Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 337 Massacre

Ignoring her level up notification, Shiro dismantled her sniper and dashed towards the corpse. She quickly donned a new outfit and mask while making two hand cannons. After all, they didn't need to know it's her.

Hiding her hair colour along with her name tag, she made sure that no one knew her true identity.

"Big sis wait!" Keomi called out. She didn't even get to try her sniper after all…

"Just stay back! This berserk skill isn't exactly the kindest for my allies." Shiro replied quickly since she could feel her killing intent increase with every passing second. It would be better that she uses it on her enemies while claiming the corpse than to be near her friends.

Quickly throwing an earpiece at Keomi, she dived into the rift and reappeared near the first prince's reinforcements.

"Fu…." Breathing out deeply, she leapt into the air and aimed her guns at the ones closest to Blythe's corpse.


Firing a few shots with optimal accuracy, she blew their heads right off their shoulders.

"Intruder!" One of the adventurers shouted out.

The first prince was the first one to react as he sent several swords shooting towards her.

However, Shiro only scoffed at the attempt. Pivoting on her foot, she parkoured her way from blade to blade and used them as her platforms to increase her speed.

Without saying a second word, she flipped herself in midair and aimed her gun towards the prince's head.

Normally, she wouldn't be able to pull this off but with the berserk skill further boosting her stats by 150%, she was almost three times as strong as what she would be normally.

*BANG!!! PING!!!

Quickly blocking the bullet with one of his swords, the first prince was sent sliding backwards from the force.

'Tch, hard sword.' Shiro thought to herself while collecting the loot.

"GET HER! Don't let her get that item!" Neldor shouted out in anger and confusion. The main reason was why a bullet could even pose such a danger to him when it was common knowledge that guns were obsolete now.

With the giant corpse fading away, it was revealed that Shiro was surrounded by tens if not hundreds of adventurers, all under the command of the first prince.

"Don't waste any words and just kill her!" The first prince commanded. He wasn't about to negotiate since he'd get her entire inventory the moment she is killed. Plus, she had made an attempt on his life so such actions required him to return the favour.


Flicking a switch on her hand cannons, Shiro narrowed her eyes and grinned.


With her blood l.u.s.t going at full throttle, her surroundings started to freeze. Naturally, humans were no exception.

With the nearby adventurers frozen by her magic, it was only a matter of shooting still targets for Shiro. A simple walk in the park. One that resulted in the blood of dozens being spewed everywhere.


Firing her guns without a moment's rest, Shiro made sure that her footwork was also activated so that they would ignore her presence until the next shot.

Looking at the frantic battlefield, Neldor couldn't help but feel fear. Sure, a giant 100 meter tall monstrous form of his third brother was scary since he could kill you instantly, but having a small target that you couldn't keep tabs on was practically nightmare fuel.

"Mages! Use your control spells! Tanks! Get your area taunts ready!" He commanded since the battlefield needed to be put under control if they wanted to survive.

"Boo." Shiro grinned as she appeared before him. Her blood red eyes glowed slightly due to the effects of her skill as well as Analysis.

Shooting both his kneecaps, Shiro forced the prince down on the ground before rotating behind him and aimed her barrel next to his head.


Before she could shoot, a barrier expanded outwards and stopped her from killing him.

"A pity, barriers are worthless against me." Shiro laughed.

Focusing her sight on the barrier's composition, she changed her second-hand cannon into a dagger before throwing it at the weak link.


Timing it so that the bullet would bypass the barrier just as it broke apart, she managed to rip a chunk of his cheek right off his face.

'Tch, aim's a little off due to the barrier's initial rebound.' Shiro frowned and aimed her gun once more.

Unfortunately, a lance appeared in her peripherals before she had a chance to shoot.


Shocked at the sudden sniper bullet that shattered the lance in half, Shiro took this moment to fire a bullet into Neldor's skull.

[Level Up!]

"Don't worry big sis, I got your back. I'm pretty good at shooting you know?" Keomi's cheeky voice rang out over the earpiece as Shiro could only smile.

"Let's get a little crazy then… sis." Shiro replied and added sis at the end after a little hesitation. Since Kuromi told her to look after Keomi and that she was living at her now, she might as well accept the fact that Keomi was going to be her sister from now on.

Gunshots and blood flew everywhere in the battlefield as they were being dominated by two gunners. With Keomi's inexperience as a sniper, Shiro had to remind her to change locations.

Since she was able to redirect a lot of her killing intent to her enemies, she was able to avoid the thought of firing her guns towards Keomi. Of course, it wasn't as if her willpower was weak for her to actually be taken over like this.

Since the adventurers, weren't dumb enough to actually stay around, it had forced Shiro to chase them around the area, limiting the amount of kills that she could have gotten.

Glancing down at her timer, Shiro frowned when she realised that it was almost time for the berserk skill to wear off.

'Tch, and I'm only just getting into the groove of things.' She thought with a sigh.

"Keomi, we'll stop here. My timer's about to run out and the moment the backlash hits, I'll be dead meat." Shiro called out before leaving through the rift.

Of course, she didn't forget to leave behind a little farewell gift just to get a few more kills in.

[Mana Pulse Grenade (Enhanced)]


Just as she entered the rift, a pulse of energy exploded out and evaporated everything in its path. Those that tried to put up barriers noticed that the mana in the air was too rampant to even control much less make a barrier with.

The only outcome for them was naturally death.

"What was that big sis?" Keomi asked after seeing the mana pulse grenade wreak havoc.

"That? Just a little taster of what's to come when I become higher levelled." Shiro replied with a smile.

"Damn, if I didn't know any better, I'd say your second class is equal to or better than your main class. Are you sure this is what a subclass can do?" Keomi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah just think of it as a mechanic class." Shiro shrugged.

Before she could say anything else, she felt her chest tighten as she collapsed on the ground.

With bloodshot eyes and blood flowing out of her mouth, Shiro's body shivered intensely from the pain but she wasn't able to say a single word.

"Big sis!" Keomi cried out in shock and quickly hauled Shiro on her back.

Seeing her face twist in pain from even the simplest movement, Keomi knew that this was the backlash of her berserk skill.

However, despite her time as the branch master, she had never seen a berserk skill that had such a reaction on the host.

'Damn this better not have any long-lasting effects.' Keomi thought to herself while carrying Shiro away from the battlefield.


"What the f*ck happened during the time we were on our way here?" The second prince asked in disbelief when he saw the state of the northern area. Corpses and blood marks could be seen everywhere while a ghastly crater was discovered not too far from the northern watchtower.

"It seems like the first prince was ambushed by a third party after the third prince was killed. We've managed to get some footage of what happened but it's rather short. One of the adventurers had been streaming the fight on the net before it was cut off, signalling his death."

Pulling out the tablet, the subordinate showed the second prince the clip.

Looking at the clip which revealed a flickering shadow which seemed to hold two guns and kill people like they were ants, the second prince paled. Seeing how his first brother was dealt with so easily, the only thought he had on his mind was to flee this country. He did not feel safe at all with an existence like this not too far from where he was.

"Spread the news! Get the authorities to come here and help! Use those weapons as an excuse, that thing should be restrained when the government gets here!" The second prince instructed hastily before leaving the area.

Little did he know, the 'thing' is currently in critical condition within the first aid area at the orphanage.

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