Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1092 Misu's Main City

With the city now flying in the sky, Shiro closed her eyes and made sure all of its functions were acting as normal.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, she curved her lips into a smile and clasped her hands together.


Above the tier 6 circles that kept the city in the sky, another magic circle appeared, this time it was tens of times bigger than they were seeing.

"What the…" Misu muttered as she glanced up.

Sensing the mana, she widened her eyes and realised that Shiro was bringing the entirety of Asharia to their current location so that her city could fuse with the main body.

'I suppose this is similar to a summoning spell.' Shiro thought with a humorous chuckle as she could probably call this spell something along the lines of City Summoning: Descent of Asharia.

After all, it was just as much of a mobile fortress as it is a city for her people.

Bringing it to a war was not so illogical since it could be used as a giant aoe cannon.

Little by little, the citizens of Misu's city could see a shadow begin to cover them as the bottom of Asharia could be seen.

At first it was as small as a small shadow but soon it began to cover everything.

Seeing the size of the city, some felt like they were dreaming since they didn't think something like this was even possible.

"Nan Tian, I'll leave the documents and registration to you. Have some of our staff help them get used to the technology. They don't need to sign up but if they want to use Asharia's facilities, it's a must. Even if it isn't a permanent registration, give them a trial account that can be confirmed after a week." Shiro said as Nan Tian nodded.

"Alright, I suppose this trial account can only be opened once."

"Hmm... actually, give them something like a guest pass. They're able to use some of Asharia's services but not all since they're classified as guests rather than registered members. Give them the basics but the high end stuff is reserved." Shiro replied after thinking about it for a moment.

"Alright." Nodding his head, Nan Tian teleported away for now so that he could take care of all the moving documents needed. If he didn't keep on top of everything, it would transform into a giant stack and that was something he didn't want.

If he was forced to deal with that giant stack, he wasn't sure how long it'll take him.

After Nan Tian had left, Shiro stretched her body and sat down by the two anchors that now acted as a battery for this city.

Even though she said two, most of the burden was placed on her own anchor.

Spending the rest of the day helping with connecting the two cities and creating bodies for those that decided to accept, Shiro finished the day making pretty good progress with helping MIsu.

One city was now connected properly, all its inhabitants had their souls healed and given new bodies except for a few who were still unsure.

However, Shiro didn't mind as there wasn't much difference since it was just a placeholder for now. She'll grant them their original bodies in the future.

There wasn't much else for her to do so it was just a case of going from city to city.

It didn't take too much divine energy for her to heal their souls so she figured that she'll be able to do two more cities by the end of the day.

However, with her making three anchors in quick succession, her stats received a pretty sizable penalty for now. Though she was still quite ahead compared to other Queens and even empresses.

With the other cities, she saw that many were dubious about her mechanical replacement and only a few wanted to give it a try. But after seeing the city of Asharia for themselves along with the other citizens from Misu's city, they decided to go with the new body.

The suspicions around her were dispelled after they experienced what Asharia was like much to her relief.

Unfortunately, Misu had to close down her store and reopen it under a different name.

After all, she didn't want her citizens to see their Queen working with a shop name like that.

Instead of Misu's fantasy 100% guarantee detective agency, it was now Undead Detective Agency and was located in the centre of Asharia where the main tower was.

Sitting by her desk, Shiro tapped her finger on the table.

She was currently looking at the power requirement and the power output of the city.

From the way things were going, it didn't seem like she'd be able to sustain the final few cities with just one of her anchors.

Misu had shown her their position on the map as well as the size. Unless she forgoes defences for those cities, just one anchor won't work.

'I think I might have to rely on the crystals now…' Shiro thought to herself with a slight frown.

"Nan Tian, how are the applications for the move to the North Pole?" Shiro asked as the faster they understand the crystals and the egg, the better. That way she can use the crystals without worry.

"I'm trying but it's been rather busy. I'd say the applications are around 30% done. They won't be finished for another three days and that's not including the fact that the research base isn't done. We need to prepare equipment for them or else they'll freeze to death." Nan Tian shook his head.

Hearing this, Shiro sat back and frowned slightly.

"Perhaps I might have to think about signing a contract with Khionah early. If she doesn't sign the contract, I'm not keen on having her anchor near my main city." Shiro sighed.

Thinking about this, the other fastest way would definitely be to just level up. The faster she gets to level 1000, the better. That way, she can help Syradil end Rokarns invasion and Khionah with her Empress problem.

Shaking her head, she decided to help Nan Tian out with some paperwork before sleeping.


Waking up the next morning, Shiro continued to help the people out by healing their souls as well as giving them new bodies.

Continuing for a while, it was finally time for Misu's main city.

As Misu teleported them over, Shiro could tell that this was the same coordinates as the one she had seen in the future.

Only this time the city was much smaller and less developed which made sense considering how many people Misu had to squeeze in here before.

"This is the last one. There is a dungeon still available here but it isn't anything impressive. It's connected to the chaotic era of my own garden and the enemies are roughly level 300 to 400." Misu informed while walking through the castle.

Leading them down a flight of stairs, she revealed the giant neon green crystal that had a dungeon gate not too far away.

The crystal was many times bigger than the ones in the other city and Shiro could tell that the mana generated by this was much bigger.

Placing her hand on the surface, she wanted to check the output when she noticed a huge anomaly.

With how much mana this thing was producing, it should be able to easily sustain the need of this city as well as many others. And yet, it was barely scraping by.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro glanced back.

"Is there anything that's requiring most of the mana here?" Shiro asked as Misu paused.

Glancing back for a moment, she gestured for Esil and Nan Tian to leave them alone for a second.

Acknowledging this, Esil stepped out and Nan Tian did the same.

Setting up a barrier just in case, Misu took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect you to notice that but yes, most of the mana being generated in this is directed elsewhere. I cannot say where it's going but it's helping someone important. They require lots of mana so I've been giving all the mana I can everyday without harming my citizens." MIsu admitted as she looked up at the crystal.

"I see… do you need any help with that? Since this place is rather concealed, I should be able to set this as a normal city for now. One that didn't need to be connected to Asharia so that my anchor can act as a battery for you." Shiro offered. While she may not know what it's helping, she knows that Misu was able to survive quite a while in the future which means whatever this anchor is helping right now helped her back.

"Plus, I can make it so that it generates a little bit of divine energy. It's like mana but more condensed and should help you out greatly."

Hearing this, Misu paused in shock as she didn't expect her anchor to be able to provide divine energy.

Thinking about it, she blushed slightly and coughed.

"Can you make an anchor for me please." Misu said quietly as Shiro chuckled.

"Sure thing." Shiro nodded with a smile and started construction on the anchor.

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