Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 405 Demolition Star

Jumping into the air, a pair of black wings spread out from her back as Yin grinned.

Snapping her fingers, five dark star sparks flickered into existence around her as she sent them forward towards the enemy.


Exploding into mass of fire and destruction, the entire tower shook slightly from the impact.

But before she could even celebrate, a sword appeared in front of her as she quickly jumped into the rift to dodge the sword. When she exited, she had a frown on her face while a small cut could be seen on her cheeks.  

"You dodged…" The man said as shadow seemed to flicker on his sword for a short moment before dispersing.

Taking a deep breath, Yin looked back at the man with a glare.

"Have you ever thought about how rude it is to attack a girl's face?" She frowned.

"This is a competition. If you're bothered by the thought of hurting your face, you should have brought a helmet." The man replied.

"Ah I see, so you're THAT kind of asshole. In that case, I'll erase you right here and now to save some other people the trouble." Yin narrowed her eyes as she flapped her wings.

All of a sudden, pillars of dark star shot out of the ground and surrounded the man.

Transforming herself into her phoenix form, Yin flapped her wings once more as a huge tier 4 magic circle expanded out all of a sudden.

Narrowing his eyes, the man was about to attack Yin once more when an arrow appeared in front of his face. Feeling the danger emanate from the arrow, he quickly raised his sword to block it.

Meanwhile, Shiro frowned when she saw him block her arrow.

"Tch, annoying bastard. How dare the f*cker hurt Yin's face." Shiro muttered in a low voice while a second arrow was currently being prepared.

Tens of arrays were condensing onto the body of the arrow as magic circles enhanced the arrow itself.

Pulling back on her bow, Shiro fired the explosive arrow towards the man.

"Yin darling, tell me when your spell's ready to be fired. I'll give you some extra support to kick the guy's ass." She called out over the mic.


Crying out in acknowledgement, Yin shot into the air above her tier 4 magic circle.

Gathering mana between her wings, her Dark Star element started to increase in size as the mana around her became rampant.

As if it was a berserker set free from its chains, her fire raged relentlessly and tried to burn the man into ashes.

Surrounding himself in shadow, he fended off the fire while readying his sword.

Swiping it clockwise, a ray of energy circled around him and cut the fire in half.

Unfortunately for him, this did little to ease his discomfort.

"Tch!" Clicking his tongue, he jumped down onto the ground and started to avoid the fire.

Dashing around, he tried to look for an opportunity to attack Yin but an explosive arrow would always cut his attempts short. If it was a normal arrow, he would ignore it and continue as if nothing had happened. However, he knew that should he be hit by the arrow, he would immediately be eliminated.

While he had amazing offensive power, it was useless if he couldn't get close enough. And for some ungodly reason, the archer on their side of the team seemed to know when he'll go for an attack since the arrow would always be so precise.

Feeling helpless about the fact that he had to watch as the spell was being completed, he gritted his teeth and called out to his teammates over the mic.

"I might need some assistance to deal with this spell."

-A little hard considering the fact that I'm dealing with someone myself.- One of his teammates replied with a strained voice.

-I can come help if that's what you need. You'll have to give me 2 minutes to deal with this assassin and swordswoman combo though.-

Recognising the voice, the man nodded his head.

"Alright but you don't have to eliminate them just yet. If anything, this bird is going to be the most annoying so we should deal with her huge area of effects before focusing on the others."

-Hm, we'll see what happens.-

Furrowing his brows, the man shook his head while glancing towards Shiro's location.

Narrowing his eyes, he ignored her for now and dashed towards Yin. Even if she fires an explosive arrow, he had an idea on how to deal with them.

Just as he decided to attack once again, the arrow arrived on time and exploded near his feet.

Quickly shifting his body before using his sword as a launch pad, he reinforced the blade with mana and used it as a shield to propel his body upwards towards Yin.

Frowning slightly, Shiro was rather surprised at his manoeuvre.

"Watch out Yin, he's coming at you now and it might be a bit late for me to give you support with the arrow as it'll hit you in the process. Lisandra and Chen Yu are also having some trouble since the slayer became more aggressive." She called out while firing an arrow towards the slayer's location.

Hearing her warning, Yin only nodded since she could already see the man dashing towards her. However, this was just perfect. The closer he comes, the harder it would be for him to dodge her attack.


Ripping open a portal of sorts, a giant meteor could be seen descending onto the forest.

With just its appearance, the surrounding tree's started to burn up into ash as the man widened his eyes.

If he wanted to survive this, he'd have to use one of his items and even then, there's no guarantee that he'll win with the archer out and around.

"Tch, this event's really drawn out all kinds of monsters huh?" He muttered with a sight.

However, this didn't mean that he was going to give up.

Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip on his sword as his cloak started to burn, revealing his identity to be Lucius, the young master of the Shadow Temple.

"Shadow Step Sword Art – Painless Death." He muttered and swung his sword upwards.


The high pitched sound of a sword being drawn could be heard as a deep cut could be seen on the meteor but failed to cut it in half.

"Not enough huh?" He sighed.

"Even if you cut the meteor in half, that is but food for the real spell you know?" Yin chuckled as she had turned herself back into human form.

"What do you mean?" Lucian asked with a smile.

"For you see-"

-Yin darling, if you start monologuing about how your element works I'll personally go over there and kick your ass after I kick his ass.- Shiro's voice rang out over her earpiece.

"Ehhhh, but mum I-"

-No but's. Either eliminate him now or I'll do it.-

"Urg, fine… well you, no you didn't hear her but it seems like oh dear mother of mine wants me to hurry. So… bye~"

Snapping her fingers, a spark of demolition star appeared in the centre of the meteor.

Consuming all the mass around it, the spark started to grow but Yin compressed it down. Within a single second, the entire meteor had disappeared as all that remained was a ball of white. Before Lucian could even question what it was, the feeling of death swept over him as he knew that this might kill him before the barriers actually activated.

Quickly using one of his life saving items, he watched as the spark exploded out into a giant ball of fire, rivalling that of a giant bomb dropped into the centre of the forest.

A deep crater could be seen as everything within a 1.5 kilometres radius was charred to ashes. The explosion had even accidentally eliminated Lisandra long with her opponent as they were a tad too close to the explosion.

Looking at the destruction, Yin nodded in satisfaction before glancing over at the leaderboard. Seeing that she had just eliminated Lisandra but failed to eliminate her opponent, Yin gulped in worry.

'Oh sh*t.' She thought to herself since she didn't expect to drag Lisandra along with the spell.

-. . . Yin, how did you manage to end one of the fights far away from you but not your own?- Shiro's tired voice rang out.

"Um…. They were off guard and my opponent was on guard?" Yin tried to persuade Shiro.

-*sigh… At least your sister wasn't harmed too much. Go help Lyrica and Chen Yu, I'll deal with your opponent quickly.-

"Ok mum." Yin nodded obediently since she was just happy that she didn't get a serious scolding. 

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