Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 488 Travel Plans

After waking up, Shiro didn't immediately go downstairs to wake up the party. Instead, she spent a moment checking the teleport shrines near Mount Everest.

If this was the old world map before the dungeons arrived, Mount Everest would be to the west of Japan. Since they were to the north of Japan right now, they would need to travel to the south west.

However, in the new world, Mount Everest was now to the extreme north. The worst part about this is that the mountain wasn't too far from the front lines.

'From what I know, Duan Han Ying has a few things to do that requires his attention hence why he hasn't bothered Yuki so far, so I still have a window of time to help her. But with the mountain being so close to the front lines, it'll mean that I need to pass quite a few cities in order to reach her. Yuki did warn me about Duan Han Ying finding out my presence if I go to the cities near the front lines so I'll need to be careful.' Shiro furrowed her brows.

In order to get to Mount Everest, she'd need to go past two countries in order to reach it. The first was Korea and the second was China.

Even if they picked the closest teleport shrine to the mountain, she'd still need to spend quite a bit of time travelling through China in order to reach it.

{It's still risky to travel through the country even with your disguise isn't it?} Nimue called out from her mana realm.

'Mn. With them being so close to the front lines, I can guess that they'll be prepared to dispel any form of disguises in order to not let the demons in. There's a good chance that my disguise will be useless in front of it.' Shiro nodded her head.

{Quite a dilemma. Since Keiko is also the assassin hero, the moment she appears in the teleport shrine, everyone would know.}

'True. Who knows if they had a formation to dispel disguises in the teleport shrine. Perhaps the best way through it would be to go around China instead. But if we chose that, the amount of high level nature monsters we will run into is extremely high. After all, China had a pretty rough start at the beginning since they were besieged by monsters almost every day. A lot of their towns and cities were ruined and they even had to evacuate the country at one point. It wasn't until the appearance of their Martial Hero, Ling Tian, did they finally push back the monster wave and rebuild the towns and cities. Even now, the threat of a monster wave still stands so going around the country is advised against since the monsters average around level 200+.' Shiro shook her head.

{But I'm guessing you can go through that place with ease.} Nimue smiled.

'Oh definitely. But there's one more thing that's bothering me and it's also the one that's stopping me from choosing to go around China.'

{What could actually deter you from going around a country? Don't tell me it's a demigod or something.} Nimue joked.

'Close. There are rumours and evidence of peak Tier 5 or rather, level 500 monsters resting in the deepest parts of the monster territory. Who knows if they actually exist and if they do, they can probably kill me with just a single sneeze. So I'm not exactly eager about intruding in their territory because I know for a fact that their senses will pick up on my presence. After all, if dungeon monsters reacted so violently against my presence, I'm pretty sure the natural monsters will also do the same.' Shiro shrugged as Nimue agreed. There was still too much mystery around why that happened since the previous queen of the sylph never had this kind of reaction from the monsters.

If anything, the monsters wanted to go near her due to her soothing aura.

As she continued to research on the path that she should take, Shiro heard a soft knock against her door.

Looking down at her pyjamas, Shiro thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and walked over to the door. It's early in the morning so it shouldn't matter too much.

Opening the door, she saw Nan Tian standing there with a tray of food.

"Morning. Want some breakfast?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, aren't you helpful?" Shiro raised her eyebrows.

"What can I say? I aim to please." Nan Tian chuckled.

"Well come inside first. I got a few things to ask you anyways."

Gesturing for Nan Tian to come in, Shiro placed the food by the side first before showing him her laptop.

"I'm planning to travel towards Mount Everest soon and I'm not too keen on going through China so I want to go around it. However, with rumours of a level 500 near the area, it's not exactly the safest option." Shiro said as Nan Tian nodded.

"I'm guessing you want me to clarify that rumour along with a safe route perhaps."

"That would be helpful." Shiro nodded.

"In that case then the rumours are indeed true. In the areas surrounding China, it is governed by three peak tier 5 monsters that are all level 500. The first is a dragon, second is a Gorgon and the third is still a mystery even for me. The sect has managed to gather few traces of what it could be but none had been fully proven." Nan Tian replied.

"Hmm… that's quite worrisome then. Even one level 500 would be a pain considering how monsters react to my presence in dungeons." Shiro frowned.

"Why don't you go through China then?" Nan Tian asked while handing her a piece of bread from the breakfast tray.

"Thanks. Well I don't want to go through China mainly because there's a high chance that Duan Han Ying will be notified of my presence. With the country being so close to the front lines, there's a good chance that my disguise would be useless." Shiro replied while eating the bread.

"I see… well you are correct in your assumption. Since there are a few monsters that can shapeshift, there are hundreds to thousands of formations set up all over the country to stop disguises. The moment you enter China, your disguise will be cancelled and your class of a race queen will be revealed. Unless you get a higher quality disguise skill, I doubt you can hide yourself." Nan Tian shook his head.

"Tsk, that's a bit annoying." Shiro clicked her tongue before finishing her break. However, before she could even eat the rest of her breakfast, she felt the bed shake as Yin woke up with some drool hanging out from the corner of her mouth.

"I smell food." Yin said while looking around the room.

"Who the hell says 'I smell food' the moment they wake up." Shiro retorted as her smile twitched while handing her tray of food to Yin. She can eat something down at the cafeteria later if anything.

Seeing Shiro give Yin the tray of food, Nan Tian sighed inwardly since he had woken up very early in the morning to make this all by himself. He had a few troubles along the way but a cookbook online was quite helpful and he managed to make a decent breakfast.

Only for Shiro to eat the bread and give the rest away to Yin.

'At least she ate the bread I guess.' He sighed.

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"You alright?" Shiro asked after seeing his expression.

"Mn? Yeah it's nothing. I just want to tell you that my branch is located in China and I have my own teleport Shrine. You can probably use that to enter China without being detected." Nan Tian nodded as Shiro widened her eyes.

Before she could cry out in shock, she quickly covered her own mouth as to not wake up Attie.

"You serious!?" She whispered.


"Why the hell didn't you tell me when I was wasting time trying to think of a way through China then!?" Shiro asked.

"You never asked." Nan Tian chuckled.

"How the f*ck do you think I can ask when I didn't even know it was an option?!"

"Does my name not seem Chinese to you? And sects are usually a Chinese thing to begin with." Nan Tian raised his eyebrows.

". . ."

{This man has a point ya know.}

'Hush it.'

{Don't shoot the messenger.} Nimue chuckled.

"In that case, can I trouble you to help me, Keiko and Keomi through China without being detected then?" Shiro asked.

"Of course. Anything for you. However, can I know why you need to go through such a dangerous place first? I don't want to be sending you to your death." Nan Tian asked.

"Sure. I need to tell the party about this anyways." 

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