Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1156 Clear Goal

Hearing this, Aoi looked up in surprise as she didn't think this was an option.

"Well?" Shiro raised an eyebrow while crossing her legs.

Seeing Shiro sit upon her throne, Aoi didn't know what to say. In all her experiences in the new age, there was talk of alliance but never one that allowed the Queen to survive in the end. The iron rule of the new age was about to be broken.

"Is this true?" Aoi asked hesitantly. To her, the best case scenario would have been for her people to survive. She didn't dare think about her own survival since she knew it was impossible but that impossibility changed to an possible future!

"Of course it's true. Now I don't like to repeat myself multiple times. Do you want it or no?" Shiro asked as she furrowed her brows.

"Oh of course I would. What do I need to do?" Aoi panicked as she didn't want to give this opportunity up.

Explaining the ritual to Aoi, Shiro performed the contract ceremony. Once it was over, Shiro relaxed on the throne and continued to read her book while Aoi was confused.

"Wait that's it?" She asked.

For such a ground breaking contract, she thought there was going to be more to it but it was rather simple. If it was so simple, she figured that other Queens or Empresses would have done it long ago.

"It's that simple. Since most Empresses are allowed certain information and abilities, I'm guessing his is part of my authority. I'm probably the only one that can make an alliance and keep the Queens alive if I were to win the new age." Shiro replied without looking up from her book. Now that Aoi was in her alliance, there wasn't much else she needed to pay attention to here except for her books.

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"So is there anything you need me to do or?" Aoi asked as she wondered if she needed to prove herself to Shiro in order to enjoy this comfort. There was no free food in the world after all, there was always a benefit for the other party. If not for the fact that she was literally at a dead end, Aoi wouldn't have accepted so readily.

"Not really. If you can help then you can help. If you can't then you don't need to. MIsu's in the same situation. There's not much she can do in battle since my enemies are much much stronger than her but she helps out in my city. As for you… You can do the same. Though if you can help me with my current dilemma then that'll be great." Shiro said as Aoi's eyes sparkled.

"What's your current problem?" She asked, eager to help.

"For you see, what I desire right now is to find a path to the power of Creation." Shiro said as she started to explain her current goal and problems to Aoi.

Listening carefully, Aoi understood that Shiro was trying to seek the extremes of creation which was quite difficult. Plus, there was also the fact that she was levelling a second class while retaining her powers of her first one!

Listening to Shiro explain her situation, Aoi wanted to cry again since she didn't know where to start. Everything she said was abnormal!

"Erm… for the power of creation, didn't you already accomplish it?" Aoi asked as she had heard Shiro recount her journey with Iris and Nine.

"I have?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, did you not create a mountain and a bowl to cook your fish? Summoning something from nothing is already the power of creation no? In this case, its mana but mana is the origin of all life so it can't be excluded." Aoi replied as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

To her, the power of creation was something that contrasted her destruction. Something that could stand on equal footing. To offset the destruction, the creation must maintain life despite the corruption. To do so, it would be akin to constantly healing all of the damage that you take.

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While thinking about this, Shiro could tell that Aoi still had something on her mind.

"You can speak about what you think, don't worry about offending me." Shiro reminded.

'If I offend you I die!' Aoi cried out in her mind as she tried to think about how she was going to phrase this.

"Erm, have you thought about what kind of creation do you want? You said you want something as powerful as destruction right? Thinking about the end result of destruction is easy. Nothingness. At the end of destruction is nothing, everything has been destroyed. But what kind of creation are you looking for? The creation of a new life? New objects? New planet? If you can figure out a clear image of the creation that you want then perhaps your path might be clearer. You're looking for something to do with healing right now but your image of creation is still blurry. Becoming a healer is just a temporary solution that you've thought about for now." Aoi said as Shiro stayed silent and contemplated about her image of creation.

'What is creation? Hmm… Creation is to recover no matter how much destruction is caused. It's converting mana into anything and everything. Souls, physical bodies, everything. No matter how much destruction is caused, creation can recover no matter what happens. When Chaos said that there was an aspect of creation already in my nanobots, it fits the description. While it was still lacking, it could making anything and everything I wanted with a slight problem of maintaining their properties of nanobots. If I was to create a physical body, it would not be the same. It couldn't grow nor could it be reinforced through training. Only I could improve them or anyone with control over nanobots.' Shiro thought to herself.

Tapping her finger on the chair, Shiro thought about it deeply and realised that the answer to her questions lie in the source codes that act as the 'soul' of people. The source code contains the information to their physical composition, their mental composition, their past incarnations and their abilities. Once a being becomes a demi god or god, they obtain a certain amount of control of their source code. By adjusting certain parameters, conscious or unconsciously, a god is able to express power beyond that or mortal men. They are also able to disable their aging factor, making it so that they never die from old age. That's why the code or rather, the core of a god is important. Once an outsider discovers your source code or core, they are able to directly 'kill' you.

The source code is the origin of everything and possibly even mana.

'Perhaps, creation is the ability to tap into the source code of everything and anything. Transform the entire world into a code that you can manipulate. You can choose how many beings with a sentient code exist as well as the materials present in the world. While nanobots may be similar, it lacks the ability to tap into the source code. Only with Error, was I able to obtain this power. Nanobots emulate the effects after manipulating the source code. In a nutshell, it skips that step. But with Error, she is able to tap into the code and make it so that nanobots weren't just simulating the results.

If anything, it's her own mind that restricts the power of her nanobots. While they're called nanobots, their abilities have already transcended their intended design. This was no longer just nanobots anymore.

With both Error and Nanobots, she has already began to simulate the effects of the First Born of Creation. The ability to control and govern all.

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Looking down at her hand, Shiro narrowed her eyes as red circuits appeared on her arm. Slowly travelling up her body, she allowed it to access her right eye. The sight of her right eye started to change as she could see her own physical composition. Looking at Aoi, she could see her injured code and its desperate attempts to keep the physical body intact.

Closing her eyes, Shiro activated a tier 8 magic circle that slowly crumbled away before slowly reassembling itself. However, this time, it threatened to form a 9th layer.

Tier 9 magic circle! A realm above the gods!

However, her powers were still lacking. Shattering to pieces, the magic failed as Shiro opened her eyes.

Clenching her fist, Shiro smiled as her goal became clear. Her understanding of what must be done has improved and she understands a clear path to obtain the power of creation.

For her to obtain the power of creation, she must harness Error to his full capabilities. As she is the First Born of Destruction, only a 'virus' like Error can help her transcend her own design. Only with Error can she 'glitch' the system and simultaneously become the First Born of Destruction and the First Born of Creation.

"Aoi, thanks for your answer. My progress has improved." Shiro smiled as Aoi nodded her head.

However, she noticed something strange with Shiro's name tag.

From Medic level 1, it started to change!

Little by little, her class was changed into something else.

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[Shiro LVL 250 Seeker of Creation]

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