Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1071 Attie's Confusion

After the spar with Saphi, Atesh went back to his room that they had assigned him so that he could rest for a while.

Since it was the first time that he was away from his family, he was curious as to what it was like.

Laying on the bed, he couldn't help but think about his mother and sister.

Yin would always take him to places to play in the city. Not a single moment was wasted. He kind of missed his cheerful big sis. While his mum was serious, she is quite lax too. He understood that she is dealing with her own trauma along with being busy so he didn't blame her for being away. But whenever she was with him, it brought him much joy. Seeing the care in her eyes brought him more warmth than any flame could.

Thinking back to them, he smiled and sat up.

He wondered what he should do.

'Maybe I write what big sis calls a diary. I'll tell them about what I experienced here.' Looking around the room, he couldn't find any pieces of paper for him to use nor could he find anything to write with. His inventory was filled with things that Yin needed so naturally, writing supplies were missing.

Furrowing his brows, he left his room to ask for some help when he noticed a maid waiting outside.

"I am a maid assigned to help you with anything you may need. Of course, that includes using me too." She bowed while eyeing him.

Tilting his head for a moment, Atesh's eyes brightened.

Seeing this, the maid couldn't help but feel excited.

"Then you can help me get some paper and a pen! Ahh I was wondering who to ask but since you're here, you can help me with that." Atesh smiled happily as the woman paused for a moment.

"Excuse me?"

"Mn? I need a pen and paper. I know that everyone uses phones and tablets but I gave mine to big sis so I don't have them on me right now. She wanted to play some games after big sis Lisa confiscated her phone so I lent her mine. So if you don't mind, can you get me paper and a pen please." Atesh explained as the woman felt a little offended.

She was definitely a beauty by her standards. She kept her figure good and made sure her skin was flawless and yet this man in front of her was only concerned about pen and paper!?

"Hello? I thought you were a maid to help me. Is this task too hard?" Atesh frowned seeing her stand in silence.

"No, of course not. Please excuse me." The woman bowed before leaving feeling both offended and disappointed.

"Strange woman. What does she even mean by use her. I can't write with her now can I?" Atesh muttered in confusion. Unless she was a robot, he doubts he could pick her up and write with her as if she's a pen. Though if they were talking about blood that might work.

'Maybe she's suicidal. Well everyone has their own problems.' Atesh shrugged before entering his room again.

Meanwhile, Yin was eyeing the maid with dangerous thoughts and a finger over the trigger. But since she hasn't done anything just yet, she was free to live another day.


"I wonder how Attie's doing right now." Shiro muttered while leaning her head on the desk.

"I'm sure he's doing fine. Plus, isn't Yin looking after him?" Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro nodded.

"True. But it's the first time my darling son has been away from us for so long after all. I wonder if they're feeding him good food." Shiro said as she pouted slightly. She wasn't in the mood to work since all she could think about was if they were giving Atesh the treatment he deserves. Naturally, that means treating him like a king.

"Do you want me to take that stack of documents too?" Nan Tian asked, seeing Shiro laze around.

Hearing this, Shiro's eyes lit up.

"Sure." Pushing her unfinished work to him, she sat up and enjoyed her juice.

Seeing this, Nan Tian chuckled and started to finish the work in her place.

Most of them were just documentation of the tasks that Misu had completed. They needed to document everything so that they could keep a track on the history of the things that happened in this city. If something did happen that was serious, they could look back on their documents and find a clue.

"Honestly I would give you a court title but I'm pretty sure it'll just turn out to be Divine Court Secretary." Shiro chuckled as Nan Tian shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind that too much I suppose since I'm still helping you out."

"*Cough* you deserve a better title than secretary so I'll hold onto this for now. Once I'm sure you get something like my dad's title of Blood Moon general, I'll give you a title then." Shiro coughed since she still had some reservations about how the skill named the titles. Most of the time it was how she saw them. For example, for both Li Jian and her dad, she saw them as generals in an army hence why they got the general title.

For Nan Tian… she didn't want to throw caution into the air just yet.

While she was thinking about this, she received a notification on her earpiece. It was a call from Atesh from the earpiece she had given him so naturally she picked it up immediately.

"Darling, did you miss me?" Shiro joked as she could hear Attie's laugh.

"Mn I did mum. It's kinda boring here without you or big sis. Oh before I forget, I wanted to call since the Ice Queen has set up a time and place for the meeting. She said tomorrow, mid day and the venue would be the zone I'm in right now." Attie said as Shiro nodded her head.

"Alright. I've noted that down. Do you want to come home and sleep here or do you want to spend the night over there?" Shiro asked as Attie thought about it for a moment.

"It would seem rude if I don't even stay the night. They've prepared this room for me after all. But I'll be missing you and everyone else." Attie smiled as Shiro shed an invisible tear.

'They grow up so fast.' She thought to herself since Attie was actually worried about the people around him even though they haven't met for long.

"Sure, me and your big sis will be there tomorrow morning around 10am." Shiro said as Attie nodded.

Talking for a little longer, Shiro couldn't help but chuckle when learning about how Attie's written a diary of sorts since he didn't have his phone.

Confused about this, Shiro felt like a vein was about to burst when it turned out that Yin was responsible for this.

Snapping her fingers, Shiro created a new phone for Attie before sending it through a portal and ending the call.

Sitting back, Shiro called Yin.

"Hey mum, what's up?" Yin replied as she was currently observing the zone.

"So about Attie's phon-"

Before Shiro could even finish her sentence, she heard the sound of a crack and the line was cut.

".. .Did that bird just break her brother's phone?" Shiro muttered with a dark gaze.

Sighing softly, she decided to forgive Yin now since she was in a good mood. Her son was just adorable after all.

"Do you want to go choose something to wear while I finish the rest of this?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded.

"I'll leave it to you then." Shiro grinned as she jumped off her chair and teleported back to her room.

Looking in her closet, she glanced at all the dresses that Aarim had sent over. With the help of Estrella's space magic, they were able to create a whole separate room inside her closet so it was much bigger than what it looked like.

Looking at all the dresses, Shiro decided that she should probably wear some colour to this meeting.

With this thought in mind, she found a red dress in the corner that caught her eye.

It was a one-piece dress that had the edges transition into floral patterns with a fluttery skirt. Dark red petal patterns could be seen along the hem of the skirt with a pair of red high heels to match.

"I'll take this one." Shiro smiled as she placed it into her inventory.


Waking up early in the morning, Shiro created a portal towards the zone and entered with Nan Tian. Picking Yin up with them, she raised an eyebrow at Yin's new form.

Giving her a bonk to the head with her hand, she smacked the breasts out of her. Literally. Dispelling her illusion, Shiro had Yin enter with them in her proper human form which was modest compared to her previous form.

Once it was 10, Shiro approached the zone and could see Attie waiting for the three of them. Giving him a wave, they entered the main castle and saw a silver and blue haired beauty sitting on the throne, greeting them with a smile.

"It has been a while now hasn't it? Little sister." Khionah said as Shiro rolled her eyes.

"I remember telling you that I am not your little sister." Shiro retorted since there was only one person in the world that can be her older sis.

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