The Yun Family's Ninth Child is an Imp!

Chapter 572 - The Tailless Burrowing Rat

Chapter 572: The Tailless Burrowing Rat

Yun Chujiu rubbed her eyes and heard a sharp demon beast’s cry from afar. It sounded like a mouse’s cry.

The girl’s eyes immediately lit up. “Stone-eating Rats? It must be a Stone-eating Rat. Hahaha, I’m rich!”

Feng Ming immediately poured a bucket of cold water on her heart. “What Stone-eating Rat?! This is the cry of the Tailless Burrowing Rat. Although they are the descendants of the Stone-eating Rats, their treasure-hunting ability has deteriorated and disappeared. They are only Tier Three demon beasts.”

Yun Chujiu curled her lips in disappointment and then yawned. “So they’re just parallel imports! In that case, I’ll go back to sleep. Call me if there’s anything.”

Parallel imports?

Although Feng Ming and the other two had never heard of the term “parallel import”, they understood what Yun Chujiu meant after a while. Feng Ming said, “Junior Sister Jiu, don’t sleep yet. Listen to this cry. There must be a lot of Tailless Burrowing Rats. Moreover, this cry is so sharp and urgent. Could it be that there are other demon beasts attacking them? Maybe they will come to our side.”

Yun Chujiu blinked her eyes and said, “Tailless Burrowing Rats will dig holes and hide once they hear odd sounds. If they are being attacked, wouldn’t they go underground? Why would they be making noises instead? Don’t tell me they’ve gone mental?!”

Feng Ming touched his nose. Junior Sister Jiu’s words seemed to make sense. If they had encountered a strong enemy, they should have gone underground to hide. Why were they making so much noise? It was really strange!

However, their strangeness did not last long. The Tailless Burrowing Rats’ cries were getting closer and closer. It was obvious that it was running toward them.

Yun Chujiu rolled her eyes. “Senior Brothers, let’s climb to the top of the mine. We can see the situation below with the help of the moonlight. If it isn’t good, we can still run away.”

Feng Ming and the other two nodded. At that moment, the three of them felt that rather than saying they were taking care of Yun Chujiu, it was more accurate to say that Yun Chujiu was taking care of them. It was really embarrassing.

Not long after the three of them climbed to the top of the mine, they saw a large group of Tailless Burrowing Rat running from afar. Their silver fur shimmered under the moonlight, and the large group made it look like a wave.

“Strange, there aren’t any demon beasts chasing after them. Why are they running?” Geng Yi said, puzzled.

Feng Ming frowned slightly. “They don’t look like they’re being chased, but rather chasing something. Huh? Look! There’s another Tailless Burrowing Rat in front of them, but its fur is black.”

Everyone followed Feng Ming’s finger and looked in the direction. Sure enough, there was a black Tailless Burrowing Rat running desperately in front of them, but its fur color was too close to the color of the gravel on the ground, so they did not notice it at the beginning.

Squeak squeak! Squeak squeak!

The group of rats let out a sharp cry. The black rat realized that there was a mine in front of it. It wanted to turn around and escape, but it was blocked by several other rats.

The group displayed their sharp teeth and approached the black rat. Their sharp teeth reflected a cold light under the moonlight, which was particularly horrifying.

The black rat let out a few helpless growls. Finally, it stomped on the ground with its hind legs and leaped up the stone wall with all its strength. It was prepared to climb up, but its claws were unable to climb up the smooth stone wall. After climbing a few feet, it slid and fell to the ground.

The rats let out a sharp cry as if they were mocking its futile struggle. A few larger silver rats were prepared to pounce on it and bite it to death.

At that moment, purple lightning struck down from the mountaintop!

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