Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1064 Jester

Walking towards Estrella's room, Shiro received a call from Nan Tian.

"Sup? Did something happen?" Shiro asked. She had left Nan Tian behind since she figured that this talk should take less than 10 minutes. She didn't expect to get a call not too long after she left the room.

"Kanae's found something quite serious but she's taken care of them now. Three people tried to open a portal or rather, mark down our location within the city. The fact that they managed to get past all of our security is surprising already but it seems like they've made a contract with another Queen. It seems like our city's location has been compromised." Nan Tian reported as Shiro furrowed her brows.

"Wait, someone managed to get through the security?... Hmm… this is a concern. I should have filtered them out though… Increase our filtering process. Make it a little harder to get citizenship here so that they have to prove they're not working for another Queen." Shiro said as Nan Tian nodded.

"No contract still?"


"Alright, I'll get it done by sunrise." Nan Tian smiled.

"You don't have to, you know? You can deal with it when you wake up." Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"It's fine, I'm waiting for you anyways. I'll just deal with it now."

"If you insist."

Talking for a little longer, Shiro ended the call.

Arriving in front of Estrella's door, Shiro wanted to knock on it when she realised something important.

'Right now it's 3 am in the morning. There's a high chance that she'll be sleeping. Am I really going to talk to her about the person that tortured her Queen in front of her?'

Thinking about this, Shiro furrowed her brows and turned around.

'Yeah let's wait until tomorrow mor-'

"Shiro? Did you need me for something?" Estrella opened her door and glanced out. She had sensed Shiro waiting out her door so she was wondering what Shiro was doing.

"Ah, Estrella, I thought you were sleeping." Shiro raised an eyebrow as she acted as though she hadn't been loitering here for a moment.

"Well I was checking over a few things since you hosted a raid tonight. Want to come in?" Estrella asked as Shiro contemplated for a moment before nodding her head.

"Sure." Entering the room, Shiro glanced around and could see that Estrella was setting up for a new spell.

"What were you thinking of making?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Oh this? I was thinking of making a banishment type spell. Seal them away in the void and force them in a contract that stops them from leaving." Estrella said as Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds quite difficult. Trying to seal someone stronger than you in another dimension is hard. And those weaker than you can just be killed." Shiro said as not many bother with banishment spells due to this reason.

Plus, the spell also has a high chance of failing on those with roughly the same strength as you.

"I know hence why I'm planning something that can solve this. I focus on space magic so there are loopholes that can be worked around. The largest problem with Banishment spells is that the spell has to work two jobs at once. Forcing them in a different dimension and sealing them away. For me, with my proficiency in space magic, that first step is easy so I don't need to worry. I can direct most of the magic to sealing them instead." Estrella explained as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"I can help you with that. Some of the runes that I know are perfect for restrain and sealing. However, before that, I want to talk to you about something first." Shiro said as she took a deep breath.

"Mn? Sure, do you want a seat?" Estrella offered as Shiro nodded her head.

"So you know that the Dragon Queen or rather, the Dragon Empress tortured the previous Queen right?" Shiro said as Estrella furrowed her brows and nodded her head.

"Yes I do, How can I not know when it was performed in front of me." Estrella replied as Shiro nodded her head.

"For you see, Syradil, the Dragon Empress seems to be… carefree? Her ambitions are elsewhere for now and I'll be honest, having her as an ally would be helpful considering what I have seen thus far. During the first event, she didn't have much of a care for the rewards but only wanted to fight." Shiro said as Estrella stayed silent.

"I'm not saying we have to make her an ally since we might become enemies in the future. But her help would be appreciated. I'm leaving the final decision to you since this is something that is related to you. If you don't want to be her ally then we won't."

Hearing this, Estrella leaned back and closed her eyes.

"Shiro. While I may have my grudges against the Dragon Empress for torturing and killing the previous Queen in front of me, I can open my eyes and see what's important. My grudges are small in the grand scheme of things. If allying with the one who killed the previous Queen can keep you safe, reduce the danger that you face, I'm more than happy to make an alliance with her." Estrella said as she looked at Shiro dead in the eyes.

"My loyalty is towards you. While the past is important, I'd rather protect the one that's living and breathing in front of me."

"I see… Alright. Don't worry, it's not like we're begging for an alliance with her. We'll see how things go from here." Shiro smiled as she stood up.

Walking over to the table, Shiro tapped the surface and left a book.

"This book should contain all the runes that you may need. Their descriptions and how to use them are written inside. Have a good night's rest." Shiro said as she left the room.

Looking at the book, Estrella took a deep breath and stood up and walked to the window.

"I'm sorry… But my priorities are Shiro…" She muttered while looking at the crest of the Dragon Empress in the distance.

Clenching her fists, she closed her eyes and remembered the scene that had haunted her. It was the reason she left the spirit council in the first place. Her inability to protect the Queen even though she was there.

Glancing back at the table, she wanted to do some more work but shook her head.


Standing outside the door, Shiro furrowed her brows before walking towards the command centre.

Calling Nan Tian, Shiro looked towards the city through the window.

"So fast. I suppose you finished talking with Estrella." Nan Tian raised an eyebrow as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn I did. We'll talk to Syradil in the future but not yet. For now, I want you to get all of the information and footage from the incident with the three traitors. Send their corpses to me as well, I'll talk to their souls. There should be some traces left." Shiro narrowed her eyes as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Alright. I'll get everything prepared. Do you want the corpses in the command room or elsewhere?"

"Hmm… I'll make a new room next to the command room. Send everything there."

"Got it."

Ending the call, Shiro reached into her inventory and wanted to get a cup of juice.

However, seeing that she ran out, she clicked her tongue.

"Annoying." She muttered.

Snapping her finger, she opened a portal to the private fridge in the food hall that was filled with juice.

It was something she prepared just in case she ever ran out.

Resupplying her inventory with juice, she closed the portal.

Finishing the cup in a few short moments, she threw the cup into her inventory.

"Time to get to work I suppose." She sighed.


Entering the new room that she had created, Shiro could see Nan Tian waiting by the side with a bunch of documents.

"I've grabbed all of the documents related to what they've been up to during their entire stay in Asharia. Their jobs, habits and so on." Nan Tian said as Shiro nodded her head.

"Hopefully we won't need to check through all of that."

Taking a step forward, green fire erupted around her as a black dress wrapped around her body.

Activating her True Spirit Nature, she reached out towards the three corpses.

A green glow appeared in her eyes as she could see faint trails of their souls.

Grabbing the empty air, three chains appeared.

"Perfect, the connection is still there." Shiro smiled as she dragged the chain.

Suddenly, three portals appeared as three figures could be seen with chains around their necks.

Grabbing the one in the middle, a rune appeared on the back of Shiro's hand as she scanned for the information she needed.


Popping the soul like a balloon, a jester could be seen with a smile.

"Surprise~ It's me, your old friend. They've already signed a contract with me so as their contractor, I have to ensure their privacy. Bye~" The jester waved in an exaggerated motion before disappearing.

Before the final soul could explode, Shiro narrowed her eyes.

"Souls are my domain, clown." Slamming her hand down, the contract appeared on his chest as the runes were extinguished immediately.

Grabbing his head, Shiro scanned his soul for all of the information she wanted.

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