Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1195 - World Eater

Once she had cleared up everything near the egg, Shiro started to make her way to the surface since there was nothing else to do here. She had a look but the egg doesn't seem to be hatching just yet. It was still growing despite the amount of mana it had received.

Flying to the surface, Shiro could see the complete destruction of the North Pole. While her research base was still intact, the surrounding area was in shambles.

Seeing the flood of monsters that continued to flow without signs of stopping, Shiro located Madison immediately.

"Nan Tian, take care of evacuation. We'll send all the mechs back since we can deal with this now. The main problem has been taken care of." Shiro said as Nan Tian nodded his head and made his way to the mech units.

Flying towards Madison, Shiro waved her hand and started to control all of the ice. Flicking her finger up, spikes pierced all of the monsters that were nearby. While it may not have killed all of them, the ones that survived were in pure agony as ice formed around their body, locking them in place.

"Welcome to the party. I've already dealt with a rather rude intruder. How was things on your side?" Madison asked as she waved towards Shiro.

"It went better than expected with the exception of almost fusing myself to the system. We've managed to get 10 living specimens too. They seem to be made of energy and they don't receive any damage from normal attacks. They might also work as a testing dummy for you lot should you want to make new spells that might work on them." Shiro smiled.

"Oh then fair enough. Also, the mana in this area is still growing. Doesn't seem to stop. To make matters worse, the crystals are amplifying it and sending it to the egg. With each monsters that's killed by us, more mana is being released into the area." Madison said as Shiro surveyed the area with her senses.

Immediately noticing the growing powers of the monsters, Shiro couldn't help but frown.

As the crystals were amplifying the mana, the monsters that are then spawned in by that mana had their powers increased. If they continued like this, it won't be long until the monsters reached the level of 1000. While she doubted that they could reach demi god levels, it wasn't impossible.

'Hmm… I need to deal with this mana.' Shiro thought to herself.

She knew that by using a powerful enough spell, she could absorb all the mana in the area, but it wouldn't get rid of it. It'll still flow back to the egg or make stronger monsters.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro had an idea.

'Error darling. You know how we can edit the code of other beings right? Would it be possible to add a converter within a spell? Edit it so that the mana is changed to divine energy.' Shiro asked as Error was silent for a moment.

Turning to Nimue, Error paused before turning back to Shiro.

'Yes but that'll require mother to be the converter. If you want to change it to divine energy, then I'll have to convert it within your body. With the right combination of skills, I do believe mother can accomplish this. However, I highly advise against that. Your body is already weakened due to what you attempted with me. Adding more stress, even with means of turning back time or repairing yourself, would be disastrous. What if the spell doesn't work?' Error asked as Shiro was silent then patted his head.

'Oh don't worry too much. We've got Nimue here, she's basically a demi god that keeps my body from falling apart. We'll be fine~' Shiro grinned as Error sighed.

'Uhuh. You do know that if it does become too dangerous I will attempt to forcefully cancel your spell from the inside right?' Nimue asked as Shiro nodded her head.

'Yep, I'm counting on you. Make sure I don't die ok?' Shiro grinned.

'Hai hai, back to work I suppose.' Nimue sighed heavily and disappeared so that she could focus on keeping Shiro's body functional.

"I don't like the look on your face." Madison said as she immediately had a bad feeling about what Shiro was about to do.

"I haven't even said anything yet though?" Shiro pouted.

"You haven't said anything but I recognise that look on your face. I swear, the only ideas you have are ridiculous ones." Madison clicked her tongue.

"But they work no?"

"They… Do work but- hais, forget it. Just get it over and done with quickly and don't hurt yourself too badly. We got Silvia and Aarim so you don't need to worry about dying but that doesn't mean you can go destroying your body however you want." Madison sighed and massaged her eyes.

"Fufu, be right back~" Shiro laughed as she shot up into the sky.

A surge of dark energy erupted from her body as she continued to fly higher.

Flying out of the atmosphere, Shiro floated next to one of her satellites that she had stationed in this area.

Glancing down, Shiro looked at the North Pole before glancing towards the rest of the world.

Seeing the blinking lights of explosions and large chunks of earth being split apart to reveal more land, Shiro could see the entire planet being transformed.

More and more landmass started to burst out of the planet in order to reshape it for the descent of gods.

'There are quite a few spots of concentrated divine energy too… The expansion of the world is faster than I imagined. I'll need to add more satellites.' Shiro thought to herself before clasping her hands together.

Closing her eyes, she activated a skill that she had received due to her link with Yin.


With her right hand, a giant tier 7 magic circle started to spread out as it slowly transformed into a magic array. Meanwhile, her left hand was covered with circuits.

A string of code appeared before her as Shiro started to edit parts of the skill so that she could convert the mana into divine energy.

'Since I met Loki, I might as well ask a little help from her family.' Shiro chuckled before constructing a secondary magic circle.

Since she didn't have any divine energy in her body right now, she could only rely on mana.

Remembering Loki's energy from before, Shiro attempted to forcefully establish a connection with mana.

While that was happening, Shiro finished the primary magic circle and glanced down at the North Pole.

Without saying anything else, Shiro slammed her hand down and the magic circle activated itself.


In the distance, she could see land sink down as the magic circle was being carved into the land itself.

Making sure to not harm any of her allies, she activated the skill devour.


Looking up at the sky, Madison could see an impossibly large magic array in the sky.

Turning her attention to the ground, parts of the ice started to cave in, carving the magic array into the land itself.

Beside her, Helion stood with his attention towards the sky.

"Shiro stuff?" He asked.

"Shiro stuff. You might feel uncomfortable depending on what her spell is." Madison shrugged.

Suddenly, she noticed blue motes of light drifting up from the ground and towards the sky.

Recognising them to be concentrated orbs of mana, Madison watched as the crystals amplified how much mana was being absorbed from the area, forming large orbs that floated up.

"Is she extracting all of the mana from this place??? What the f*ck????"


Watching the motes of light drift upwards, Shiro furrowed her brows since the absorption was too slow.

However, before she could think about changing parts of the spell, a link with Loki had been formed.

[My my, I certainly didn't expect you to contact me this early. How may I help you today?] Loki smiled as Shiro could hear the playfulness in her voice.

"Let's just say I've run out of divine energy. I'm planning a little stunt and well your family came to mind. Care to make a link between me and Jormungandr? Shiro asked with a smile.

[My son? I mean sure b- Ohhhh I see what you're trying to do. Sure give me a second.]

After waiting a literal second, Shiro could hear groaning followed by a sigh.

[Mum told me to give you my blessing. What kind do you want?] A bored voice rang out in Shiro's mind as she shook her head.

"Well let's just say how about we establish a little trade. Similar to what I did with Argus and Helios, I make you a little something and you help me out too. I'll set up a few devices around the world, and you can gorge yourself upon the mana of this world. All that I require from you is to help me convert some of this to Divine Energy and when I'm full on Divine Energy, supply me with condensed mana crystals from the mana." Shiro smiled.

[Hou~ Well certainly. Mum asked me to help anyways so I'll do you a better deal if you help me with something.]

Hearing this, Shiro raised an eyebrow.

[What I need help with is rather minor in the grand scheme of things. Injure uncle Thor until he can't move for a month. He's been pissing me off with his lectures lately and mum won't let me fight him. If you can promise me to injure him for a month I'll continue to convert mana around the world for your use and supply you with Divine Energy converted from this mana. And if you keep injuring uncle Thor every so often I'll even join you in a few fights.] He offered as Shiro held herself back from laughing and nodded her head.

"That's a deal, I'll injure Thor once things have calmed down a little." Shiro grinned as a crest appeared in front of her.

The crest of a serpent wrapping around a tree.

Closing her eyes, she carved the same crest into the magic circle.

Placing her left hand on the satellite, Shiro connected herself to all of the satellites she placed around the world.

Curling her lips into a grin, she started her plan. Suddenly, all around the world, all the satellites started to change as magic circles could be seen appeared in the sky. Linking itself to one another, the world was soon encased with a giant array.

"Devour." Shiro grinned.


After ending the connection, Jormungandr sent her some of his power.

"What was that I heard about your Uncle?" Loki asked as she could be seen floating through Jormungandr's walls.

"Nothing much. Though who is she? She sounds rather confident and arrogant. She had made quite a few bold claims." Jormungandr asked as Loki laughed.

"Pft hahahaha, she isn't arrogant. She's sure of her power. As for her claims… well. I can say for sure that she can kill your uncle along with your grandfather. As for your, she could probably turn you into soup with the help of her daughter." Loki shrugged.

Even though she was laughing, Jormungandr knew when his mother was being serious.

Before he could even say anything, he felt a sudden stream of energy entering his body through the crest that he had given Shiro.

"Also, are you sure you should be wasting time like this? I suggest you start helping her convert the energy. When she says 'a few', she usually means a lot." Loki smiled as Jormungandr started to turn pale.

Widening his eyes, the flow of mana was more than what he had expected.

Quickly running past Loki, he tried to set up a magic array but a wave of pain flooded his body.

"Here let me help." Loki laughed.

Helping her son convert the energy that Shiro was sending through, Loki even had to comfort the serpent as he felt like he was about to explode. If Loki wasn't here to help, he might have exploded on the stop.

"What does she mean by a few!?!? Even if I'm the world eater I can't eat a world prepared for the gods!!!" Jormungandr shouted out with tears in his eyes while Loki rested his head on her lap.

"There there. Next time don't agree to her so easily ok?"

"Mn ok." Jormungandr nodded, feeling regretful.

However, now that he knew it was possible for her to injure Thor heavily, he looked forward to seeing him on the verge of death. For that sight, a little bit of pain now was worth it!

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