buff and the Enemy Debuff. The best they could do was damage him as much as they could so that they would cancel out his healing. Naturally, there was a giant red banner saying: No Light Magic Allowed. The reason was self explanatory since who in their right mind would use Light against a LIGHT GOD.

Though Shiro didn't tell the elders nor the attack force about the Light God's true identity. All they know is that they're fighting against a psychopath with a god and hero complex. After all, if they knew that they were fighting a god, she doubted that a lot of them would stay around to see the end of this.

Finally, the disengage was the most troublesome. He had quite a few skills but his favourite one was when he would blind everyone with a bright flash of light. In that time, he was able to teleport to any place the light had touched. The only way they could counter this was if they sealed the area around him.

As the adventurers read about the skills, they couldn't believe that a single person could have this many troublesome skills and passives. If he was under any form of light, his healing would be increased. If he was damaged by light, he would be healed for twice the amount of damage done. In daylight, he would gain certain buffs and so on.

Just looking at this list told the adventurers that this fight was going to be a tedious one. A battle of attrition that could last a lot longer than they had expected.

While this was happening, Shiro hopped out of the realm to call Nan Tian and ask him where he was. After all, they were about to enter the dungeon soon and Shiro didn't want to wait too long. They've already waited for three days and the more they wait, the more danger the captives will be in.

Just as she was about to call Nan Tian, she realised that he was walking into the village right now.

"Took you awhile. What did you even take from your vault?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Oh just a few things to help us in the fight. If this enemy is as troublesome as you had described, I'll need to make sure that he doesn't split out of our reach at the very last moment. Who knows if we'll have another chance like this? After all, he did escape the government's radar despite having kidnapped so many people. I've already collected a few records from our scouts in the sect and the government had been trying to find the culprit for many years but to no avail. Many of them dismissed it as the black monarchy's doing but now we know the truth." Nan Tian shrugged as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn. Anyways, the operation is about to begin. The attack force had already been split into several groups and you'll take charge of one of them."

"Got it. Let's kill this b*stard." Nan Tian smiled since he knew the Light God was the biggest obstacle in Shiro's life. Once they got rid of him, she could rest easy knowing that he won't be bothering them until the age of demons and gods.

Hearing his response, Shiro only smiled and brought him into Estrella's Realm. Once she enters the dungeon, they were going to finally confront her mortal enemy. 

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