Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1078 Freeing The Leviathan


Slamming her arm rest out of anger, Thiria's chest heaved up and down in anger as her avatar was destroyed by Revel.

"How dare he…" She muttered through gritted teeth,

Activating a crest on the back of her hand, she wanted to crush his soul here and now.

However, the moment she tried that, she felt a backlash as he was fighting back.

Furrowing her brows, she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Thinking about her next steps in silence, she thought about how to deal with Shiro.

'Sure enough, an Empress is hard to deal with.' Thira mused as she thought back to how Shiro killed her subordinates.

With what she had demonstrated, Thiria knew that Shiro was just playing around. Her demonstration of the cannons that destroyed her barriers.

Biting her nail, Thiria glared at the crests in the distance.

"Why is life unfair? Why can she get the strength to destroy a whole region and drain it of mana." She muttered hatefully.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed. She knew that there was probably no chance of her winning this event. With one of her main pawns for this event taken from her, she'll have to back off for now.

"Send the order, have everyone retreat from the zones, we're leaving." Thiria commanded as she decided to cut her losses for now.


Teleporting Revel to Nimue's anchor, Shiro created a space for him to materialise in his real form so that she could help him decode the collar.

"Who's that?" Nimue asked as she appeared next to Shiro.

"Hm? Oh, this is Revel. He's the Storm Leviathan that was previously under Thiria's control. I'll be trying to free him from the runes that bind him. He'll need to materialise his true form so I wanted a place that is spacious. Plus, this zone has healing properties so it'll be helpful just in case he receives some wounds from the runes." Shiro explained as Nimue looked at Revel before looking at the space that she had cleared.

"I'm sure you don't need this much space. Even if he is a so called Storm Leviathan, he's surely not that big now." Nimue said as Shiro smirked.

"Oh no." Nimue muttered realising her mistake of assuming things around Shiro.

Gesturing at Revel, Shiro gave him a smirk as he grinned back.

Suddenly, his form started to change and Nimue watched this multi headed being materialise into the clearing. His figure towered over the entire zone as he puffed out his chest in pride.

That allowed Shiro to clearly see his wounds. Around the runes, his flesh had already started to decay and after activating analysis, she could see that the damage was spreading deep into his body.

"How is it feeling right now?" Shiro asked while inspecting the wounds.

"Feels as painful as you can probably guess. Damage to the soul hurts quite a bit." Revel smirked.

"True. It was not fun when I was missing half my soul." Shiro shrugged.

"Wait what?"

Widening his eyes, Revel looked at her in disbelief.

'How is this woman even alive if she missed half her soul. If a mortal missed half a soul, even if they are a Queen, they'll definitely di-'

Before he could finish his thoughts, he felt a wave of pain shoot through his body as Shiro conjured up several runes that formed a harness around his torso.

"Try not to scream. I'll be decrypting your slave collar now." Shiro said as she pulled her hand back.

Nanobots materialised around her hand as she started to dispel the runes little by little.

As for Nimue… she had already left and was sleeping in her pool within the zone. She didn't need this kind of stress today.

While Shiro was spending the next few hours decrypting the runes, Thiria's zones have become a warzone.

Once the Queens realised that Thiria had evacuated from her zones, it became a free for all in terms of points. Thiria had the most points so even if they don't take first spot, they'll be able to get top three and get a reward.

Occasionally, Shiro could see the crest change ever so often as new Queens claimed the zone.

However, her priority was not the zone right now. She was going to help Revel.

Plus, it was better if they fought over the zones since it'll take attention away from her on top of the fact that they're using resources on each other.

The less tier 6's a Queen has, the better for her. That way she can clear them with a single sweep of her hand.

During the procedure, Shiro could tell that Revel was in intense pain but not a single cry could be heard from him. Seeing the nine heads held up high with pride, she couldn't help but chuckle and found it quite adorable like a household pet.

Though if she said that, it would be quite rude considering what Revel had gone through already.

Looking at the final rune that was etched above his heart, Shiro narrowed her eyes and formed a mana blade over her hand.

Slashing across his torso, blood and flesh splattered across the area as a scar could be seen forming on his chest but the rune was gone.

Feeling his leash disappear, Revel reared his nine heads into the air and let out a mighty roar.

The skies darkened to his cry as lightning flashed around the zone. The Earth quaked to his presence as his aura was in full display.

Seeing this, Shiro's lips forced a smile since this was similar to the presence she felt from the Dragon. Both were powerhouses near the Demi God state.

After calming down, Revel transformed back to his human self.

"Thank you for freeing me from my bonds. Unfortunately, that was just a hollow demonstration of my prime. With my soul wounded, it will take me a while to heal so my capabilities are lower than what they should be. If you give me some time to heal, I will prove my power. For now, is there anything you wish for me to do? If not I shall go heal my wounds." Revel asked as Shiro shook her head.

"Not right now. I will inform you if there is a task in need of your assistance. Do you want to live on my city? It is mobile and flies through the sky. It'll be a good place for you to tend to your wounds. However…"

"Do not worry, I will accept a contract that prevents me from harming your city. Unlike the slave contract that I was under previously, this is nothing." Revel smiled as he felt gratitude towards Shiro for freeing him from his chains.

Nodding her head, Shiro quickly formed a contract with Revel before teleporting them to the city.

Seeing the flying city hovering so close to the country undetected, Revel couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

"So many races, living in harmony. Their happiness is unlike the city of slavery and cruel laws of Thiria's city." Revel muttered as Shiro paused.

"You know where the main city is?" Shiro asked but Revel shook his head.

"Unfortunately, not many do. There is probably only a handful of people who know but I do know where some of her branch cities are." Revel replied as Shiro couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"I see… No matter. Do you want a home like everyone else or would you rather a home that's more accommodating for your true form?"

"If it is not too much trouble, the second option please. While in my true form, it is easier for me to heal my wounds." Revel smiled.

Nodding her head, Shiro created another portal for them.

Teleporting into the mech bay present on the second city, Shiro waved her hand and started construction on a new area.

It was going to be stationed next to the mech hanger below the island and it'll be a good place for him to stay out of sight since she doubted that he'll enjoy being watched like a zoo animal while in his real form.

There will be a wall and mana suppression barriers to hide his presence so he can have some privacy.

Watching everything happen, he couldn't help but applaud her capabilities since she seems to have quite the mastery over the power of creation.

"Pardon by question but do you happen to have the Divinity of Creation? From the way it seems, it is not far off. There are traces of Divine Energy in the air as well as around you." Revel asked curiously as Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't think you'd be able to detect Divine Energy but yes. While I am only tier 6, I have attained the state of being a Demi God early. Though the situation is rather unique so I would be unable to help you. As for my divinity, it is a branch of creation. You can say that it is a lesser copy for now." Shiro smiled as Revel nodded his head.

"It is fine. I understand that reaching the state of Demi God is unique to many. Especially if you are working with no background of divinity. I am cultivating my own but do not know when it will be complete."

"Then I wish you luck. Your new home will be completed soon." Shiro chuckled before focusing her attention back on creating the room.

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