Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 438 Setting Up Traps

"It's a little hard to charge still but it should be pretty handy in the fight. I'll admit though, if I wanted to recreate its original power that pierced the giant and dragon, I'll have to stand still and take some time to gather the required energy." Shiro said while swinging the spear around.

"I took that into consideration so you don't have to worry. Just think of this as a trump card of sorts." Kuromi nodded with a smile.

"Fair enough. So what are we doing now then? We've finished most of our preparations in terms of improving the spell and repairing the spear. With the royal family reaching Teriu in about another day or so, we have another 24 hours to spare. Is there anything else we should improve on?" Shiro asked while deactivating her armour. Cutting off her connection to the spear, it returned to its original appearance.

"Hmm… there's not much else we need to do other than making sure that the different families actually att- actually… There is one thing we can do." Kuromi smiled.


"We can start setting up an ambush for the royal family and have some of the guards try to evacuate the citizens of Teriu so that they aren't dragged into the battle. After all, when all hell breaks loose, I doubt the soldiers would worry about the civilians since they could be enemies that are disguised that way." Kuromi suggested.

"Ah~ I see what you want to do. The longer we delay the royal family with our ambush, the more time the guards have to evacuate people." Shiro smiled.

"Yup. The only problem is will they actually evacuate. There's only so much we can do for the weak since we have limited man power right now. If there are still civilians around despite us slowing down the royal family, they'll have to rely on themselves in order to survive the battle." Kuromi shook her head.

"Well at least you're trying to help them. I've seen people who just bombard a city without caring about casualties." Shiro shrugged. As for the 'people who just bombard a city without caring about casualties', it may or may not have been her at one point but Kuromi didn't need to know that.

"Mn. Anyways, let's go gather the guards and start making our way to intercept the royal family. We'll need some information about their route of travel along with where each of the other families are stations." Kuromi nodded.

Packing everything up, she briefed the rest of the guards about their next steps as they organised a few teams each with different roles. Team 1 was responsible for keeping an eye on all the families surrounding Teriu and where they were planning to attack. Team 2 was responsible for entering Teriu to see what the families inside Teriu planned to do while Team 3 followed Shiro and Kuromi. Their task was to find the royal family's travel route and intercept them.

With the tasks handed out to the teams, they split apart and started to travel separately. Shiro had taken this chance to give each of them an orb so that they can teleport away to her should things go south.

Team 3 consisted of 8 people not including Shiro and Kuromi. As for the key figures, they were Phillip and Prim since their skill set allowed them to restrain large groups of people without too many problems. With skill sets like these, they were extremely valuable in an ambush.

Jumping into a separate carriage that they had bought, the team started to move towards the north-west since that was where the capital. Logically, they should be able to run into the royal family through this route.

"Let's just hope that they don't go a different route ay?" Kuromi smiled as Shiro nodded.

"I don't think they would since that would only waste more time if they chose a different route. If anything, I'm more concerned about what kind of fire power they brought with them since I'll be the one doing most of the fighting." Shiro laughed.

"Mn, now that I think of it, I doubt they would bring weak guards so most of them will probably be level 3. Unless you take out a large portion of them in a single hit, they'll be annoying to deal with. While the guards scout out for some information, why don't you plan out what you're going to do once the ambush starts." Kuromi suggested.

"Hmm sure. Do you want to help me visualise what the final cast of the spell would look like? If I don't have a proper visual of it in my mind, it'll be quite hard to actually activate the spell." Shiro asked.

"Oh of course. So what kind of spell are we planning to make?"

Spending the journey discussing what kind of effects the spell could cause, they soon arrived at a small town called Arental. This town was directly in between the capital and Teriu so Kuromi estimated that this was probably the best place to start setting up and ambush just outside of town. To their left was a small woods of sorts while a river ran down their right.

"Right then. First things first. Phillip, you take two others and scout out ahead and see if you can spot the royal family with their army. We'll set up a few ambush camps around the forest and the river while you do this." Kuromi ordered as Phillip nodded his head.

"Of course first young miss, I'll see to it immediately." Gesturing to two of the guards that followed them, he made their way through the woods since they would be harder to spot in there.

"With Phillip and those two on scouting missions, I want you five to help me set up some traps around the place. Prim, I want you to surround the entire woods with your webs so that if we do lure them into the woods, we can bind them and attack without much worries. Since there is only 10 of us here in total, including me and lil sis over here, we'll need to focus on guerrilla warfare."

"Understood first you miss. But I have a question first, what is guerrilla warfare?" Prim asked as this terminology was rather foreign to her.

"Oh right. It's basically hit and run tactics. We don't want to be fighting them in a head on battle since our numbers are lacking. What we want to be doing is making sure that we are not in the same place for an extended period of time. Same goes for being surrounded since that would cut off our escape options." Kuromi explained.

"Ah I see. Understood." Prim nodded.

"Are there any more questions? If not, let's start setting up some ambushes." Kuromi smiled.


While this was all happening, a woman could be seen drifting in what seems to be an open galaxy. Around her were glass shards that showed her scenes of the trial as several of the pieces of the shards showed her what Shiro and Kuromi were doing.

"Hmm… Even though this is supposed to be a solo trail, she's here with someone else. Or rather, with herself? Hm, no wonder the trial was automatically raised to Immortal Level. She's technically doing this solo since it's just 'her' in the trial. What an anomaly." The woman muttered with a shake of her head.

"System, display user privileges." She called out as a list appeared in front of her. Looking through the list, she started to type away at the keyboard.

"With how things are right now, they'll be able to defeat the royal family and their army quite easily. Not only that, I didn't expect this Shiro kid to actually repair that spear so I'll need to give the army a Celestial Weapon of their own to balance the situation out."

After finishing what she wanted to type, she swiped her hand and dismissed the avatar.

"It's been a while since I was last deployed so I suppose it's ok to have some fun. Plus, she needs my decree to class up anyways. System! Generate Contractor Avatar. Unique Code- CE102." She called out as light enveloped her body.

[Request Granted. Please note, you are not allowed to assist the trial activator. If you do, you are to be stripped of your user privileges as this is a breach in the contract.]

"Understood. Now make me my avatar already." The woman smiled as her body slowly faded away from this space. 

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