Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1184 - Exp Bags?

"Don't listen to her, she's just toying with us, look at that smile. You already know she's intent on killing all of us." One of the guards in the back said as he grabbed one of the slaves by the neck and aimed a sword at the neck.

  "People like you are usually weak to hostages. Though seeing the look in your eyes, you probably don't care." He said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Perhaps. Though I wasn't kidding when I said there were better jobs out there than this. I'm not one to kill outright. Not my style anymore, I'll give y'all a second chance." Shiro smiled while suddenly teleporting behind the guards.

Sitting on the truck that held all of the slaves, Shiro rested her chin on her palm.

"So what's the verdict, will you join or will you fight till the end. Left for join, right for fight. Though if you're worried that I'll set down a spell then you can just attack me, I'll make your death swift." Shiro grinned as the guards looked at one another.


This one is crazy, I can see it in her eyes. Being a slave trader isn't my favourite way to survive but the gods need their workers and to live I need to bend the knee. Keeping my code of conduct isn't going to help me survive when the gods aim their spell at me.

But honestly, between the gods and this girl, she's giving me the creeps. Her stat says that she's weaker but that's bullshit. There's no way that a level 500 medic can do what she's doing right now.

"Boden, what should we do?" One of my friends whispered over, while I kept my grip on the slave's neck. I doubt having a hostage would do us much good right now so I started to consider my options.

'I'm tired.'

I tilt my head back and look up at the sky the same way I did when the world changed for the worst. Everything was flipped on its head and people had to resort to many things to survive. Honestly, there's just no more space for humans in this world. Their spots were now at the bottom, the slaves for Queens who are the slaves to the Gods themselves. We're at the bottom of the food chain.

We have to resort to cruel methods or making a joke of ourselves if we want to survive. It's tiring.

If I die, that might be better. Maybe a god out there can take my soul to a better place or perhaps Hades will torment me for all that I've done.

"Boden?" My friend asked again as I looked back down.

"Drop your weapons, if there's a way to live properly let's go for it. We're workers but let's be honest, we're no different from being slaves ourselves." I smile bitterly, letting go of the hostage and my weapon.

If I live then I'll live properly, if I die then I suppose that's my atonement.


Watching Boden step away from the hostage, Shiro saw that a few others joined him while the rest furrowed their brows.

"I'll give you another five seconds to decide before I act." Shiro reminded with a smile.

Pulling out her phone, she opened the clock and showed them the seconds ticking down.

As it slowly reached zero, her grin twisted into one that was now filled with killing intent.

Tapping her finger down, the world around her paused as she immediately appeared next to the ones that decided to refuse her offer.

"How should I kill? I did say I'll make it fast." Shiro muttered.

Pushing her finger against their chin lightly, she proceeded to do the same with the others before snapping her fingers again.


As if several bombs had just exploded behind her, the heads of those that rejected her offer were blown off and their bodies were sent flying back from the force.

"So fragile, so squishy." Shiro muttered before turning to the ones that accepted her offer.

"Let's see, six of you huh? Not too bad. You seem like their leader so I'll have a few words with you. In the meantime, feel free to wait around for a bit, my little sister will be coming to help clean things up." Shiro smiled as those that chose to stick with Boden widened their eyes in fear.

To them, all they saw was Shiro smile then everyone died.

Seeing Shiro walk towards them, they all instinctively backed off while Boden swallowed his saliva and walked towards her.

"Kanae, I'll leave the rest to you. You come with me." Shiro smiled as she grabbed Boden by the shoulder.

Dragging him through the rift, she teleported them to the top of a nearby cliff so that they could have a good vantage point of the entire area.

"So then, let's see… Boden, level 850 huh? Not bad for someone without a proper backing. You could probably keep up with some of the weaker Queens if they're still around." Shiro smiled as she offered him a mana stick.

Shaking his head, he looked around for a rock to sit down on.

"Well since you brought me here, you clearly want something from me." He said as Shiro nodded her head while placing the mana stick in her mouth.

"Yep. Tell me where you got the slaves, who wants them and which Queen or God employed you to do their dirty work. I'll clear up a few loose ends." Shiro smiled as her disguise faded away.

Pausing in shock, Boden didn't know how to react as Shiro's white hair fluttered behind her.

"Well?" Shiro raised an eyebrow as Boden started to laugh.

"I was wondering why this seemed too good to be true. So it was you. We've all seen broadcasts of what you've done for everyone and I thank you on behalf of all my friends for this chance." Boden bowed as Shiro chuckled.

"You're welcome."

"As for where we got the people, we would run some raids on certain out of city bases that they would set up. We don't have a choice on which ones we attack since a few are within the domain of Queens and our patrons would prefer to avoid that for now as they don't know which gods are helping who. According to my patron, the second half of the new age is as much of a 'game' for the gods as it is with the Queens. They're on one side for now since there's someone called the First Born of Destruction around but once they're out of the picture, the gods will fight again.

"As for who wants them, it's the close allies of my Patron. They're buying powerful people as slaves so that they can cultivate them into people with high levels through killing. As for their names, I can write down a list of them." Boden said as Shiro stopped smiling the moment she heard how they cultivate people with high levels.

"So they're using them as EXP bags?" Shiro asked but Boden shook their heads.

"If that was the case it'll be better. No, they send us into fighting rings and bet on who lives or who dies. It's a sport for the gods. If the lower level wins, they get plenty of EXP and better treatment since they managed to kill someone that was higher level. And I won, I won plenty." Boden sighed heavily as Shiro crushed the mana stick in her hands.

"What I do next might hurt but it won't kill, is that ok?" Shiro asked as Boden nodded his head.

Placing her hand on his head, red circuits appeared as Shiro activated Analysis EX and accessed his source code.

Making sure that she didn't kill him, she watched the scenes flicker past her.

The fights, the treatment after, his guilt, his regrets.

Removing her hand, Shiro stood in silence while looking at Boden who didn't let out a single cry of pain despite what he had to go through.

Shiro knew that it would have felt like someone ripping out everything in his body before placing it back in.

"I'll sort things out, don't worry. You can work if you want but you can also just take a break from everything in Asharia." Shiro said as she teleported him away.

"You're not thinking of attacking them while you don't have your powers of destruction now are  you?" Iriel asked as he summoned himself next to Shiro.

"Perhaps." Shiro said as there wasn't a smile on her face.

Reaching into her inventory, she pulled out a hand cannon as radiant white energy started to flood her arm.

Gritting her teeth, she could feel her flesh burn but eventually settled down to the point it was bearable. It wasn't perfect yet but it was a simulation of creation energy using the powers that Error granted her. The forceful modification of the source code and the energy that resides within her arm.

Grabbing Iriel, dark energy started to flicker from the blade.

"Let's call it an experiment. To put Isvelger's notes to use." Shiro said as she cracked her neck.

"Creation can be just as dangerous as destruction."

Stepping off the cliff, Shiro plunged towards the earth before opening a portal.

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