The Yun Family's Ninth Child is an Imp!

Chapter 568 - Little Jiu’s Thunderbolt

Chapter 568: Little Jiu’s Thunderbolt

Feng Ming saw that Yun Chujiu kept silent. He was so anxious that his face was red and shouted, “Junior Sister Little Jiu, this is not the time to be stubborn. I have promised the sect master that I must guarantee your safety!”

Geng Yi and Shi Xuan also said anxiously, “Yes, Junior Sister Little Jiu, this is not a joke. These mine wolves are extremely ferocious. While we will hold them off, you have to run quickly.”

Yun Chujiu sighed, “Do you think I am that weak? I am a second-level spirit cultivator, not an eighth-level spirit enhancement practitioner. It was just to confuse others.”

Yun Chujiu adjusted her spiritual power level to the level of a second-level spirit cultivator. Then, she saw the dumbstruck faces of Feng Ming and the other two. Damn it, you really are a second-level spirit cultivator! Why didn’t you say so earlier? You made us worry for you in vain.

“Junior Sister Little Jiu, although you are at the second-level of the spirit cultivator realm, you can only deal with two mine wolves at most. How about I deal with eight mine wolves, and Geng Yi and the others will deal with seven mine wolves each. You can deal with two mine wolves. If you can’t beat them, you will run immediately. Do you hear me?” Feng Ming said seriously.

Yun Chujiu could only nod her head. She thought to herself that it was better to let the facts speak for themselves. By the way, this would be the first time she used her thunder spirit power in front of them. What pose would she use to appear cool and attractive later?

Feng Ming and the other two saw Yun Chujiu mumbling in a low voice and thought that she was nervous, so they comforted her one after another:

“Junior Sister Little Jiu, although a mine wolf is equivalent to a second-level spirit cultivator, the demonic beasts are not that intelligent. In addition, we have a spirit tool on us, so we might have a chance of winning. You don’t have to be too nervous.”

“That’s right, Junior Sister Little Jiu, you might not have encountered such a situation before. You’ll get used to it. We’ve all been in these situations before. Although it’s dangerous this time, it’s not hopeless. We’ll definitely be able to turn the situation around. Don’t be afraid.”

“Yes, Junior Sister Little Jiu. If you’re really afraid, you can deal with one wolf in the meantime. Leave the other one to me. In any case, one more or one less is no big deal.”

Although Feng Ming and the other two were very nervous, they all put on a relaxed look to comfort Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu inexplicably felt a little sour in her nose and said with a smile, “I’m not afraid. I’ll show you how powerful I am!”

Feng Ming and the other two shook their heads in their hearts. Junior Sister Jiu was too blindly confident. No matter how powerful a second-level spirit cultivator was, how powerful could she possibly be? Was she still be as powerful as them? When the fight starts, no matter what, they had to protect her first and not let her get hurt.

At this time, the mine wolf pack had already arrived in front of them. The leader was a slightly larger Wolf King, and its blue eyes revealed a greedy light.

The Wolf King cried out a few times, and the pack of wolves rushed towards the four of them!

Feng Ming and the other two formed a triangle, protecting Yun Chujiu in the middle, and blocked the mine wolves that pounced over toward her.

Yun Chujiu originally wanted to make a move immediately, but seeing the posture of Feng Ming and the other two, she thought about it and decided to observe the situation first. It was a good opportunity to test the strength of the three of them.

In the beginning, Feng Ming and the other two were full of spiritual energy and could cope with it. As time passed, they gradually began to falter. Feng Ming shouted, “Junior Sister Little Jiu, we will block the wolves in a while, you have to quickly run!”

“Run? I am not here to practice running! Look at my Little Jiu’s Thunderbolt!” Yun Chujiu shouted and purple lightning struck the mine wolves in front of her!

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