Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1169 - Niyl

"I do owe you quite a bit." Shiro smiled.

"However, it'll have to wait till later since we're not exactly in the best place to experiment with you fusing with my weapon." She added.

"That's fine, I just wanted to see what your response was." The Ancient Terror nodded before making his way back to the lantern. Watching his soul bounce up and down slightly, Shiro could imagine that he was rather happy with her response.

Chuckling to herself, she shook her head and walked towards Nine, Iris and Arnea who was injured on the ground.

Iris was currently healing her but Shiro could see traces of fear in Arnea's eyes towards her.

Keeping some distance between the two of them, Shiro opened her mouth..

"How are you feeling?" She asked, scanning Arnea's body to see if there were any more traces of the Raven.

"You spoke of my big sister, do you know where she is?" Arnea asked as she tried to sit up but was not abled to.

Seeing that her first concern was about her big sister, Shiro chuckled.

"I do know where she is. As for her current situation, it's… complicated." Shiro said as she made a chair for herself to sit on.

"First, tell me what you know so far so I can fill in the blanks for you." Shiro offered as Arnea bit her lip and nodded her head.

Listening carefully, Shiro realised that everything Arnea did as the Chimera empress was not of her own choice. Everything she did was under the persona that the Raven had created for her to optimise the false authority he bestowed upon her. The fake Empress.

Hearing the fear in her voice, Shiro felt pity for the girl who was forced to commit mass murders under the control of the Raven.

"Is there anything else you need to know?" Arnea asked nervously as she wanted information about her big sister.

"No, that's everything. Let's see…"

Filling in the gaps of Arnea's knowledge, Shiro decided to leave out the parts of her massacre. She figured that Arnea probably knew parts of it but Shiro I'll keep the knowledge to herself for now.

As for Niphim, Shiro told her about what Niphim did for her and their battle again the Raven.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the realm of gods, an altar started to stir.

Dark energy started to flicker from the alter as it morphed into a being with long black hair and blood red eyes.

"Ahh… I didn't think I would be stirred awake…" He muttered while looking around him.

Seeing three people kneeling in front of his alter, he narrowed his eyes.

"I permit you to speak. Tell me who you are and what has happened."

"My lord, it is I who have awakened you. However, had it not been for a certain situation I would not have been able to accomplish this. The First Born has awoken." He reported as the man on the Alter paused.

"Hou~? Well isn't that something." The man muttered as he sat up properly.

"You said that they had recently 'Awoken' right? That means they haven't recovered from the war yet. Hmm… I suppose you've woken me up to deal with them?" The man narrowed his eyes.

After all, he had sworn an oath. One that he couldn't breach. Should anyone wake him up due to a First Born's awakening, he had to deal with it.

"Yes, all of the Gods have reached a truce right now. They're waking up the others and it is our job to wake you up, my Lord." The man nodded.

"Well alright. It's my oath after all, which of the First Born has woken up?" He asked while waving his hands. The shadows around him shook for a moment before transforming into a set of clothes for him.

"The First Born of Destruction."

Hearing this, the man on the alter immediately froze as his face became pale.

"Destruction?! You're telling me Anima woke up?!" He shouted out in a panic as the man flinched and nodded his head.

Biting his finger nails, the man gritted his teeth.

"Wake everyone up. No matter who. Be careful that they're not fallen, if they are they'll listen to her command. Tell the gods to focus on helping us recover our power, if we're not at full power, this realm is doomed!" He shouted out as the three gods were surprised at the man's panic. While they knew of the First Born of Destruction's power, they didn't know that it was to the extent that someone like him would be this afraid.

"Stop staring and start moving!" The man shouted out in anger as his aura flared outwards.

Hearing this, the three gods immediately left the area to wake up the others.

Sitting down on this altar, the man clicked his tongue and closed his eyes, he could still remember watching her from afar during the first war. The terror that he felt back then was still prevalent to this day.


Dark clouds loomed over head as he watched the army charge towards her. His role was small, it was to deal with the fallen gods that stormed towards them. He was too weak to deal with the First Born of Destruction.

While there were many 'First Born's', the first two had the most power. Creation and Destruction.

All the other First Born's, while having the same title, were noticeably weaker. After all, their powers are a branch of either Creation or Destruction.

He was too weak so he could only view the fight from afar.

However, her every word, every action had already etched themselves upon his soul. He could never forget even if he wanted to.

Her long white hair contrasted against the darkness around her, the piercing red eyes that tore a hole through your soul and the power of corruption that radiated off her which caused one to lose their mind if they weren't prepared.

"To think so many ants would gather to deal with me. I suppose it should be an honour as the First Born of Destruction. However, no matter how many inferior beings gather, do you honestly think you can survive against me? Hahahahaha, unless you are my sister, the First Born of Creation, all of you shall fall today!" Anima laughed as she twisted her body and drew a magic array with her finger.

Suddenly, the skies were replaced by magic circles of an unknown tier, monstrous amounts of energy gathered towards her location to the point that some of the weaker gods had their energy stolen from them.

Seeing this, the other First Born's tried to stop her. Waves upon waves of spells and binding spells were thrown but all she needed to do was activate a single spell to counter it all.

"Third Gate of Destruction – Argia."


Three layers of black magic circles appeared behind her as the surrounding area was immediately dyed black by the powers of corruption.

Every spell that entered this area was reduced back to its basic form of energy and absorbed into her body.

With the sudden influx of power, her spell was complete and all of them were transported into her realm.

With all of them in her realm, Anima clasped her hands together.

"Fourth Gate of Destruction – Cilis."

A wave of dark energy gathered around her before exploding out. The wave of destructive energy extinguished anything and everything it touched.

Watching the First Born gather, the man could remember the thought it had at that moment.

'I'm dead.'

Even with all of these powerful beings that could probably kill him in one go, he didn't feel safe.


Opening his eyes, the man shook his head.

'She's not at her full power. If we can kill her before that, we should be fine… The problem is her spells. How many gates of destruction can she use…' He thought with a frown.

Sighing heavily, he looked at his own title. She was right to call them inferior creatures, even those with the First Born title couldn't fight her much less someone like him.

[Niyl LVL 1000 High Primordial God of Shadows (Divinity rank 4)]

"The resurrection of Anima means the death of all living creatures. While the First Born are hard to wake up, it should be possible to gather the High Primordials. The world of gods have long forgotten our existence, only those revered as the First Born are remembered from the terror and awe they brought. Perhaps it's time to re-establish the age of High Primals and First Born's once we reseal Anima." He muttered while attempting to teleport away from his alter.

However, the moment he did, the system barrier appeared around him and prevented him from leaving.

"What? I had guessed that since Anima woke up it was already time for us to make a reappearance. If it is not yet time then she can use this moment to recover her lost power." Niyl muttered before sitting down in frustration.

As much as he hated it, he couldn't do much about the restrictions around the world and the system. He had to obey.

"Such valuable time wasted. So what if the current world may crumble at my presence, if it means Anima is dead then so be it." He complained before focusing his strength 'waking up' fully. The three gods had only woken up a part of him, he needed his full strength to even have a change to take on a weakened Anima.

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