Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1130 Shiro vs Rokarn

In the void of space, two figures repeatedly flashed through the station, colliding at every turn.

Each attack blocked would cause the walls to crumble and the floor to shatter. Each spell they cast would obliterate large portions of the station that Shiro had created.

"Tch!" Clicking her tongue, Shiro stomped down with her foot and created a prison around Rokarn while summoning Silvanis.

Twisting her body, she slashed towards his chest but he retaliated by conjuring a wave of energy.

Rather than blocking her strike since her sword ignored all armour it pushed it to the side using her momentum against her.

Even if Shiro tried to activate Silvanis' effect of jumping forward in space, Rokarn was able to react in time.

Adjusting her grip on Silvanis, Shiro sent her elbow towards him while simultaneously activating a tier 8 magic circle beneath the two of them.

Catching her elbow, Rokarn snapped his finger and cancelled out her magic. Pushing up and breaking her guard just for a moment, he sent a bullet of Divine Energy towards her shoulder.


Quickly jumping back, Shiro regenerated her arm and surrounded him with guns.

Activating Artemis' Blessing that makes it so that her ranged attacks never miss, Shiro fired a wave of bullets towards Rokarn.

However, the Demi God only conjured up a barrier around him that stopped the bullets and reflected them back at the guns.

Using this as a distraction, Shiro appeared above him and threw two nanotech needles towards his body.


Clashing against the ribbon of energy that floated around Rokarn, the needles were not pushed aside as they did not ignore armour like Silvanis.

But this was what Shiro wanted to see.

Activating the needle, it instantly switched places with Silvanis.

Grabbing the hilt, Shiro exploded a pocket of mana behind the sword to increase its momentum.

Seeing this, Rokarn split his body in half, causing the sword to miss before fusing the two halves together once more.

Punching Shiro in the chest, a second wave of energy clashed into her body, sending her crashing through the walls of the station.

The force of his punch had shattered Shiro's ribcage, causing her bones to pierce her lung and force her to throw up a mouthful of blood.

Angelic wings unfurled from her back as it wrapped around her and shattered into orbs of healing light that recovered her back to max HP.

Despite her Nanotech Demi Goddess Physique making it so that her MP can be used as HP as well, Rokarn's attacks were simply too devastating. If it wasn't for this skill, she would have long burned through all of her skills and died in the process.

Watching her MP begin to regenerate once more, Shiro sighed while ducking down to avoid Rokarn's follow up attack.

Grabbing his arm, she reinforced her body and punched up towards his elbow.


Pulling him towards her, she then placed her hand against his chest before performing an empowered one inch punch.


Sending Rokarn sliding back, Shiro stomped down and caused several nanotech spikes to erupt from the around in an attempt to pierce him but Rokarn was long prepared.

Weaving through the spikes, he used them as a platform, launching himself towards Shiro.

The energy around him started to transform as it morphed into a ring of blades.

Sending them towards Shiro, he activated a tier 8 magic circle, causing it to instantly expand and set nodes down around the station.

Clicking her tongue, Shiro clasped her hands together before slamming it against the ground.

Suddenly, the entire station disappeared as the nodes lost their anchor point.

Pausing in surprise, Rokarn watched as a void opened up behind him, sucking everything into one point.

Activating a tier 8 magic circle, Shiro borrowed the power of Helios once more as she collapsed a star around him.


Breaking out of the collapsing star, Rokarn was about to attack when he realised that a brand new structure was constructed around him.

Thousands upon thousands of rail cannons were aimed towards him while turrets acted as the bridge that connected one cannon to another.

It was a sphere that was purely created from weapons and each one housed hundreds of tier 8 magic circles.

Outside this weapon, Shiro could be seen with a tier 8 array around her while Divine Energy flared around her.

The strange crystals that she used to empower mana were in the centre of this array and it had golden runes carved onto the surface.

Snapping her finger, the mana around Rokarn disappeared as she created a null mana zone.

Firing the weapon, hundreds of thousands of lasers concentrated on Rokarn as his flesh burned away by the attack.

Narrowing his eyes, Rokarn grabbed the black hole in his chest and activated a tier 8 array that was hidden in his body.

His form suddenly expanded as he crushed the weapon with his hands.

However, upon seeing his enlarged form, Shiro threw Silvanis above him and activated a tier 8 magic circle.

Snapping her finger, Silvanis pierced towards Rokarn, breaking multiple sound barriers as it shot through the magic circle.

Before Rokarn could do anything else, a giant sword cleaved his form in two. Within the centre of this form, Rokarn barely dodged the blade but the energy that it radiated still obliterated his arm.

Noticing that the healing was slowing down, Shiro immediately traded places with her blade and summoned it back into her hand.

Stabbing it towards him, she tried to activate Extraction but Rokarn's body shattered to pieces and reassembled the giant.

Widening her eyes, Shiro created a bomb outside of his body and traded places before she was trapped.


Exploding the bomb, there was now a large cavity in his chest.

Checking her internal clock, Shiro frowned, seeing that her skill only had a few minutes left. She was still far from killing this Demi God.

Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes could be seen from within the floating flesh of Rokarn.

Realising that she couldn't move her body, Shiro instinctively activated Grace to bolster her defence.


Punching through Shiro's body, Rokarn could be seen grabbing her heart while attempting to rip her in half.

However, before he could, nanobots suddenly exploded out from her body, causing him to let go and jump back since they were enhanced by Error.

Quickly healing herself, Shiro was feeling the strain of constantly healing her body from near fatal attacks.

{Mum! Let me help!} Attie cried out from within but Shiro shook her head.

'No. Sorry darling but I can't fight him while focusing on protecting you. He has something that allows him to kill something that was supposed to be immortal. I hate to say it but you can't do anything here.' Shiro sighed while dodging Rokarn's next attack.

{But you're fighting a losing battle! At least let me help!}

From what he's seen, Attie knew that Shiro couldn't keep this up. Rokarn wasn't tired at all while Shiro was straining herself more and more. The reason why she was able to react to some of the attacks was that she enhanced her eyes using Analysis EX along with reinforcing her body.

If she was a warrior focused fighter he wouldn't be so worried but she is still at the end of the day, a mage. Fighting at this ferocity would tire her out. Especially since her skill has a timer. Even if she does have the title Virtue of Fortitude that allows her to keep fighting, her body won't be able to keep up with her will.

Attie wasn't the only one that was worried. Nimue, Iziuel and Estrella watched with a frown. As much as they wanted to help, this was out of their power and their help would only make matters worse.

They were nothing more than distractions if they joined the fight.


Gritting her teeth, Shiro felt dizzy as she barely managed to avoid his attack. Stumbling back, she quickly recovered and created some distance between the two of them.

However, without giving her time to catch her breath, a weave of energy wrapped around Shiro's neck as she was pulled towards him.

Activating a tier 8 magic circle, an orb of divine energy exploded near Shiro's abdomen.

Holding back a scream despite missing her lower half of her body Shiro gritted her teeth and launched a point blank attack with Silvanis.

Cutting off Rokarn's head, Shiro quickly activated Fire of Life and healed her wounds while Rokarn did the same.

Meanwhile, everyone watched from afar with worried faces.

Misu gritted her teeth and pulled Esil aside.

Activating a magic circle, her aura started to shift.

"You don't need to call upon me. Let me rest." Esil spoke as his voice changed.


"Don't worry, two more are coming." Esil reassured as Misu frowned but decided to trust him.


After healing her wounds, Shiro was about to move when Rokarn appeared in front of her. While Shiro was slowing down the longer this fight took, Rokarn wasn't affected at all.

Just as his attack was about to land, a hand blocked his strike and sent a punch towards his chest.

"It's not even the second half and two Demi Gods are already fighting in the mortal plane. Fufu, back in my day the most would happen at this stage would be Queen's fighting one another." An old man laughed as he stood in front of Shiro.

[Makron LVL 1000 Demon God (Divinity 2)].

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