Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1148 Path of a Healer

During this life, she wasn't exactly allowed to choose her first class. Due to her race passive along with the fact that nanobots followed her, her started class was predetermined.

Now that she was picking her third class, she could choose whatever she wanted and the best one to fit her idea of a cruel creator was healer.

With the class healer, she'll be able to make adjustments to all the healing spells however she wanted. The only question now was hidden classes along with how she should level up. Shiro wasn't sure if this class acted the same way as the standard class, levelling up through EXP or something else.

Hemera said that using the orb would increase the speed but this class was technically level 1.

'Hmm… Perhaps it's that way because I'm already level 1000. Since I have already reached the peak in terms of level, cultivating a new divinity is just me 'levelling up again' which might mean I need Divine Energy instead of EXP.' Shiro thought to herself.

'I can theorise as much as I want but it's still easier to just ask Hemera about it.'

"Let's go to the others now. I got a few questions for Hemera. Depending on her answer, I'll be changing my class to healer. I don't think I need to run the dungeons again but who knows." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"She's currently with the others in the food hall. They've stopped eating for now."

"Perfect." Shiro smiled.

Jogging for a moment, Shiro was about to create a portal and leap off the edge when she realised that her portals were linked to her nanotech. Seeing no portal appear, she floated awkwardly for a moment before looking back.

"I suppose we're flying there normally." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro scratched her cheek.

"Pretty much."

Arriving at the food hall, Shiro could see that Yin had reserved the whole place today. With everyone enjoying the banquet that she cooked, Shiro spotted Yin arm wrestling with Hemera in the middle of the room while the others were cheering.

"Go get her Yin!" Silvia cheered as she had clearly had a few drinks now.

Besides her, Chen Yu was silent but his cheeks were a little rosy, clearly he had his fair share of drinks too.

Of course, not everyone was cheering for Yin since that would be unfair for Hemera. Madison and Helion were encouraging the Goddess while the 7 Ancient Lords were talking to one another about the evolution of alcohol.

"Seems like everyone is having fun." Shiro called out with a smile.

Seeing that it was Shiro, Attie quickly jogged over.

"Are you sure you should be walking around mum? We're you hurt badly?" He asked with concern written all over his face.

"Both you and I know that I'm rather tenacious. Plus, after being stuck on a bed for a few days, I deserve a walk around ok? So what's happening then?" Shiro asked while Attie pulled out two seats for Shiro and Nan Tian.

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"Well big sis Yin was boasting as usual and Hemera challenged her to a contest. So far, there had been 4 rounds. A contest of speed, dexterity, reaction time and strangely enough, cooking. Hemera won all of them except cooking and now they're doing a strength contest. They're just doing to have fun since big sis Yin might have drank a little too much." Attie forced a smile as Shiro shook her head.

"Let your sister have her fun for now I suppose. Thing will get quite busy in a few days after all. And speaking of which, I might interest myself in a few drinks now that I've sealed my divinity." Shiro smiled.

Upon hearing this, everyone became silent and snapped towards her direction.

"I'm kidding. Even if I sealed away my divinity my physical strength is still abnormal. I won't do something stupid like getting drunk in my own city. If anything I would do it in a dungeon so that I can clear it." Shiro rolled her eyes.

Sitting down by one of the tables, she pulled out some juice.

"Don't mind me, continue with the contest." Shiro grinned.

Enjoying the atmosphere for a while, Shiro started to explain what happened along with her plan.

Hearing that she practically performed a brain surgery on herself, Madison slammed her head against the table, shattering it in half before replacing it with another one.

"Honestly, I'm not even back for a week and you hit me with the Shiro Special Move." Madison rolled her eyes.

Shrugging her shoulders, Shiro looked towards Hemera.

"You said that I can ask you anything and you'll pass on my message to Nyx and the others right?" Shiro asked as Hemera nodded her head.

"Then can you ask them about this? Creation Divinity is not inherently good so theoretically, I can use 'creation' to kill people. If Healing is to preserve life then stimulating growth and causing them to die of old age can still be classed as creation. I just want to see if my thought process is on the right track." Shiro smiled as Hemera's smile twitched.

"I can go ask that. It'll take me a few hours to give you a reply though. So if there's anything else you want to ask, ask now."

"Mn, I also want to ask them about how divine energy can help me level up. I have two theories. One is that I still level up as usual with EXP and the second is cultivating Mana/Divine Energy will grant me levels. With the orb you've given me, I'm thinking the answer is probably the second one. And the final question would be whether or not they know of hidden classes that belong to the Creation side of things and their unlock conditions. That way I can have a little head start in cultivating my second divinity." Shiro replied.

Nodding her head, Hemera opened a portal and stepped through.

"Since you're having a class change, I'm guessing you'll be pretty busy for a while. Anything you want us to work on while you're away?" Aarim asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"In fact there is. I want everyone to boost their level to 1000. If possible, see if you can cultivate a divinity but I'll be honest, I have no idea how to cultivate it. I got mine after a pretty tough trial so you might want to ask Hemera about that." Shiro scratched her hair.

"Though I will say that you're right about me being busy. I'm going to go on a little solo adventure. It's been a while since I done one of these without Nimue with me."

"Huh?" Nimue blinked, hearing her name being called and realising that Shiro wanted to be solo solo and not having spirits in the mana realm.

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"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Nimue furrowed her brows.

"Not exactly, I want EVERYONE to begin making preparations in cultivating their divinity. With the second half of the new age arriving a few days from now, we'll no longer be fighting Queens or Empresses. Remember the feeling of helplessness during the fight against Rokarn and use that to spur you on during training. All of you need to get stronger quickly and the best way to do that is for you to focus on yourselves rather than me. I can handle myself well enough and depending on what happens, I'll be doing pretty easy dungeons to level up. With my physique, it'll be a walk in the park." Shiro reassured as Nimue frowned before nodding with a heavy sigh.

After the party was over, Shiro stocked up on a few items that will act as fail safes if things do go south.

While she was doing this, she could tell that Nan Tian wanted to come along but he too needed to reach level 1000 so he didn't say anything.

"Don't be too stressed out about it. Once you get to level 1000, everyone can party up and wreck some sh*t during the second half of the new age." Shiro chuckled as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Stay safe out there. We have dungeons in Asharia but I'm guessing you plan on venturing out into the world."

"Pretty much. There are more opportunities outside of Asharia in terms of cultivating for a Creation Divinity. Though I'll be back before you know it." Shiro chuckled.

Talking to Nan Tian for a little longer, they waited for Hemera's return.

After 3 hours, a portal opened near them and Hemera stepped through.

"Sorry for the long wait, they were compiling all of the information useful for you in this book. Classes, hidden classes and their unlock conditions have been recorded along with the discovered method for cultivating a second divinity. It's mostly aimed for sub divinities but with yours being a second core divinity, we're not sure how effective it'll be. Regardless, it should help out somewhat." Hemera smiled, handing over a tome.

Quickly flipping through a few pages, Shiro was quite satisfied with what she saw. It even recorded Silvia's hidden class within the logs.

"Thank you very much. This will certainly make my journey easier." Shiro said while placing her tome in her inventory. Double checking to make sure she hadn't left anything behind, she bid everyone farewell for now and hopped through one of the portals she set up in the teleport hall.

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