Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief

Chapter 1659 - Breaking Up or Not

Chapter 1659: Breaking Up or Not

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“…” Qiao Nan’s expression changed. “Nonsense. Does Er Bao think that I won’t be able to meddle in his affairs now that he is in school and so far away from me? He is young himself, but at least, he is already of age. That girl is probably only sixteen! Let’s not talk about whether she is of age. She probably hasn’t even gotten her identity card, right? Is Er Bao crazy? How could he have found a girlfriend like this? Does he really want to follow in his father’s footsteps?”

If Er Bao was in front of her now, Qiao Nan would not be able to hold in her anger and would give Er Bao a tight slap right then and there, even though she loved her children dearly and was unwilling to use force against them. But this rascal deserved it!

If Er Bao really wanted to learn from his father, then he had to see if that young lady was like his mother, who had been reincarnated and was not actually a bumbling young lady who did not know anything. In fact, she was an old auntie with a wealth of experience who was already approaching her forties!

“Mom, don’t get upset! Don’t get upset. It’s not as bad as you think. That young lady is a little young…” San Bao hugged Qiao Nan. When Da Bao told San Bao about this, he reminded San Bao that Qiao Nan’s temper meant that she would probably get so upset that she would rush down to their school to give Er Bao a good beating. “Don’t get agitated.”

“A little young?” Qiao Nan sneered. “Is this just a little? I don’t want to describe my son as one to rob the cradle. If that young lady was twenty-one and Er Bao was twenty-six, I don’t think I would have a problem with that. In fact, I think it would be just right. But the problem is that that young lady is only sixteen. I…”

She had not given birth to Er Bao and raised him so that he could mess around and simply get just any girl as his girlfriend. “That won’t do. If that’s all he has learned in school, I’d rather he not graduate from university. Fine. He shouldn’t study for the time being. Ask him to take a leave of absence and join the military with his dad to polish this frivolous character of his. He’ll return to school when he’s more matured!”

“Mom, it’s not that serious.” San Bao did not know whether to laugh or cry. “Isn’t it just dating? Da Bao has already said that he’ll have his eyes on Er Bao since they share a room. Er Bao won’t have a chance to make a serious mistake either. Mom, even if you don’t believe that Da Bao will be able to take care of Er Bao, you should have faith in yourself. You were the one who raised the three of us. Based on your teachings, do you think Er Bao will make such a low-level mistake? It’s just unfortunate that that young lady entered the military and even met Er Bao at such a young age. I heard that it was the young lady who pursued Er Bao.”

Her mom had never seen high school students, or even junior high school and elementary school students, calling each other husband and wife. She had experienced it more than once on public buses. Er Bao was one with clear limits. Aside from having such a young girlfriend, there was nothing else he would do to anger his mom.

“Mom, Er Bao is your son. I think Er Bao always fools around and doesn’t appear serious. But when it comes to serious matters, Er Bao has never committed a folly. Has he ever disappointed any of us?” Her mom could put more trust in Er Bao.

Qiao Nan calmed down a little. “I know Er Bao has good discretion. But what if he loses all sense on just this matter? What will we do? Even a tiger has moments when it dozes off. Do you really think that Er Bao will never make any mistakes at all? He’s still young and might make mistakes. But it’s exactly because he’s young that I have to pay more attention to his mistakes and be strict about them. Not only do I have to get him to correct his mistakes, but I also have to make sure that he won’t make such a mistake again in the future. That young lady is only sixteen years old. If Er Bao commits any mistakes now, he can still correct them. But what will happen to that young lady? It’ll be for her entire life.”

“Don’t tell me that society is more open and that no one cares about this anymore. No matter how advanced China is as a country, we’ll never have everyone being so open-minded. I think this shouldn’t be allowed even if Er Bao is still young. Youth is no excuse for making a mistake.”

San Bao leaned against Qiao Nan. She could feel that her mom had high expectations of the three of them. Her expectations were higher than other mothers’, but that was why she could clearly feel her mom’s love for them. Their mom was simply afraid that they were young and insensible and would do something unforgivable while they still did not understand anything. When they understood it and became more sensible, they would have a lifetime regret, knowing that some mistakes were irreparable and could never be forgiven.

Their mom simply did not wish for them to spend the rest of their lives in regret and blaming themselves. She was unwilling to let them spend their lives making up for that one mistake that they had committed in their moment of folly.

Only by avoiding this would they be able to choose their own paths when they were truly grown up. Only then would there be no obstacles in their way for their future developments and their lives in the future. All their current constraints were for the sake of their freedom in the future.

“Mom, I know what you’re worried about. I think Er Bao may not have heard your words today, but I’m sure he knows, and Da Bao knows as well. All three of us can feel your love for us. Mom, I firmly believe that Er Bao won’t make such a mistake. That girl is young, and I’m even guessing that she might have tried too hard in pursuing Er Bao. Er Bao might have been afraid that the young lady would be hurt and just agreed to just fend her off for the time being. I’m sure you know about Er Bao’s situation too. He and Da Bao may leave for a month or two at any time to go on a mission.”

“That young lady is still so young. She probably just looks up to Er Bao and treats Er Bao as her hero. But because she’s young, someone would have to coax that young lady. While she’s at home, she’s pampered like a princess. Would she be able to accept her boyfriend not coaxing her? Then, Er Bao would not have to say a thing. That young lady would take the initiative to break up with Er Bao. In short, the two of them have already confirmed that they are in a relationship, but do you think that they’ll be able to spend a lot of time together? Other people may not know about this, but shouldn’t you be clear about it, Mom? I heard that you only met Dad twice a year while you guys were still dating!”

Weren’t her dad and mom together at the same age as Er Bao was now?

But she could not believe that the girlfriend that Er Bao had found would be able to compare to her mom. She was just afraid that that young lady was still young and needed someone to coax her, but Er Bao might not have time for her and might contact her only sporadically. Because of this, that young lady might just lose her temper and feel that there was no difference between having a boyfriend and not having one. Then, she would pester Er Bao for a breakup.

Whether Er Bao truly liked that young lady, she believed that Er Bao would not hesitate and would definitely agree immediately should that young lady request for a breakup.

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