Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 490 Regret

After discussing her plans with Keiko and Keomi, the four of them went down to the cafeteria to get some food before waking up the rest of the party to inform them of her decision.

Currently, everyone was sitting around a table in the cafeteria.

"So you're going to the mountain with those three?" Aarim asked just to make sure that what she heard was correct.

"Yes I am. The situation is too dangerous to have lots of people with me so it would be best that we kept it to a small team. Plus, if there are chances of combat, the four of us can guarantee that we can bail out of the situation. To put it bluntly, it's going to be hard to look after all of you and make sure that you are guaranteed to survive." Shiro replied as she didn't want to make it seem like she's calling the party useless because they're not. It was just the situation that was unfavourable for her to take the party with her.

If they needed to wage a full on war, the party would be her first go to for help since she could trust them to hold their own against an army with their skill set. But since her enemies were guaranteed to be 200+ and with the party only averaging around level 120 right now, it would be tantamount to suicide.

"Then what are we working towards? We're trying to level up so that we can help you but in the end, are you just going to go on without us again?" Madison frowned.

"That's not it." Shiro shook her head.

"Then what is? All I'm seeing is that you don't want us around since we're going to drag you down. Didn't people say that soloing dungeons were akin to suicide? Haven't we done it without a problem? Even Silvia's managed to do it despite being a healer." Madison retorted since it was bad for the party.

Only when everyone was together could they be at their strongest. If Shiro left and did everything herself at the first sign of danger then what was the point of her gathering everyone together at the start?

"Madi, it's because having a large group is bad for us right now. If it wasn't a stealth mission then I would take everyone with me." Shiro furrowed her brows as this was exactly what she was worried about.

"Shiro, tell me now, when hasn't it been a stealth or solo mission so far? Every single time you would leave us using the same advice and come back. You would even miss out on our class ups. The joyful moments we have when we finally finish the requirements. All you come back to is everyone getting stronger. You don't know what we've been through and neither do we know what you've gone through. Sure you can get a general idea of what our capabilities are like in one or two dungeon runs but you haven't seen us when we were struggling because we were trying to catch up to you so hard." Madison stood up, clearly agitated.

Surprised by Madison's sudden outburst, the party wanted to hold her back a little while Shiro stayed silent.

"If anything, you're more like an irresponsible dad that doesn't know how to connect with his children. You think you can try to forge that bond through spending some money and going to the park with them once in a while but that's not right. If you really cared about that bond, then you would stay with us and reinforce it. Let everyone go through the hard times together so that we can support each other." Madison tried to persuade as Shiro stayed silent.

"In that case then I think it's best for me to leave. I'm already satisfied with how this party has grown. Lyrica, you went from meek and scared to being dependable and strong. Madison, you've found a best friend in someone you used to not like. Silvia, Chen Yu, you two have found the love of your life while Aarim, you've managed to develop magic not many people have seen. Each of you have grown without needing my help so I think it's best I leave rather than dump my problems onto you." Shiro smiled as she stood up to leave the table.

Call her stubborn but she would rather take on the burden herself regardless of what they said. It was the role of the strong to keep other's free of harm. It was a king's duty to keep his kingdom safe and likewise, it was her duty to keep her party safe.

Before she could fully leave, she felt gravity strengthen around her as Aarim had stood up with a serious expression.

"Don't do something that you'll regret." She reminded as she knows how much Shiro cares for her friends since they were the ones she trusted enough to expose her identity as a monster.

"Sorry, I'm already close friends with regret." Shiro smiled sadly before waving her hand and dispelling her gravity magic with ease.

"I'll contact you three later about our plans." Shiro said while glancing at Keiko, Keomi and Nan Tian.

Tapping down with her foot, she jumped into the rift and left the scene.


Sighing softly, Yin did the same but not before looking over at Lisandra.

"You stay here for a while and try to make peace with the party ok? Mum didn't want to do this but things aren't too good right now." Yin said with a rare trace of seriousness. Even the usual food loving face she had on could no longer be seen anymore.

Surprised by her older sister's demeanour, Lisandra could only nod her head.

Seeing that Lisandra agreed, Yin faded into the rift.


Exiting the rift, Shiro looked around to see the tallest building before making her way over to the roof.

Sitting down, she left her hair flutter in the wind while she sighed and leaned back.

"Isilia… What should I do? They're unhappy that I'm keeping them out of harm's way but if I let them come with me, there's a good chance that they'll die. I don't want to be the cause of another friend's death." Shiro muttered, feeling a little helpless.

Perhaps it would be better for her to go off on her own without saying anything.

Feeling mana fluctuate behind her, Shiro glanced back and saw Yin coming out with a serious expression.

"What is it darling? Why aren't you with the rest of the group?" Shiro asked.

"I got Lisa to stay with them for now. Mum, we need a serious talk." Yin replied.

"Nimue, Iziuel, I know you can hear me so can you take Attie with you and leave me and mum alone for now?" She called out.

Surprised by her seriousness, Shiro nodded her head and allowed the three spirits out. Gesturing for them to leave for now, Shiro had Yin sit down near her.

"So what's with this sudden change of seriousness? This isn't like you."

"Wrong. This is normal me. Food loving me is just something I like to do because I can be carefree and enjoy the wonders of life." Yin shrugged.

"Mn, I see... So what did you want to talk to me about?" Shiro smiled.

"About your actions with the party. I know that you want to stay with them and level up but you have so many burdens on your shoulders right now don't you? Even splitting a little bit off to share with the party would crush them from the pressure and severity of the situation. You're also responsible for an entire race now too. While they do understand a portion of it, they don't truly know the risks that come with your burdens. Should they follow, there's a good chance that one of them may die and if I had to guess, I'd say it would be Silvia. The moment she demonstrates her healing prowess against the enemy, they'll make sure to take her out in one go." Yin frowned.

"That's what I'm worried about." Shiro nodded with a sad smile. Her responsibilities were simply too great to just toss aside and stay with her friends.

"If this was the old you, you would have not given a crap and just stayed with them wouldn't you? But now that a few of those you cherish are affected by your burdens, Nimue, Iziuel and Attie, you can't do that anymore." Yin shook her head.

"That's what responsibility does to a person." Shiro chuckled.

"Mn, just know that I'll do my best to keep the party safe when you're gone so you can rest easy."

"Thank you." Shiro smiled.

"You're welcome mum, stay safe out there." Yin smiled softly and disappeared from her spot. 

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