My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 473 - Three Different Difficulties A Tricky Decision!

Chapter 473 Three Different Difficulties, A Tricky Decision!

If you had the opportunity to create a virtual world to your liking, what would come to mind first?

Su Deben’s words had enlightened Su Mo.

Afterward, with the aid of Lu Kuan, Su Mo successfully connected to the virtual reality terminal for the first time since that time at the Expeditionary Army base. At the same, the notion behind that question piqued his interest.

In contrast with the actual world, which was already constructed…

In the virtual dimension, when a new world was constructed, all that the naked eye could see was an endless expanse of white. There were large, easily distinguishable pixels scattered everywhere.

Looking down, Su Mo could see his own figure in the virtual world.

There was no apparent difference from his actual form.

“Su Mo, I’ve given you full access to the creation mode. You can now use your thoughts to modify this world.”

“Bear in mind that you should avoid creating any unnecessary things. Choose living beings that have appeared in your memory. This will significantly reduce the computing power needed.”

“As for the environment, it doesn’t really matter. You can try to add in as many details as possible. This will help to increase the accuracy of the simulation!”

Lu Kuan’s voice echoed like rumbling thunder, ringing from every corner of the virtual world.

The virtual world reverberated along with his announcement.

In fact, after Lu Kuan’s rumbling announcement abated, Su Mo felt a sense of relaxation and it seemed like a deeper connection had been established between him and this virtual world.

Waves of information began to surge into his mind in the form of neuron signal pulses, transmitting information in real-time.

Su Mo began to go through the waves of information. After gaining a basic understanding of the creation function that Lu Ku mentioned, Su Mo raised his right hand.

“I say, this world should have land and skies. It should have a sun, a moon and bodies of water. There should be grass and there should be flowers….”


As he finished his commands, pieces of the virtual world began to rearrange and transform themselves in a frenzied storm.

The white pixels began to disappear rapidly. Appearing in their stead were different colored panels that materialized from the void, assembling together like building blocks.

Everything fell into place just as Su Mo had visualized in his thoughts.

In less than ten seconds, the empty world was now complete and whole.

His feet now stood on firm soil that flourished with green grass.

Above his head was an azure clear blue sky.

The air was filled with sounds of insects trilling, birds chirping and water rippling.

The world was like a utopia. For a brief moment, Su Mo was mesmerized by an illusion…

An illusion of possessing 100% of the wasteland’s authority!

“What a miraculous feeling!” “The usage of bio-electricity to stimulate brain signals and generate these images can even condition the brain to produce positive feedback. This is totally unheard of.”

The enhancement of one’s strength uplifts one’s spirit.

Somehow, the miraculous simulation of virtual reality replicated that same uplifting emotion to an impressive likeness.

“This technology… If we could upgrade and modify it to fit all living beings, reduce the computing power required, and increase the accuracy of the simulations, then we can replicate 80% of the results from the system’s training ground function.”

“At that point, even if we ascend to a higher dimension, we would still be able to stir up a frightening storm!”

As Su Mo’s memories gradually trickled out in the form of his created surroundings, the virtual world gradually mirrored the real world.

More and more details were being weaved into the simulation.

Su Mo had seen and experienced the system’s training ground function before.

He was familiar with this technology and had a greater and deeper understanding of it than Lu Kuan and the rest.

At the same time, he was aware of how truly terrifying the upper limit of this technology


It would not be an exaggeration to state that if it was a living being on the receiving end, even one that merely possessed basic biological functions and urges, then this technology, which allowed one to become an almighty creator, could deliver an unprecedented experience to the living being and easily captivate its heart and mind.

“Looks like our future path of development should have more emphasis on virtual reality technology.”

“Perhaps in critical moments, this technology can even serve as my trump card!” Su Mo nodded his head and silently kept this discovery in his heart. He refocused his attention back onto the simulation and started to properly manipulate the virtual world, attempting to mirror the real world as closely as possible.

Su Mo lingered in the virtual world for a while.

After completing three large-scale simulations, Su Mo turned his head to the skies.

“That’s enough. Bring me out of here!”


The sun and the moon seemingly swapped places as the sky and the earth were flipped upside down.

When Su Mo finally regained his senses, he was shaken to find himself back on the chair where the computing server was placed.

In front of him was a robot that bore an anxious expression.

Lu Kuan, who was in control of the robot, waited for Su Mo to reorient himself with reality, before asking, “How was it? Was the simulation successful? On the control panel, I saw the computing power maintained at approximately eighty percent until the end. Could it be that there were problems with the device?”

Humans’ ability to adapt was indeed peculiar.

Normally when simulating other environments, Lu Kuan and the others could barely mobilize even 70% of the computing power. Usually, they would only require half of the computing power, which was around 50%.

Yet, when Su Mo entered virtual reality for the first time in the Expeditionary Army base, he had pushed the computing power to 110% of its capacity!

Lu Kuan felt the 80% utilization rate of computing power this time was low!

“There were no problems. The simulation this time was very successful. Although we do not have any information about our enemies, I now know how to approach this issue.”

“Swap to Uncle Su. I’ll discuss it further with him.”

After Su Mo finished speaking, Lu Kuan proceeded with his familiar routine and backed away, allowing Su Deben to reconnect.

“Was it successful?”

Su Mo nodded. “It was a success!”

“Three simulations. I did not modify the enemies’ settings much, but I based them on my previous encounters with the foreign races.”

“For the first simulation, I selected the bottom right corner where the different tribes of the foreign races gathered. After testing several times, our survival rate here was one hundred percent every single time.”

Hearing this, Su Deben was excited. “Isn’t that great?”

“No. The computing algorithm informed me that our potential for development here is only 23%.”

ests that, even if we capture this area, it would be difficult to carry out our development plans without being affected by the other locations. Before we even finish our developments, it is likely we will be pressured from multiple directions. This is not the best choice!”

“In the second location, which is the one in the middle of the New World, the computing algorithm informed me that our survival rate was also one hundred percent. However, the potential for development here was even lower than the location in the bottom right!”

The computing algorithm simulated an approximation of the different scenarios their group would likely face when they arrived at the New World.

Unlike the human brain, the computing algorithm relied completely and solely on the input data.

The potential for development was also another parameter that was computed in a curious manner. When the magnitude of the disaster was less than ten, the location in the middle had a significantly higher potential for development.

However, as the magnitude of the disaster increased, the potential for development of the middle location declined drastically to an abysmal level.

“I can guess the specific reason behind that, but it doesn’t matter. What about the third location?”

Su Mo solemnly spoke, “In the third location, we would inevitably encounter and clash with these larger clans of the foreign races. The potential for development is 79%, which is the highest of the three. Its resource development level also received an evaluation of 92 points, meaning that we can avoid a lot of trouble on that front. However, the problem is that the survival rate here is not 100%. It’s only…”


Su Deben was shocked senseless. “It’s that low? How can that be?”

Su Deben had seen the entire might of the Hope Village’s assembled combat forces. He understood how the accumulation of resources would accelerate the growth of their strength.


As chief instructor, Su Deben clearly knew how terrifying it would be if all fourteen hundred of them were equipped and trained for combat.

Yet, this figure…

Whether it was Su Mo, or Su Deben, before he conducted the simulations, neither of them would ever have imagined such a pathetic figure.

Taking into account the current situation of the shelter, even though Hope One—their biggest trump card-would likely be banned after the launch of the Real Survival version update…

They could still make haste and make use of the available time to quickly manufacture ammunition and firearms.

Perhaps it would be too difficult to fight a battle against tens of thousands, but Su Mo had the utmost confidence that they could still win a battle against thousands without suffering any casualties at all.

Moreover, after they planted themselves in the New World, they could rely on the supplies that Hope Village had stockpiled.

Even without relying on the game’s medium-size machine tool, they could develop rapidly, after which they would be able to access methods to manufacture a manual version of the machine tool to produce ammunition.

At that point, they would have a steady stream of supplies. As long as their lives were not claimed by the enemy, their territory would become like an impregnable fort.

Unfortunately, now…

This figure…

“This dagger… Before I input the data for it, our survival rate was still 100%. There were no concerns at all. In the computing algorithm’s simulation, even if all of the foreign races combined were to attack our territory, we could still hold our ground using firearms. We could even retaliate and launch counterattacks.”

Su Mo took out the dwarven dagger and placed it on the table; his face bore no happiness or joy.

“After I input the data for this dagger, our survival rate plunged to 49%. In the simulations, if the foreign races all possessed this weapon, even if we had sufficient ammunition and firearms, we would still struggle to defend our territory unless we successfully advanced our technology and manufactured cannons, tanks, and other weapons with stronger firepower. Only then would our survival rate increase.”

“The 26% survival rate accounts for the scenario where our opponents are armed with stronger and stronger weapons. I’ve used the computing algorithm to conduct a simulation. Once the power and range of the weapon increase by one-fold, our survival rate will drop to approximately 41%. If it is increased by two-fold, our survival rate drops to 32% and, if three-fold, it will drop to 26%.”

Su Deben rhetorically asked, “What if it was increased by five-fold? Or even ten-fold?”

“Five-folds, 12.7%!”

“Ten-fold… 2.1%!”

Robots did not need to breathe.

Yet, once Su Mo mentioned the figure of 2.1%, there was an audible gasp from the robot’s speaker.

In reality, any survival rate that was below 100% would entirely lose its meaning.

The chances of survival had only two values; o and 1.

The computing algorithm merely stayed true to the given scenario and simulated it thousands of times. It only informed him of the probability of success and failure. For instance, in the scenario whereby the enemy’s weapons were strengthened ten-fold, the computing algorithm in total conducted 5000 simulations.

In these simulations, Hope Village lost 4895 times and won a total of 105 times.

It looked as if there was still a chance to fight back. However, after supplementing those statistics with more information, Su Mo came to a realization.

Even if they won, Hope Village would still be left in shambles.

Their productivity, population, and territory would all be lost.

Forget weathering the disasters, survival itself in the New World would be difficult enough when that happened.

Such a pyrrhic victory was almost equivalent to a loss.

“Su Mo, I guess you have now made a decision. You can probably guess my thoughts too.”

Su Deben took a deep breath and continued.

“We have no way out from this. In the computing algorithm’s simulations, we are all the same. However, I believe that Lu Kuan and the others can take on a hundred men. I can take on a thousand and you can take on tens of thousands!”

“If we pooled our superior combat capabilities together, even if a war were to erupt, in such a situation, it is still uncertain as to who would emerge victorious.”

“However, if we choose to retreat without trying, it would be the same as surrendering our opportunity to advance. Anyhow, you make the call!”

As Su Deben finished his words, he sat upright and stared directly into Su Mo’s eyes.

His expression was clear without a hint of fear, but in his heart he was anxious.

If he were the one to make the decision now, without a doubt, he would choose the safest location to slowly develop and strategize.

However, he now understood Su Mo’s influence and the relationship between humans and the foreign races.

It was apparent that there was only one choice left.

“Ha ha ha, Uncle Su. Which one do you think I will choose?”

Su Mo, startled by the sudden solemn atmosphere, could not help but laugh. This laugh relaxed Su Deben as he chuckled along. “You punk, I knew it!”

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