Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 365 Ancient Spirit Fire

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro thought about the benefits of each choice.

'If I chose number 1, it's an additional lifeline for me. Currently, there are B ranked people who could tear through my rift and get me due to a targeted skill. So if I'm able to use this to blink away, it would be very handy. But at the same time, once I class up, my rift would also gain a small buff. In addition to this, there is also a limit to the range. Therefore, number 1 is something good to have but not exactly necessary.

'For choice number 2, since I use elements a lot and my class focuses around the use of elements, it may be quite nice to have as well since the buffs will stack up and the outcome would be pretty powerful. But much like the first one, this one is something that's good to have but not exactly necessary.

'Since that's the case, I suppose 3 is the better choice. If I embed my sword and use the metal element, I can make it so that my enemy is weak to my Nanomancer class. However, this is pretty redundant if I had to face up against multiple enemies. My sword can only be embedded into one enemy unless I use my other copies but even then, I can only affect 11 people at once.' Shiro mused to herself with a frown.

"Am I able to have all three or is that not possible?" Shiro asked with a frown.

"Nah, don't get too greedy missy. The more enchantments you want, the harder it is and the bigger chance of failure. The range of failure could be anywhere from negligible and just wasting materials to completely destroying your sword. It's your choice but I suggest just picking one since a red grade sword is not something you come across often." Thargrem scoffed. He had come across lots of people who were greedy for more enchantments but they needed to realise that there is only so much the blacksmith can do.

If the weapon can't handle it, it can't handle it. Don't force it or else you're tempting the idea of completely losing your weapon.

"Hmm… in that case then I suppose I'll choose number 2. Having a buff to my element is pretty handy in general." Shiro replied with a sigh.

"Oh? I would have thought that you would choose number 3 or 1 since they're what I would choose. First choice is a lifeline while the third choice is something that can help the party." Thargrem raised his eyebrow.

"Mn. If I didn't have my current skill set, I would have probably chosen the first one. But I can already move through space so that would be a waste. As for the third choice, it's good but we mostly get into team fights so it's not advised. Therefore, I'll just go with the passive upgrade to my elements." Shiro shrugged.

"Hmm… smart choice. In that case then follow me to the forge. I' might as well make it now."

Following behind Thargrem, he opened up a secret passageway and a burst of heat instantly swept over them.

Raising an eyebrow, Shiro was rather surprised about this since the materials that made up the walls of his office were actually able to withstand this level of heat.

"Seems like you're richer than I had thought. The walls are pretty resilient, ay?" Shiro smiled.

"Mn, they're crafted from a special type stone that can be found in the volcanic seas. I had this office refurbished with this so that my forge can fit in here. That way, I can work whenever I want to." Thargrem replied with a chuckle.

Arriving at the bottom most layer, Shiro finally found the source of heat for this place.

'Girls? What kind of fire is that? It reminds me of a spirit and yet it's not at the same time?' Shiro questions since the two spirits residing in her mana realm could probably determine what this is.

{Hmm… I don't have knowledge of anything like this in my memories. The closest thing I can think of is that it's something similar to your Life Fire. As for the spirit part, I can't say for sure but it resembles the state I was in before you helped me gain sentience and awaken the memories inside me.} Nimue replied while observing the fire.

From her perspective, she could tell that fire is definitely 'alive' but it's almost as if it was in the incubation period and not yet fully formed.

'Hmm, if that's the case, you don't think I can take a bit of it and nurture it so that it gains sentience? After all, there's a good chance that it would eventually evolve into a fire type spirit.' Shiro suggested.

{So you want to rob this dwarf? If you took a part of it, it has to be the core or else the actual spirit wouldn't form. So regardless, you'll be basically taking the whole thing.}

'I suppose so. Hmm… troublesome.' Shiro frowned in her mind but made sure that this wasn't visible from the outside.

"That's quite an interesting fire isn't it? It feels somewhat alive." Shiro asked while pointing at the flames.

"Indeed. It took me a while to get this Ancient Spirit Fire. It was actually on auction near the front lines. Ever since I heard of its existence, I kept track of it and only recently acquired it for a hefty price. But so far, everything I forged with it has been top notch." Thargrem smiled.

"Hou~ is that so." Shiro nodded.

Looking for a seat by the side, she saw down with Lisandra and crossed her legs. Watching the dwarf pull out his tools and materials by the side, Shiro watched intently in case he tried to pull anything sneaking.

After all, he was now holding the original form of her sword and with it, the necklace that usually stores it away for easy handling.

Sure he may not be able to use it, but he could still turn it into anything else.

'Maybe I'm just a bit paranoid.' Shiro mused and shook her head.

Regardless, she still watched carefully.

As Thargrem was working away at the sword, Shiro couldn't help but compare it against Helion's techniques and realised that it didn't feel as 'lively'.

When she watched Helion work, it was always a show of flare, brilliance and concentration. Every step would be done with careful detail and he would pour his everything into making the best item he could regardless of how low the possibilities are.

As for Thargrem, it was cold, cruel and efficient. Much like an assassin cutting down their target, Thargrem's techniques were highly efficient and had very little to no emotion behind it. Sure the results were good but the process up to the result was 'dead' in her eyes.

'Hm… I miss watching Helion work. It was always a pleasure seeing him do his thing with such concentration.' Shiro thought to herself.

Little did she know, she had already lost interest in whatever Thargrem was doing and could only think back to whenever Helion forged.

{My queen, maybe you should kidnap him away next time.} Nimue suggested

'No that would be rude. For someone like him, he needs to be unrestrained and allowed to explore so that he can discover his full potential. For a low level blacksmith to have gotten the approval of a god, he has his own trials that he needs to overcome without my presence. Doing so would just be harming his future.' Shiro shook her head.

{Oh? That's quite different to how you treat the other party members no? To them, you're like a mother bird looking after the chicks. But for him, you're more harsh and try to offer no support if you can.}

'Hmm… maybe I just have some expectation's set for him. Seeing his potential and the fact that he can get the recognition of a god, I want him to see him reach the top of the world. ' Shiro replied with a shrug.

Shaking her head, she focused her attention back on the situation at hand since it seemed like Thargrem was getting into his zone. His work speed increased as his movements soon became a flurry of strikes against the blade of the sword. With every hit, the flares would flicker and wrap around the sword.

After a few hours, the sword was finally finished as Thargrem slammed his hammer down for the last time.


A golden radiance exploded out from that last hammer hit. Sparkles of light trailed behind the radiance as if they were stars in the galaxy.

Looking at the sword, Thargrem's hand couldn't help but shake a little from excitement since the sword had actually synergised a little with his Ancient Spirit Fire and received an additional enchantment.

[Ataraxia – Celestial Sword of Spirits (Red+)] 

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