My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 482 - Preparations Complete Relocating On A Starry Night!

Chapter 482 Preparations Complete, Relocating On A Starry Night!

At this hour, just before landing in the New World and starting on the relocation to their new territory, all the villagers on Hope One were either awakened by the heat, the stuffiness or were startled awake.

Month 4, Day 2, 6.15 a.m. When the first door of the ship’s living quarters opened and gasps were heard from the people who dashed out, the rest of the doors opened as well like a series of dominoes.

Without exception, everyone wore expressions of bewildered astonishment.

“Sh*t, what happened, am I still asleep?”

“We can’t have been abducted by aliens. Oh no, don’t tell me we’ve fallen into the foreign races’ trap!”

“Yuan Zi, pinch me, quick… ouch, that hurts. This is… real!”

In between their noisy chatter, within less than two minutes, everyone who had remained in their rooms came out as well.

Normally, the walkway that could only accommodate 5 people at a time would certainly have been packed to the brim.

However, over a thousand people were standing there now, and they still could not fill up even half the space.

The walkway had expanded!

It was now an astounding… 10 meters wide!

The compact 15 square meter cabins that everyone had squeezed into had also suddenly increased to 40 square meters in size!

The interior of the entire ship seemed to have absorbed water and suddenly expanded to almost three times its size!

“Everyone, please wake up and prepare your belongings. We have reached the landing point. We expect to set out in half a day, or a day at most.

“The power supply for the entire ship has been cut, and maintenance is in progress.

“The increased size of the ship that you are looking at now is all part of our Shelter Leader’s plan. There’s no need to panic!”

Chen Shen hurried out from the crowd with a megaphone and addressed everyone.

It did not matter whether what he said was true or not. Once the villagers heard that it was the Shelter Leader’s plan and that they had reached the landing point, everyone’s spirits lifted immediately. For the time being, they forgot about the power cut and became excited instead.

They had drifted on the ocean for a whole


They had been homeless nomads for four months.

After such a long wait, it was finally time to “return home”!

Like precise and orderly gears, all the villagers finished their meals in two hours and stored all their items in their storage space.

They came up to the deck. Some quietly walked while others sat, all looking with shining eyes at the New World that was now so close at hand.

Time passed in a flash as they waited.

Just after one in the afternoon, after everyone had finished their lunch, Su Mo stumbled out from below decks.

“Leader Su, you…”

“I’m alright. I just need to rest for a while. After I wake up, we’ll set out immediately!”

Su Mo did not need a mirror to guess how dreadful he looked at present.

Given he had not slept all night and his mind had been working in high gear, practically every inch of Su Mo’s energy had been wrung out.

Fortunately, after so long, his willpower was now no longer what it used to be.

Otherwise, even in the best-case scenario, any other person would have immediately fainted!

Su Mo called Chen Shen over and murmured some instructions into his ear. Then, he hurriedly climbed up the stairs laboriously and returned to the captain’s quarters.

The next second, without even bothering to freshen himself up, he planted himself on the small bed in his quarters and immediately sank into a deep sleep.

He was exhausted!

Exhausted to the depths of his soul!

As Su Mo lay down, all the cells in his body practically cheered and jumped for joy. They were ready to start a new round of efficient work.

The old dead cells would be eliminated and replenished by new cells through cell division.

In fact, even in the chaotic regions of the brain, extremely noticeable blood flow signals were already beginning to surge.

From a biological standpoint, Su Mo’s current physical body structure was no different from any other human.

Internally, however, the difference was like night and day.

Naturally, Su Mo was not aware of these changes; he was dead asleep. He slept for 6 hours before gradually opening his eyes.

‘Oof, in future I can’t stay up all night like this again. Otherwise, I might die any day from exhaustion!

‘Such high-level brain activity will surely shorten my lifespan significantly!’

He opened his eyes and felt his heart still beating vigorously.

He slowly sat up, still harboring lingering


This was completely different from how refreshed he used to feel. Even though he had slept for such a long time, a faint sense of weakness and exhaustion still lingered within his body.

This was not the repercussions of burning midnight oil.

Instead, it was the consequence of exerting the brain continuously without rest.

In the short term, if nothing unforeseen happened and he had plenty of time to rest, he would still be fine.

However, if he encountered a crucial decision or a life-and-death struggle, this fluctuating state could cost him his life!

Fortunately, after drinking a bottle of psychic energy water, his condition was eased significantly. “It might have been tiring, but the rewards are splendid. Now, I just have to wait for the specific equipment to be manufactured. Then, I can start trying to make improvements!”

He sat at the desk and watched the handful of sporadic lights outside. From his chest pocket, he took out a USB flash drive.

He had worked for nearly 10 hours, but as expected, he still could not completely analyze the matter conversion engine.

Furthermore, based on his current progress, only the analysis of the input and output modules was complete.

This was not just an issue of time constraints. It was more that there was a huge disparity between technologies, which slowed down the progress of the entire project.

Even so, now that he had the input and output module, it would not be hard to resolve the remaining problems. Once the construction of the territory was successful, and the power research capabilities were resumed, it would only take three months at most to come up with the working principles behind the construction of the entire engine, using the existing components.

Su Mo was in no hurry. He calmly calculated last night’s technological process.

It was not until 8 at night that he stood up leisurely. He spent 10 Disaster Points and put the USB flash drive into his storage space.

The next second, as he turned to leave and pushed open the door of the captain’s quarters, the faint hubbub on the deck instantly died down.

Without the power supply, the humans on Hope One had once again returned to the very beginning of barbarian times.

On the now-expanded deck, several fires were kindled, radiating blazing heat to their surroundings.

Before Su Mo had come out of his quarters, the villagers were sitting by the fire, chatting up a storm.

One moment, they would be happily imagining how they would flaunt their skills once they reached their territory.

Another moment later, they would dream about whether they would be able to restore mankind’s glory in the future, just like in the “olden days”.

However, once Su Mo came out of his quarters, everyone immediately set aside all these thoughts. The only thing on their minds now was the following phrase…

To set out!

“Chen Shen!”


Chen Shen, who was sitting at the very front, immediately responded. He hurriedly stood up and jogged to the front.

With everyone’s gaze on him, Su Mo stated quietly, “Start the preparations. We will set out immediately at midnight!”

Traveling at night was a big taboo.

Yet, in the New World, it was quite the opposite.

With the protection that the game had provided, everyone did not need to fear that they would be attacked by foreign races. They could reach the new territory with absolute safety.

Furthermore, based on the pace of their travel, they would arrive in the territory just as afternoon fell. They could sleep and replenish their energy; the timing was just perfect!

“Yes, Shelter Leader.

“But…our Hope One…”

Su Mo smiled as he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Everyone only needs to bring their personal belongings, and the logistics team only needs to bring two days’ worth of rations. Leave the rest of the items on board. When the time comes, I’ll have a way to handle it!”

Last night, Su Mo had used the two new abilities that Hope One had acquired after attaining legendary-level and experimented to see the results.

It was just like the divine weapons in mythic stories.

With a mere flicker of Su Mo’s thoughts, Hope One increased by three times its size, as if it had suddenly ballooned from eating.

Looking at it from the outside world, Hope One had now reached at least 240 meters in length.

Its width was now almost a staggering 50 meters!

Based on the description of this ability, he could still use it a few more times and could certainly first shrink Hope One to the size of his palm.

He could then carry the miniature ship to the territory, expand it there, and retrieve all the items on board. Then he could activate the Thousand Realm Traveler ability.

Now that he no longer had to worry about this future matter, Chen Shen received his orders and immediately withdrew. Everyone on Hope One also began busying themselves.

The cooks began to cook.

Those assigned to kindle a fire began to do so.

The scouting team was the first to disembark. They began to systematically explore the surrounding area.

In the meantime, the defense team changed into full-body gear and began doing pre-battle pep talks.

Su Mo was not idle either. He took advantage of this intermission to quickly have a meal in the kitchen, then swiftly returned to the small research room where Lu Kuan and the others were staying.

“Eh, Su Mo, you’ve recovered so quickly!”

For the past few days, Lu Kuan and the few others who had been placed in the glass brain box had been well-nourished with psychic energy water. The lifespan of their brains was now securely maintained at 800 years.

Even after their labors last night, their brains’ lifespans had only decreased by 70 years. It only needed the nourishment from two bottles of psychic energy water for them to rapidly recover.

Furthermore, residing in the glass box meant that their brains would not need to be responsible for the recuperation of body parts below the neck. In terms of brainpower recovery speed, it was utterly unattainable for a normal person.

“No, I’m still far from it. I’ll need to sleep for at least another two or three days before I can fully recover.

“By the way, we’re about to start our relocation. The chests of brains will temporarily be left onboard. When I reach the new territory, I’ll let all of you out!”

The backup power supply for the chests of brains could still deliver power for another 180 days. In terms of duration, it could be considered ample time.

As such, Lu Kuan had no objections. He merely nodded in agreement on behalf of the rest.

All preparations were now complete.

With a flashlight, Su Mo took the flight of stairs to the third level to make a round of inspection.

He finally stopped in front of the secret door that led to the engine room and began knocking on the wall in a specific sequence.

With a few faint creaks, the secret door was opened from the inside, revealing Connie’s slightly exhausted leonine face.

“You’ve been working really hard! There are no problems inside, right?”

Connie shook her head. “No, but Wolf Three’s condition is worsening by the day. The onset ought to happen within these few days but the rest of the foreign races are still alright. Currently, with Wolf Three still in his condition from the last round, it will take at least a long cycle of 14 to 28 days before his symptoms will gradually emerge!”

Su Mo followed behind Connie, and both came to the secret door at the end of the secret passage.

This was the only place on Hope One where the power was still maintained.

Even after the power supply was completely cut, by using the backup power supply, this place could still maintain the lights for another 7 days, as well as the steel feeding pipeline that operated three times a day.

Su Mo shone the flashlight precisely at Wolf Three’s face.

Sure enough, just as Connie had stated, Wolf Three’s face was savagely ferocious, and his eyes had turned blood red. It was a terrifying sight to behold.

“Tomorrow, then the day after tomorrowonce they’re transferred out after two days, your task will be complete. You just need to hang on for another two more days!” “Don’t worry, I’ll be here!”

After integrating with the inhabitants of Hope Village, Connie was no longer like the foreign races. Apart from her external appearance, she was not that different from a human being

Now that he had completed his observations, Su Mo noticed that only 20 minutes remained before midnight.

He made his way through the secret passage and watched the secret door close before he retraced his steps and returned once more to the deck.

Su Mo had been on the ocean for a month and had spent three months undergoing the God of the Ocean’s trial.

Altogether, it had been over four months since he had left the shelter.

At this moment, just before they set out on their relocation, he looked at the villagers, all ready with their baggage and outfitted with various weapons and armor.

He did not know why, but his heart swelled with great pride.

The next second, he stood on the platform and raised Hope Village’s flag up high, which fluttered in the wind.

With a roar of voices, all the villagers raised their right hands.

“All inhabitants of Hope Village, hear my command.

“We will disembark in 15 minutes. Our objective—the New World!”

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