Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 514 Grace

Seeing that she had just created an EX skill, Shiro furrowed her brows and wondered what she should call it.

'Hmm… how about the name Grace?' She smiled as the system registered the name.

[Grace – EX Healing Skill]

Merging the three elements that you have control over, you stimulate one's potential and revitalise them from the brink of death. The Life Fire revitalises the body, the Phoenix Fire reinvigorates while the Celestial Star reinforces.

When they are healed, they receive the following benefits:

+30% Temporary Health. (If they have 100 million HP points, they now have 130 million for the duration of this spell.)

+20% Mana and Magic Effectiveness.

+50% Resistance to damage from ALL sources. Duration – 30 seconds.

If the target has not lost any health, the benefits they receive are doubled except for the damage resistance. In this case, they receive +80% Resistance to damage from ALL sources for the duration of a minute.

If the target is lacking health, a single use of this spell will heal them for a minimum of 40% of their total health (Percentage healed increases the more wounded they are.). If the target has less than 10% of their health when this skill is used, there are instead, healed to full. 

To use this spell, you must use a charge. Every day, you gain a charge at sunrise. You may store up to 10 charges of this spell. Whenever you use a charge, 30% of your mana is sacrificed as part of the components needed.

Current Charges: 1/10

Reading about the spell, Shiro had to pause for a moment as this was something that had far exceeded her expectations. While she understood what a good healing spell looked like, she clearly underestimated what it meant to have an EX ranked skill. This spell was like her rejuvenation skill but on steroids. Not only could it buff, but the buff could also double in strength should the target be at full health. If she used it at the start of the fight, the additional 80% resistance to damage for that minute is going to be a game changer. To make matters worse for the enemy, they would also receive an additional 60% temporary health at the start of the battle.

They are basically four times as hard to kill at this point and that was just a general estimation.

However, that wasn't the end of it. Since she had created an EX ranked healing spell, she had also received a title.

[Benevolent Saint EX]

You have developed an EX ranked healing skill that can help the world as a whole. When you are in an army of more than 100 people, a single charge of your Grace will now heal everyone you deem as an ally for the extra charge of 20% of your mana.

This title was truly ridiculous since it would heal EVERYONE. If she was in an army of more than 1 million soldiers, her Grace skill now healed everyone and gave them a 50% resistance to damage from ALL sources. With this, the enemy would be facing an army with 10 extra lives if she used her charges properly.

"Well damn… And here I thought I was meant to be a front line combatant." Shiro muttered with a raised eyebrow.

"Mn? What happened?" Nan Tian asked curiously.

Explaining new skill to the party along with her EX ranked title, they couldn't help but stare at her with shock.

"What class are you again?" Keiko asked with a twitching smile.

"To be honest, I don't know. I can act as a tank, an attacker, a ranged, a control mage, a damage mage, a buff healer and a debuff supporter if needed. At this point, I am the literal definition of jack of all trades, master of none." Shiro replied as she could hardly believe what she had done with her class.

"Are you sure about that? I'll be more inclined to know you as Shiro of all trades, master of all." Keomi rolled her eyes since Shiro excelled in basically all the areas. Even if she didn't focus on one particular area, her dynamic skill set allowed her to win the battle.

You can try to target her but she has so many escape skills that catching her would basically be a pipe dream. Unless one shut down the dimension around her and stop her from utilising her skills, there was little to no way of killing her except with brute force.

{To think that you would receive the title of Benevolent Saint… there really is a bug in the system. You of all people shouldn't be getting that title.} Nimue sighed.

'What? I get that I'm no saint but I'm pretty benevolent no?' Shiro pouted.

{The day you're benevolent is the day you're ok with letting the Light God live. Plus, weren't you thinking of using the government made army as a meat shield to rescue Yuki? That's not so benevolent now is it?} Nimue retorted as Shiro only coughed.

Averting her gaze, she focused back on reality.

"Anyways, now that I have this skill along with the title, I can definitely say that we might have a chance to win if we're in a group fight. This is the best chance that we can get to get rid of this problem until the upcoming age." Shiro smiled.

"But keep in mind that since he's a god, it won't be so easy to completely kill him. There's a good chance that this body is just an avatar for him. Killing it wouldn't do anything and his main body would be in perfect condition. Of course, I don't know the details so killing him once might kill him for good. Who knows. Regardless, there is one key point and that is we need to kill him now if we want to have a safe time cultivating our strength until the coming age of demons and gods. If he's allowed to continue to grow now, he may very well sabotage humanity before we can even step on the starting line." She followed up as the party nodded their heads.

"So what do you suggest then?" Nan Tian asked with a smile.

"I suggest that we send some scouts into the dungeon. Namely my drones. While they're scouting out the situation, we'll try to stop the dungeon from expanding so no one else is forcefully dragged away. Not only that, but I'll also be developing a Realm Node to guarantee our escape if things start to go south. Plus, this is actually beneficial for us. During the time that we're spending here, I can use it to obtain charges for my Grace skill. Once I get 10 charges, we'll attack the dungeon." Shiro suggested.

Hearing her proposition, the party agreed with her reasoning and started to prepare for the battle in the dungeon.

Nan Tian sent the sect a new message containing some small details about Shiro's skill so that they could guarantee safety in battle. That way, there's a higher chance for the other elders to join in.

As for Keiko, she did the same and kept some details from the government. All they needed to know was that Shiro was their lifeline and her healing skill is better in a large army. The more people they have, the more impact her skill would have.

There were a few rumours of the government making huge movements as people were confused as to why they're pulling back a few of the finest fighters from the front lines. With so many high level adventurers being redirected elsewhere, many could guess that it was to deal with a threat that was much bigger than the demons.

Soon, 2 days passed as Shiro had spent this time scouting out the inside of the dungeon. With a few of her camouflaged drones surveilling the situation inside the dungeon, she made sure that they would leave a few hidden nodes for her to scan the internal composition of this dimension.

Of course, she did run into some trouble at the start since the connection with the drone would be severed and they would 'decompose' on the spot due to the fail safe that she had incorporated.

However, with Estrella's help and her prototype Realm Nodes that she crafted using Estrella's Magic as a base, she was able to create a remote that helped her with controlling her drones despite them being in a different dimension. Thus, allowing her to see what was happening in the dungeon even though she wasn't physically inside it.

As the second day came to an end, both the Martial Hero and a few Elder's from Nan Tian's sect had arrived in the village.

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