Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1200 - The Dark Secrets Of The Vatican

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lisandra read about the records.

Angels with an unbalanced nature could not move or fight as they were in constant agony. Their mind were being bombarded by dark thoughts while their body refused to transform, causing a split between body and soul.

This split would often kill the angel within the span of a month depending on their will power. Those with weak will power will transform into a new race within a single day. Their bodies mangled to the point it was barely recognisable.

They were titled Screaming Terrors as several mouths would grow so that their agony could be heard.

Most of the Screamers shared the similar traits of a mangled body that had multiple mouths, wings that grew wherever there was room, hollowed eyes that would flow with black substance should any living being be near their vicinity. They would show a great deal of hostility to all forms of life.

During one experiment where a single Screaming Terror was released into the wild to see its effect on nature, they observed the being corrupting other monsters, transforming them into similar beings only with a different base race.

A single scratch was all it took for the transformation to take place as the entire area had to be purged before things got out of hand. From that day on personal tasked with experimenting on the Screaming Terrors had to go through rigorous training to understand all of the procedures. Most of the members had thought that the experiments on the terrors had ceased but only those trusted were allowed to know the truth.

Of course, this didn't mean the other unbalanced angels were spared from experiment. Far from it. They were put through even more agony in order to see what caused them to turn into Screaming Terrors before being terminated to avoid spread.

It turns out that while the body rejected the transformation, should the soul break completely, they would be transformed. It's only because the body rejected that they hold 'some' resemblance to what they were previously. Should their body accept the change, they would transform into beings they called the Null Sentinels. They were akin to the Arch Angels but every living being was their enemy and the first observation of the Null Sentinel almost destroyed the entire facility.

Several angels were sent down to slay the beast but many died in the process.

As for those with body a strong body and will, they would eventually disintegrate to ash as everything has a limit. The unbalanced nature would continue to absorb their life essence until nothing was left. There was however, one exception. That angel had somehow adapted to the change, becoming a pure fallen but none of the drawback. They didn't change to become a demon once their task was fulfilled.

With one surviving everything, their greed to create more just like him increased as their experiment continued at a larger scale.

From villages to eventually cities, the Vatican waged holy wars when everything was in turmoil. With an influx of subjects to test on, they attempted to recreate the miracle but every test failed.

Eventually, they experimented with angels by capturing them before they could ascend.

As she flipped the page, Lisandra noticed that the pages seemed to have been ripped out. Browsing through other books, she could only find details on prior experiments but none pertaining that of experiments on angels that were captured during their ascension.

Furrowing her brows, she tried to look at other shelves but they hold the Vatican's dark history on other areas.

{The rest of the records were erased by order of the new pope when things had to come to a halt. There can be no more records on the experimentations less the greed of humans break the taboo once more. This is about as much as you can find out I'm afraid.} The overseer's voice rang out again as Lisandra sighed.

"Why all of the experimentation? Why was there a need to hurt their fellow people in such ways just for power? I thought the church was meant to be all things good about humans. What is all of this?" Lisandra asked as she felt sorrowful at their history.

{Bad things done in good intentions. Though I cannot deny that good intentions were warped somewhere down in the line. But what's done is done. The ones that need to be punished have been punished. While it could not change the fact that all of this had already happened, history never repeated itself. The Vatican made sure it did not tread down the path of darkness again as their focus was on helping the people. With the pope no longer being able to ascend while remaining in the realm of man, they had to find new ways to protect. Better, more righteous options that did not involve in tampering with human lives. I sit here as a testament to their views against the actions of old.} The overseer chuckled.

{From my knowledge, there should be more records in the South and West branches. They are where the experiments were being held so you should find some records they might have left behind.}

"Mn… Who are you? To be locked in this place to act as an overseer. You speak as though you were involved with the experiments." Lisandra asked with pity in her eyes.

{I was the one that survived. I tried to help them make more of my kind. That is all I can say. My punishment is to be locked in this place, forever guarding the knowledge left here so that it cannot be repeated. I live as a demonstration to those who attempted to revel in the dark knowledge. However, I can see that you'll do no such thing. You merely want to survive. And so, I give you what knowledge I can. Seek out the branches in the West and South. I hope that you can find whatever will help you survive like I did.} The overseer laughed as Lisandra nodded her head.

Making her way out of the library, Lisandra glanced at the overseer and thanked him once more before leaving.

Looking at the two, the Overseer smiled seeing his own figure overlapping Lisandra's. The darkness in her wings wanted to corrupt her but their march was halted.

Opening his mouth, he decided to say nothing and activated a spell without their knowing.

A wisp of golden energy floated over, transforming into a small crest that disassembled itself and assisted in holding back the corruption for now.

Suddenly, Lisandra felt a soothing energy in her body as the pain faded ever so slightly. Glancing back, she could see the Overseer smiling and knew that he must have done something to help her.

Before she could show gratitude, the doors to the library repaired itself and slammed shut.

"Hm, rather rude isn't he?" Yin remarked seeing that he slammed the door shut.

"Not really. If anything he was quite helpful." Lisandra chuckled as Yin shrugged her shoulder.

"Well then, shall we go to the south or west?" Yin asked.

"Let's go the South. There are people there from the Vatican too. If we're lucky, we can ask them for directions."

"Sounds like a plan. But first let's rest for the night. It's already getting pretty dark since we spent a little too long in the library." Yin said as she looked at the setting sun.

Setting up camp, she made a quite meal for Lisandra while making sure all of the seals were ok.

That night, the Overseer found himself dreaming about old memories.

Flashes of memories flickered past his mind. From his time in confinement, the time he managed to ascend and survive the transformation. He could still remember the looks of reverence he received from the people.

Mixed in with the reverence was gazes of greed and lust for power as they wanted to know his secret but he himself was unsure.

However, if he could do some good with this power then so be it. While he disliked the people who experimented on him, he had a responsibility as one with such power. He had to be a guardian for those who can't defend themselves. A little bit of suffering now was worth it if he could help them.

Kneeling down in front of the pope, he could remember the words he heard that day.

"From this day on, by the will of god, I bestow upon you the name of Azrael!"

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