Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 432 Questionable Explanation

Widening his eyes with surprise, the giant tried to stop his attack since he didn't know what the portal was but at this point, his fall could no longer be stopped.

Falling through the portal, the giant closed his eyes and braced for impact.


Due to the fact that he had tried to stop his attack, there wasn't much power behind his axe causing the blade to bounce off the dragon's head.

Hearing the strange sound, the giant slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was on the dragon's back. Making eye contact with the dragon who was absolutely seething with anger, the giant paused for a moment before glaring back at the dragon.


Stabbing his fingers into the dragon's nose, the giant then used his spare hand to hold the horn in order to stabilise himself.


Crying out in shock, the dragon tried to get the giant's fingers out of its nose but was rendered helpless. He could try to breathe fire through his nose but it would be akin to a human spitting out saliva through the nostrils. Doing so would be extremely uncomfortable not to mention difficult.

With the sudden appearance of the giant currently trying to ride the dragon as if it was a horse, the guards quickly backed off since the dragon started to thrash around in an attempt to get the giant off his back.

Due to the dragon's panic, the fire seemed to also go on a rampage as it became hard for the guards to dodge the flames. With a single teleport, Shiro had succeeded in bringing chaos to the battlefield.

Looking at this from the distance, both Shiro and Kuromi couldn't help but laugh at the situation.  

"Pft! Who the hell stabs their fingers into a dragon's nose as a first instinct! Hahaha!" Kuromi laughed.

Shiro didn't say anything since she was trying to stop her laugh. Unfortunately, her attempt at trying to stifle her laugh caused blood to rush into her head, making her look like a strawberry.

"Fu…." Breathing out slowly, Shiro calmed herself down.

"Anyways, let's go regroup with the rest of the guards. After regrouping, we can have everyone sending attacks into the already chaotic battlefield."

"Ha~ Sure. Let's do that." Kuromi nodded after taking a deep breath.

Deactivating her armour, Shiro dashed through the forest with just her physical strength alone. With Kuromi following behind her, the two soon found the rest of the guards.

"Let's see… yep, that's everyone. Aki, glad to see that you survived through that." Shiro smiled.

"Only because you gave me enough time to leave. If I was still in the cave when the dragon woke up, I would have been evaporated." Aki chuckled.

"Ah speaking of the dragon, second young miss, what exactly did you do to wake it up in such a bad mood? I know that you summoned a giant lightning spear since it was impossible to miss but such an attack wouldn't cause this much of a reaction." Phillip asked as he had never seen the dragon become THIS angry before.

"Hmm… how do I put it… You know when gods smite people down?" Shiro asked.

"I do. Does that mean you smote the dragon?" Phillip raised his eyebrow.

"Pretty much. The only difference is that instead of smiting the entire body, I concentrated the lighting to pierce his ass in order to wake the dragon up." Shiro smiled cheerfully.

". . .Pardon? Sorry it seems like my ears have misheard. Must be my age but can you repeat that?"

"I. Smite. Dragon. Up. Ass." Shiro replied as she emphasised each word so that Phillip understood what she had just said.

"I- Wha- Huh?" Blinking his eyes, Phillip appeared to be at a loss for words since he didn't know how to respond to what he had just heard.

"Ha…. No wonder the dragon is so angry." He sighed.

"Ah don't worry about it. It's good for us anyways since the dragon and giant are drawing most of the aggro on the battlefield. This gives us more room to work around in terms of attacking the guards." Shiro grinned.

"Don't think about it too much. It's just a 'trait' of Shiro's after falling into the lake. Probably hit her head on a rock or something." Kuromi shrugged with a chuckle.

"Mn. I see… Poor second young miss."

"Oi. I'm right here you know?" Shiro replied as her smile twitched.

"*cough* Anyways, enough joking around. Let's go get some revenge for everyone that was killed by our enemies." Kuromi smiled as the rest of the guards nodded with enthusiasm.

Dashing through the forest, Kuromi started to inform each of them of what they should do in order to maximise their kill potential and how they should react on the battlefield. Depending on what happens, they may have to meet up in several parts of the forest in order to regroup.

Listening to Kuromi explain all of this to the guards, Shiro did a few simulations in her mind and realised that each of the plans had been planned meticulously. They were designed so that every guard had a high chance of surviving while making sure that they could kill as many people as they could.

'Is her notebook filled with detailed plans like this?' Shiro wondered to herself since Kuromi had already filled up quite a few notebooks with information.

Shaking her head, she allowed Kuromi to do whatever she needed to do. After all, with Kuromi nearby, Shiro didn't need to worry about planning and strategizing since she enjoyed fighting more.

In a way, this was one of the things that set the two apart. It may also be attributed to how they were raised since Shiro had to fight for her life in the labs while Kuromi grew up with her family. But they were the same person in the end so regardless of how they grew up, Shiro didn't think about it too much.

As they approached the battlefield, everyone started to split up as Kuromi and Shiro stayed together as a team.

"Our job is to kill the leaders of the guards. If we see anyone that fits the bill, we are to assassinate them and leave the battlefield without a leader. Remember, once your energy depletes past the 30% mark, I'll need you to leave immediately or else you'll just be tempting fate at that point." Kuromi reminded.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not THAT reckless. I'll make sure I'll have a way out for myself." Shiro replied with a grin.


"Oh also, Kuro."


"How are you able to use ice? For me, I can use my elements because I have Celestial Raiment but what do you have?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Hmm… it seems to be a natural affinity of sorts. To be honest, I'm not exactly 'summoning' ice but rather using the base form of my Celestial Energy. In which case it just so happens to be ice so it's pretty handy." Kuromi replied.

"Is that so? Interesting... I wonder which element would appear first if I tried the same method."

"I'd say you'd probably also get ice considering the fact that you were reborn as a snow girl and you are technically in my body." Kuromi replied with a smile.

"Tr- I've spotted two people which seemed to be the leaders of their group." Shiro replied as she suddenly spotted the enemies in the distance.

"Got it." Kuromi nodded. Her face was also serious since there was a time and place for joking around. With them being so close to the enemy, it was certainly no time to let their guard down.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro activated her Rift Shadow armour and jumped into the rift.

Reappearing near the two leaders, Shiro swiped both her arms down and sent out a barrage of daggers that she carried in her sleeves.


"ARG!" Crying out in pain, the leaders stumbled backwards as several daggers were embedded into their body.

Unfortunately for them, ice blocks appeared behind their feet, causing them to fall. As they were falling, two ice spikes shot out of the ground and pierced into the head through the nape. Killing the two instantly, Kuromi then froze the ground around the guards.

With the guards not being able to dodge, the area had become a target practice for Shiro since none of them could dodge her daggers.

Flexing her fingers, thin strands of shadow linked up to the daggers as Shiro could control each of the daggers as if they were wh.i.p.s.

With just a few swipes, all of the guards had their throat cut apart.

"Let's move onto the next group." Shiro smiled as Kuromi nodded.

With the two working together, they were slaughtering through the enemy ranks with cruel efficiency. Not a single second was wasted and no survivors could be seen either. It was as if death had just swiped his hand across the battlefield and harvested a handful of souls on a whim. 

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