Supreme Magus

Chapter 2332 Night Into Day (Part 2)

Chapter 2332 Night Into Day (Part 2)

“With my help, of course.” Kamila said with one of her smiles that could turn night into day.

The quick-paced heartbeat was the best music Lith had ever heard, washing away all of his worries and grief. It reminded him that even in his darkest hour there was someone who needed him. Someone to fight for.

“Thanks, Kami. Thanks, Solus.” Lith sniffled, this time out of joy and he didn’t feel bad for it.

“You are welcome.” They said in unison. “Have you thought about a name for the baby girl yet?”

“No. You?” Lith asked.

“I’ve no idea about the first name but what do you think of Phloria as her second name?” Kamila replied.

“It would be perfect. Thank you.” Lith needed sheer willpower to not cry and a handkerchief to blow his nose before snot covered his face.

“Now that’s settled, what did you want to talk about?” Solus took her hands off Kamila but left the spell in place so that the heartbeat would remain in the background.

“A few things.” Lith replied. “First, I don’t care what the others think or do, I’m not giving up on this fight. Tessa is right, there’s no way for us to defeat the Golden Griffon, but if the opportunity arises, I want to be there.

“I’m the only one who can get inside the lost academy and destroy it for good. If before the war was just a matter of upholding my deal with the Royals, now it’s personal. I’m not going to let Thrud win.”

“I understand.” Kamila nodded. “Do what you think is right. I’m 100% with you, just be careful.”

She clenched his hand, pressing it against her womb to remind him how much was at stake.

“Don’t worry, Kami. I’ll watch his back and bring him home in one piece.” Solus held her other hand.

“Thank you, Solus.” Kamila returned the hold, thanking once again the gods for her odd yet functional marriage.

“One more thing. With Phloria gone, we need to pick another godparent for the baby.” Lith said while lowering his gaze.

“Isn’t that a bit too soon?” Kamila clenched both Solus’ and Lith’s hand. “We can take our time and wait until we feel better. Doing it right now feels like spitting on Phloria’s grave.”

“I would agree with you if not for what we have just said.” Lith sighed. “If something goes wrong, I want someone I trust to take care of the baby and you in my stead. I can’t afford to wait.”

Solus opened her mouth to object, but she closed it just as quickly without saying a word. Her full focus was now devoted to clenching her teeth and not squashing Kamila’s hand in worry.

“Do the old requirements still apply?” Kamila turned a little pale but otherwise managed to act natural.

“Yes. I’d like a human to help her appreciate her mother’s side. A mage so that they can share with the baby the wonders of magic. Last but not least, an Awakened so that they can understand the care that raising an Awakened child takes.” Lith replied.

“What about Solus?” Kamila asked.

“Mother and godmother? Thanks, but no thanks. If anything happens to Lith, I’ll be the one needing someone to take care of me.” Solus shook her head. “What about Tista?”

“Once she hits the violet, she’ll be in my same situation so no can do.” Lith shrugged.

“Friya and Quylla are off the table. They would never accept taking Phloria’s role so soon, especially once they learn the baby’s second name.” Kamila pondered.

“Zinya and Rena are not an option either. No magical power of sorts. Rena is already lost with Leria, let alone with a hybrid child.” Solus tormented her hair.

“Yeah. The same reason I can’t involve Selia or Zekell.” Lith thought out loud.

“What do you think of Tyris?” Solus said.

“That she’s going to see it as an attempt to manipulate her.” Lith replied. “Also, I don’t trust Guardians that much. I mean look at how their own children ended up. Think of Arthan. I want someone who has no problem going all-out and playing dirty when necessary.”

“Then what about Zoreth?” Kamila asked. “She was a hybrid who discarded her nature as a Dragon, so she knows both sides very well. She was also an Awakened and now has regained her Dragon bloodline.

“She’s an Abomination hybrid as well. She possesses the Dragon, the human, and the undead side just like our baby. Last but not least, she didn’t hesitate to help you with Phloria.”

“Do you realize that she’s an ancient mass murderer?” Lith was flabbergasted.

“The same could be said of all Guardians and most elder Awakened like Tessa.” Kamila shrugged. “The difference is that Zoreth is willing to give her life for you, her wife, Zin, and her children. That’s enough for me.”

“I’m with Kami.” Solus nodded. “I’m not completely fine at the idea of spending too much time with Bytra, but you have to admit that having the Fourth Ruler of the Flames looking after our child has its charm.”

Bytra was Zoreth’s wife so if the Shadow Dragon were to take care of the baby, Bytra would be part of a package deal.

“Then it’s settled.” Lith took out his communication amulet. “Do you mind if I ask her right now?”

Two thumbs up and one pressed rune later, Zoreth’s hologram appeared in the middle of the living room.

“Is everything alright? Do you need reinforcements?” The Shadow Dragon was in her human form and wore an elegant evening dress.

Her face was even paler than usual as Zoreth looked around the room for enemies.

“No, it’s not but not because my life is at risk. I’m just grieving, there’s no need for reinforcements but thank you for your offer.” Lith replied.

“I’m sorry for your loss, little brother. Father told me how deep a bond you and Phloria shared. If there’s anything you need, I’m here. You only need to- What’s this noise? It sounds like a heartbeat.”

“Because it is.” A thin smile appeared on Lith’s face. “It’s the heartbeat of my baby girl. Solus invented a spell to allow us to listen to it.”

“That’s wonderful! Byt, come here and listen!” A clicking of shoes and a second later Bytra’s hologram joined the room.

“This is amazing! Can you really hear a baby’s heart so soon?” She asked.

“Yes. About your offer…” Lith left the words hanging until Zoreth nodded for him to continue.

“The War of the Griffons is still ongoing and I’m going to see it until the end. That’s why I would feel much more comfortable while I fight on the frontlines if you accepted to take care of my wife and child for me, Zoreth.

“Would you like to be her godmother?”

The Shadow Dragon’s eyes went wide and her skin became so pale that Bytra thought she was about to faint. And the Raiju was right.

Bytra caught her wife before she collapsed and handed Zoreth the leather bag that Bytra used when a fit of blood madness sent her into hyperventilation.

“Breathe in here, dear. It will pass soon.” The Raiju found being on the caregiving side for once a fulfilling experience.

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