Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 347 Yin's Blood

"It's simple really. As a maiden, it's only natural that I have a recording on everything that's happening. Therefore, I can prove to you that she was with me." Shiro smiled and pulled out a tablet.

Pulling out a table from her own inventory, she placed it down and set the tablet on the surface.

Playing an edited video of her giving Keomi some quick first aid while looking at both the 'rogue assassin' and her assistant from afar, Shiro smiled while the duo looked at each other in confusion.

"This isn't enough proof. For all we know, it may be edited footage." Harris shook his head since he wasn't about to lose 1 large silver for something like this.

"Hou~? So you're going back on your words now. How shameless." Shiro laughed as she didn't spend too much effort in tricking them. While the footage seemed real, she didn't care if they didn't believe her. This just meant that she was allowed to kill the two of them if it came down to it.

"Give us more concrete proof that she isn't the helper or else I believe you owe us some information in regards to the Rogue Assassin." Tom followed up with a smirk

"Now, I believe you should know the saying of give an inch but take a mile right? You're in front of two people who had been able to face against the monster that the third prince had transformed into. Are you sure you should be speaking in this tone? 1 Large Silver is a very cheap price for a person's life you know?" Shiro laughed eerily while snapping her fingers.

Removing the illusion that she had placed in the room, the duo finally realised that they were surrounded by swords and a myriad of magic spells with each of them ready to be fired at a moment's notice.

Paling slightly at the show of force, they both swallowed their saliva and put on a brave face.

"We're here on official business so obstructing us would mean going against the government. You'll be charged with a criminal offense!" Tom warned.

"Hahaha! Do you think I give a sh*t?" Shiro laughed while glancing over at Keomi.

"Say, you want to take the left one while I take the right?" She asked with a grin.


"Sure." Keomi nodded while cracking her knuckles.

Feeling the killing intent being emitted by the both of them, the two realised how much danger they're in right now.

"Don't you dare! Our vitals and location are being constantly checked. Once you kill us, they'll see who did it." Harris warned as both he and Tom backed away slowly.

"Pft, are you sure? You people rely on your device so readily. What if someone hacked it?" Shiro grinned as she watched the panic spread across their faces.

"That's impossible. These devices are government protected. Even a peak B classed hacker would struggle with breaking through." Harris denied.

As much as the two wanted to fight, they knew that this was a bad place since they're within the main building. Should they cause more casualties on their side, it would become a big problem for the government and the faction would definitely push for their deaths.

Therefore, they wanted to try to talk things out a little first.

"Ai… such a shame. Why don't you check your devices and look at your current location?" Shiro suggested while pointing her finger at their coat pocket.

Furrowing their brows, they looked at the tracker.


Widening their eyes, their faces paled as they didn't hesitate to turn and run.

But before they could react, both Shiro and Keomi made a move. With Shiro flickering next to Tom and Keomi appearing next to Harris, they both attacked their temples with ruthless efficiency.

Keomi managed to completely remove the head of Harris with a single punch. As for Tom, he had managed to react in time and dodged Shiro's strike. Since he knew that he was about to be killed, the best that he could do was to drag them down with him.

"Self destruct? Not on my watch." Shiro said with a chuckle.

Making a hand cannon, she activated analysis and aimed it at where all the mana was being gathered. Enhancing her bullet with Celestial Path, she shot a hole through him and stopped the self-destruct.

"Damn it, it was you two!" Tom shouted out as he stumbled back into the door.

Not giving him a chance to say another word, Shiro shot a bullet through his head and collected his corpse while Keomi did the same. She had made sure that she shot him in a way that didn't cause a hole to break through the door or else it would be quite awkward for people to see that they've killed two people.

"Sis, are you sure this is fine?" Keomi asked with a raised eyebrow since she had only followed Shiro's instructions. During the conversation, Shiro had given her a few gestures behind the back to tell her that she planned to kill the both of them.

"It's fine. Have a look at their devices and tell me where it says they are." Shiro smiled.

Pulling out said device, Keomi widened her eyes in understanding.

"Apparently they're still alive and they're making their way past the eastern mountain range…" She muttered.

"How did you even hack their devices like this?"

"A little secret trick that has something to do with the guns. Anyways, pass the trackers to me and I'll dispose of them for good. I've already made a connection to their network and inserted a hidden code that will have them travel for a long time before dying. We don't need the devices anymore."

Receiving the trackers from Keomi, Shiro had her nanobots consume them.

Glancing through the loot that Tom had dropped, Shiro was rather unimpressed by their quality. Most of his equipment consisted of blue grade items with the occasional low tier purple grades. Feeling no need to keep these items, since she could easily grind for high grade purple gear for the party, Shiro had her nanobots consume them.

Cleaning up the room, Keomi sat on her office chair that was in front of her broken table and leaned back.

"Hais… so many things to do." She muttered tiredly.

"Well you ready for a simple task then?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Sure, I can go for some easy tasks right now. I've had my fair share of annoyances lately." Keomi nodded.

"I just need some help to get an item from the auction house and some pills that should help me recover from some of my injuries."

"Oh? You were injured sis? Didn't Silvia and the others heal you up already though?" Keomi asked with a frown.

"It's not like that. My injuries are related to my mana links. It's not something that can be healed with a spell." Shiro shook her head.

"I see… so did you damage your links in that last fight?"

"Not exactly. You see, when I woke up with amnesia, all of my links were severed. I've managed to consume a few pills to repair my links by 7% but it's not exactly the best is it? There's still 93% to go." Shiro replied with a sigh.

"PFTTTT!!!!! Only 7% repaired!?!?! How are you even alive right now sis!?" Keomi shouted out in shock.

"Sheer will, tenacity and a whole lot of luck is how I'm alive." Shiro chuckled.

"Crazy… and you had fought at that standard during the fight with your broken links…" Keomi muttered as she didn't even want to imagine how much more powerful her sister had gotten. If her links were to be fully repaired, there was no doubt that she'll be unstoppable unless it was something out of the norm.

"Well enough of that. I was going to need your help with getting the item from the auction house but after killing those two, I think I have enough capital for a while now. I now only need your help with getting some Phoenix Rebirth Pills. If you can, getting the recipe would also work."

After collecting Tom's corpse, she had received a total of 7 Large Silvers, 23 Silvers and around 300 Bronze Erins which should last her for a while since each Large Silver is equivalent to 100 normal silvers.

"Hmm… I think I can get them. As for the recipe, I suggest that you just buy the pills on their own. The ingredients to make the proper pills are rare. Even if you have the ingredients, the process to make it is difficult. If it was easy, there would be a lot more Rebirth pills with higher percentages of repair and enhancement in the market." Keomi shook her head as Shiro figured as much.

"That being said, since you have Little Yin who is a phoenix, there is the chance that you can use her pure phoenix blood to refine the pills that you buy into higher percentages. I'm not too sure though so don't take my word for it." Keomi shrugged.

Hearing this suggestion, Shiro raised an eyebrow.

'If this is really possible, I might be able to fix my links much sooner than expected.' She thought with a smile. 

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