Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1068 Misu's Information

Waking up early in the morning, Shiro glanced out of the window and saw that it was just before sunrise. Remembering that Misu told her to collect the information by sunrise, Shiro got changed and prepared to make her way over.

Since it was still early, Shiro didn't want to wake up Nan Tian just yet. While she was waiting, she glanced towards Vrish' Lir and saw that there were small changes to who had conquered each zone but overall, Thiria still occupied the most zones.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro could see a few monsters flying around her zones before settling back down on the battlements.

She wasn't sure what tier they are but from what she could tell so far, from their appearances, there's a good chance that they were at least tier 5.

'I can probably oneshot them.' Shiro thought to herself but decided against that for now since that'll just be alerting Thiria on what happened.

Seeing that the sun was starting to rise, Shiro made her way towards MIsu's agency. Glancing back towards the sleeping Nan Tian, Shiro took a deep breath and continued walking. She had already spent quite a few minutes just waiting by the side so there was no way she could finish everything before her 10 minute limit.

However, since she wanted to push herself more rather than lean on Nan Tian all the time, she kept going.

Ignoring the twisting shadows that filled her peripherals, Shiro kept her eyes forward. Blocking out the whispers in her mind, Shiro could feel a little light headed but it was better than before.

Remembering the fact that there was a chance to save Isilia, Shiro kept moving forward.

Knocking on Misu's door, she waited for a moment before the door opened, revealing Misu.

"Morning, you seem a little… pale? Are you feeling alright?" Misu asked as Shiro chuckled.

"Yes I'm fine. Have you got the information?" Shiro asked with a small smile.

"Yes I have. Care for a bit of breakfast? Esil's just cooking something up right now." Misu offered as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"If it's not too much of a bother then sure."

"Esil! Can you make another portion for Shiro? I'll give her the info while we wait."

"Got it!"

Hearing a response from Esil, Misu smiled and led Shiro inside. Gesturing for her to sit down on the sofa, Misu grabbed a few documents that she had compiled from her drawer and laid them down on the desk.

"While I was unable to find out where the Ice Queen was herself, I did get the other information in regards to how many guards are in the zone and who is the lifeline."

Receiving the document, Shiro flipped through it and memorised everything. Right now, there were several tier 6's gathered within the zone, protecting it from any attacks. While the life line isn't a well known tier 6 and seems rather new, one of the Ice Queen's closest guards is protecting it from the side.

Thinking about this, Shiro figured that if she sent Attie as an ambassador, they could arrange a meeting between the two of them. Plus, it'll also show her power if they saw Attie who is a pseudo Demi God.

"Thank you. What do you think about another commission?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Another one? Sure, depends on what it is, it might take a while though." Misu warned as Shiro nodded her head.

"That's fine. I expect it to take a while to begin with. Can you help me find out about Thiria's main forces, how many tier 6's she has and possibly where her main city is?" Shiro asked as MIsu nodded her head.

"And just to make sure, Thiria is the Beast Queen right?" Misu asked as Esil brought over two sets of an 'selective' English breakfast consisting of sausages, eggs, bacon and beans, mushrooms, toast with some fried potato waffles by the side.

"Yup she is. Also I didn't think potato waffles were part of the English breakfast." Shiro asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh they're not. I just like them." Misu shrugged as she eyed the waffles with eagerness.

Seeing this, Shiro couldn't help but chuckle.

Storing the information away, Shiro started to dig in.

However, during her meal, her hand paused as the beans started to seem like blood in her eyes. Blinking a few times to get rid of the hallucination, Shiro sighed and finished her meal quickly.

Once she had finished everything, she passed the plate to Esil.

"Thank you, that was a great meal." She smiled as Esil nodded, taking the plate back to the kitchen.

"Well I'll need to go now. I'll be making use of this information today before there are any changes. Just send me an email once you got what I asked for." Shiro said as Misu nodded.

Leaving the building, Shiro made her way back. While she was forcing herself to not use the portal, she was close to running pace with the speed she was going.

Arriving back in her room, Shiro collapsed on the chair and closed her eyes.

"Need a towel?" Nan Tian offered as Shiro didn't even notice that he was awake.

"Mn? Yes please." Shiro nodded, receiving the towel and wiping off the sweat on her face. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and looked at the time.

'Roughly 17 minutes huh?' Shiro thought to herself, a safe time would be around 13 minutes to 15 if she was pushing it. With the knowledge that Administrator 4 has given her, her condition had improved quite a bit. All she needs to do now was keep going like this and soon her mental state should return back to normal.

"Feeling better?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded.

"Mn, better."

"That's good. So did you get what you needed from Misu?"

"Somewhat. It's a shame that we still don't know where the Ice Queen is but I do know what their defences are like within the zone. With how Yin and Attie are, I think I should be able to trust the two of them to act as my envoys." Shiro said as she furrowed her brows. Yin and Attie were the best for this mission considering their elements but there was a slight problem.

Yin was rather… volatile and Attie liked to follow his big sis around and cause just as much chaos. While he doesn't usually act up, he doesn't keep his big sis' actions in check like how Lisandra would. With Lisandra holding a zone, Yin pretty much has free reign.

Tapping her chin, Shiro narrowed her eyes and decided to give it a try. If her future self could entrust tasks to them, the current her should be able to as well.

"So you want to trust Yin and Attie to do this?" Nan Tian asked with an awkward smile.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Saying nothing, Nan Tian pulled out a video of both Yin and Attie partying up till late with everyone else. They were drinking and having contests of strength against the citizens while everyone was laughing.

Seeing how Yin was taking Attie of all people drinking, Shiro's aura turned malevolent.

Nan Tian could almost imagine Shiro's face being blurred out with only a pair of glowing eyes that sent chills down one's spine.

"Where are they right now? Surely not having a hangover right?" Shiro asked as Nan Tian coughed.

Switching to one of the cams, he displayed both Attie and Yin sleeping on a table with a bunch of people also passed out around them. Attie was drooling and in his hands was a half filled cup with what seems to be left over alcohol spilling out. As for Yin… she was chewing on Attie's arm while he was sleeping.

".. ."


Standing up without saying anything, Shiro made her way toward their location. A simple sweep of the city told her where they were and seeing as how it was always the food hall, Shiro had the idea of demolishing the place.

However, that would be going a bit far. All she needed to do was remind Yin that Attie was still young.



Yawning loudly, Yin blinked her eyes as she removed the arm from her mouth. She had thought it was a really tough piece of steak but it turns out to be Attie's arm.

Rubbing her eyes, she could see that most of the people had already gone home and it was mostly just her and Attie now.

"Attie, it's morning. *Yawn~" Yin said as she nudged Attie slightly.

"He won't wake up for a while. He's still having a hangover."

Hearing the voice, Yin immediately sobered up and coughed.

"Mother." She addressed formally and sat up straight.

"Daughter. Care to explain why my darling son is currently having a hangover?" Shiro smiled as Yin stayed silent before performing the best bow she could.

"I'm resign to my fate."

She knew there was no getting out of this so she resigned herself.

"I have a proposition for you. Depending on how well you do this, the punishment can be ignored." Shiro smiled as Yin's eyes brightened.

"Take your brother and act as envoys for me. I'll detoxify him now so that you two know what to say." Shiro said as she snapped her finger.

Blinking his eyes, Attie yawned.

"Big sis, that apple juice you offered tastes weird. Can I have more?"


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