Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 391 Mass Destruction

Summoning her bow, Shiro could feel a strange connection between her and the sky. Looking down at the bow, it seemed to come 'alive' in her hands as the materials shimmered with a soft glow.

Slamming her spare hand down onto the ground, nanobots surged over the roof of the building before solidifying into 6 pillars that surrounded her with equal distances between each of them.

"Mana Amplifier's ready. Mana Coils ready. Enhanced Magic Circle Projection Devices Ready." Shiro muttered while nanobots continued to create pillars and constructs around her.

Normally, this would be seen by everyone but due to the fact that she was on the roof of the tallest tower in Tokyo, no one noticed.

She had even allocated a few suppressants around the area so that the mana fluctuations would not escape the area and be detected by the people below.

Taking a deep breath, Shiro glanced down at the city.

"Keiko, I'm ready whenever you are." She said over the transmitter.

-Got it. We're still trying to evacuate people right now. Give us another 2 to 4 minutes and we should have the other shrines evacuated. How strong will your attack be in terms of damage radius?- Keiko asked.

"Don't know. Ever calculated how much damage radius a falling star can produce?"

-No, why?-

"Well you're about to find out the answer to that question tonight. I'll give you a maximum of 5 minutes before I fire this thing. Any longer and I won't be able to suppress it." Shiro replied.

With her amplifiers running at full power, she could already feel the ambient mana surging towards her location. With each passing second, it was as if a huge balloon was being filled up to the brim.

Flexing her fingers, several copies of ataraxia appeared in the air and plugged into the amplifiers. Acting as external containers for this mana, the swords helped Shiro suppress the gathering mana for now.

Around the 1 minute mark, so much mana had gathered to the point where it had coagulated into a mist of sorts that flowed over the edge of the tower. Without her nanotech constructs supporting the mana, it eventually reversed into its normal state.

This had naturally caused some confusion as the top of the faction tower started to produce mist with flashes of light every so often.

Around the two minute mark, Shiro could no longer wait and started the construction of her spell. Should she delay it anymore, her current set up would become a huge bomb that would no doubt erase the top of the tower.

As she sent a pulse of mana through her hand and into the floor beneath her, a giant magic circle erupted out and started to absorb all of the mana rampantly.

Despite it just being the first circle, the mana surrounding them had already decreased by a huge 30%.

After a short moment, the first magic circle finally stabilised and avoided self-destruction.

Gritting her teeth, she sent a second pulse of mana through her arm followed by the third and the fourth. Each pulse she sent out would transform into another layer. Once four had gathered it would float into the sky and become part of a bigger array before repeating the process..

Just as the 4 minute mark arrived, a giant array filled with an uncountable amount of magic circles could be seen as just the presence of it caused the surroundings to feel heavy from the pressure.

Even though it was located at the top of the tower, the civilians below felt like they were suffocating. Some had even fainted only to recover after a short while.

There were of course a few members of the Black Monarchy who wanted to stop this but Keiko's trusted guards were protecting the tower, stopping anyone from reaching Shiro.

Keiko, who was helping out with evacuation, could not believe what she was seeing.

The magic array rivalled the power that she would usually see from the best mages around. Each circle within this array seemed to function differently but somehow, she had found the right balance for everything to stay together and enhance the overall power.

The amount of mana the array absorbed had risen to the point where mana actively condensed into orbs of light that flew towards the top of the tower in order to hasten the process.

-How goes the evacuation? You might want to hurry up since the shrines are trying to activate. If not for my spell taking all the mana, they would have summoned what they wanted.- Shiro's strained voice could be heard over the transmitter.

"Almost done. Just give us a moment." Was all Keiko could say since there were a few uncooperative people but they dealt with that through knocking them out. They can explain how their life is more important after they solved this emergency.

Once she received a green light from her subordinates, Keiko immediately turned on the transmitter.

"We're done here! You can fire your spell!"

-Good!- Shiro grinned.

Removing her hand from the floor, Shiro looked up at the glowing array that was several hundred times bigger than her.

Remembering her feeling of obliterating cities with a single attack, Shiro closed her eyes and focused her mind on controlling the mana.

So far, she had avoided frying her mana links through the use of different catalysts and disposable substitutes. She had to spend mana creating these while the mana coils helped her regenerate the mana spent. This constant loop of using and regenerating allowed her to create this beast of an array.

Pulling back on the strings, she activated the spell that she had spent 5 minutes to construct.

Shooting up into the sky, the spell started to expand uncontrollably as it soon covered a large portion of the city of Tokyo. For the naïve ones, it was just a light show. For the ones closer to the origin, it was a horrifying sight due to the sheer amount of mana that was being emitted by the array.

The more Shiro drew back on the strings, the brighter the array shone.

A secondary array could be seen surrounding the light arrow that had formed as cuts could be seen along her arm.

If not for her insane regeneration that was being enhanced by a few accessories that she had created, her arm would be shredded to pieces due to the mana she was controlling.

But the pain didn't bother her at all since she was just grateful that she could reduce the amount of stress on her mana links.

Scanning through her memories for any more ways to further increase the damage of her spells, she came across a file stored in her database of a time where the mage in the Hero party had educated her a little about magic.

Normally, spells were spoken in the caster's native tongue in order to boost compatibility.

But there were occasions where people can use monster tongue to further amplify the effects of the spell. Each monster tongue could be translated differently but the most compatible language found by the researchers belonged to the spirit race.

By using this language, they're able to amplify the effects of the spell but the main problem came with whether or not the use of this during a spell would backfire despite its 'compatibility'.

Scanning through the pages of translations for the spirit language, Shiro soon pieced together the words that she needed.

As she was currently the sylph queen, using such language shouldn't be a problem for her.

Opening her mouth, she started to chant a string of words that shocked Nimue to her core.

'How does she know the ancient spirit language!?' Nimue widened her eyes in disbelief.

{With the fiery chaos of a supernova and the dead silence of the void, rain down the Nebula's might upon my foes.} Iziuel muttered the translation of Shiro's chant.

Upon finishing her chant, the secondary array around the arrow started to rotate as the magic circles seemed to receive a burst of energy.

Shimmering with starlight, the array condensed itself into a void black arrow that seemed to hold the galaxy within its body.

Letting go of the string, the arrow shot up into the sky faster than what her eye could track.

The primary magic array that expanded over almost the entirety of Tokyo broke apart into star light and flew towards the arrow.

A moment of silence reigned the area before several flickers of light could be seen in the sky.

The light seemed to trace the image of several constellations before a ring of multi coloured fire spread out from each of the lights.

Should one pause time in the next moment, they would have seen hundreds upon thousands of 'arrows' descending onto the different shrines located around Tokyo.

A thunderous explosion could be seen but no sound followed. Collapsing within itself, a void seemed to have been created at the centre of each shrine and started to consume everything around it.

For Keiko, who was standing not too far from one of the shrines, a blink was all it took for her to be blown back by a great force and for the shrine to vaporize right in front of her eyes.

Reorientation herself, she looked at the destruction caused and couldn't help but feel as though a hammer had just struck her in the head.

'Is this what a level 100 should be capable of?'

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