Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1087 Yin's Evolution

Raising his arms, Attie let out a pulse of energy as the flames were immediately pushed to the side. Snapping his fingers, a barrier of sorts appeared, blocking out the heat.

Blinking his eyes in surprise, the Overseer didn't think that the heat which could kill was dealt with so easily.

"Why are you dawdling? Let's go." Attie said coldly as the Overseer nodded his head.

'If her highness has sent someone of his calibre here then she must want to finish this task as soon as possible.' He thought to himself as he decided to address this man with more respect.

"Sir, since you are dealing with the flames quickly, shall I inform the rest of the slaves to carry the Molten Essence over?" The overseer asked as Attie nodded his head.

"Mn, if we can finish everything today then it'll give me more time to deal with my other tasks tomorrow."

Nodding his head, the Overseer excused himself for a moment while Attie made his way towards the centre.

The land started to tilt down as several lava falls could be seen, gathering into a lake at the bottom.

A strange marbled material could be seen around an entrance of sorts. Their surface glowed with a soft orange/red hue to the lava.

"You sense that energy?" Yin whispered as Attie nodded his head.

"I do, it's the same as yours big sis. The last piece is definitely in here. I'm not sure if there is a trial or anything else protecting it but it seems like there is only a barrier of flames and heat right now." Attie muttered since this wasn't a good defence in his eyes.

After all, anyone with enough resistance to flames can just walk through without any problem.

"Well it's done a good job so far. No one else has been able to pierce this barrier and claim whatever is inside."

As they were walking down, Attie sensed that the Overseer was catching up again and this time with some company.

"Sir, I have brought the slaves with the molten essence." The Overseer reported as Attie nodded his head.

"I'll clear the path then."

Waving his hand, Attie fended off the heat so that the slaves could enter without being burnt to a crisp.

The further they travelled, the hotter it became. It was to the point that even with his barrier, the slaves started to feel the heat. It wasn't to the point that it'll kill them but the situation wasn't looking good.

'I won't be able to hold off the heat and flames if we keep going. I might not be affected but everyone else here will be.' Attie thought to himself. He was quite surprised that the flames could push back his barrier to this extent even though it couldn't harm him or Yin.

However, even if he is concerned, he can't say anything right now. He knew that the hierarchy that Thiria had created was one based on strength. The moment he showed concern or pity for those under him, his disguise would fall apart before they even know what they're supposed to do.

Without saying anything, he tried his best to improve the barrier for the slaves so that they're not killed.

Walking down some makeshift steps, they approached a set of gates that blocked the path forward. At this point, everyone except for the overseer, Attie and Yin were on the verge of passing out.

Sweat covered their bodies as their visions shifted.

"This is what's been delaying the progress. We've found ways to get to this stage after some sacrifices but we haven't been able to enter through forceful means. There doesn't seem to be a key either. If only we can open this door, we'll actually be able to use the molten essence as a catalyst to harness the phoenix power inside." The Overseer clicked his tongue.

"And after Harnessing the Phoenix power, what do you plan to do with it?" Attie asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well to cultivate a Phoenix of co- wait, shouldn't you…" Pausing mid sentence, the Overseer immediately summoned a sword as he and two other tier 6's launched an attack towards him.

Slamming his hand down, a wave of flames erupted out, pushing the three back while avoiding the slaves.

"Ah, much better in this form." Atesh smiled as he stretched his body in human form. Next to him, Yin had also materialised herself. Once again, she was in her mature form.

"So it turns out that you want to use this to make a second phoenix to put under your control. Shame on you guys." Yin said as she snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the flames around the tomb started to transform as the ground rumbled from her presence. The red lava that surrounded the place turned purple with hints of red and so did the flames.

Turning towards the slaves, Yin smiled.

"You can take refuge for now, we won't drag you into this."

Snapping her fingers, Yin opened portals beneath them as they were sent to the rift.

Closing the portals, Yin walked towards the three tier 6's that were glaring at them.

"Swift or slow?" Attie asked as he massaged his wrist.

"Swift. I want to be finished up with this place in an hour max."

"Alright, you take two or should I take two?"

"I'll let you deal with two then. Big sis has to upgrade after this after all." Yin chuckled.

Nodding his head, both Attie and Yin flared their mana as the entrance was sealed off.

Turning the inside of this place into a fiery hell, Atesh narrowed his eyes and smiled.


Snapping his fingers and pointing towards the Overseer and his closest ally, flames burst out from the ground, latched onto their ankles and started to absorb their mana to fuel its growth.

With the flames crawling up their body, the two were distracted for just a moment but that was enough for Attie to close the gap.

Grabbing the two by the head, he slammed it together before grabbing their throats.

Reinforcing his grip, he smiled before pushing the neck into their body.

Snapping the spine in half from the force, the head was now where the stomach should be.

Lava could be seen flowing in the inside of their bodies since Attie wanted to make sure they were dead or sure. The head in the stomach was just extra flavour. He wanted to see what Shiro enjoyed about getting her hands dirty and he had to admit that it does feel quite good.

As for Yin, her opponent has been turned into a charred art piece with missing limbs and a deformed torso.

"I'll teleport the slaves to the surface. Attie, you go deal with the other tier 6's that are around while I go upgrade."

"Alright, good luck big sis." Attie smiled as he started to walk away from the area.

Focusing on the two gates, Yin sliced her palm and placed it against the door.

The moment her blood came into contact with the material, red and gold runes appeared around the cave as mana surged towards her location.


Hearing the sound of the doors unlocking, Yin took a step in.


Arriving at the surface, Attie floated to the highest point and released his mana, drawing the attention of all the tier 6's that were in the area.

"That should be everyone." Attie muttered with a small smile.

"I'm sorry to inform you but I'm afraid this area has been taken over. Surrender or die." He called out as they were looking at him as if he had brain damage.

"Hmm… My message might not be clear." Attie said as she tapped his chin.

Releasing his aura at full strength, the temperature shot up as a myriad of tier 6 magic circles started to appear in the sky, creating a magic formation.

"Allow me to reiterate. Surrender or die, last chance to make a choice." Attie offered with a small smile.


While Attie was dealing with all the tier 6's in the area, Yin was undergoing her evolution.

She could feel the energy flowing up from the lava and entering her body, refining her flames while all of the molten essence in the mountain range started to glow.

Her senses spread out, past the mountain range and the wasteland that surrounded it.

She could feel energy nodes, spread out through the land.

Buried beneath the ground was a formation and each of the nodes were anchors of the formation. Gathering mana for who knows how long and funnelling it all to her.

[All conditions fulfilled.]

[Special Entity – Yin – Will now undergo evolution.]

[Race and Class upgrade.]

[Unique title granted]

[Title: Seven Sins: Gluttony.]

Can and will eat anything and everything. Anything she eats will be turned to mana and hp.


Watching through the cams of her satellite, Shiro was surprised to see the world change around the volcanos.

The skies darken as a purple pillar of energy shot into the sky.

Morphing into the shape of a phoenix, it let out an earth shattering cry.

Suddenly, everyone received the notification.

[Seven Sins – Gluttony – has descended into this world.]

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