Supreme Magus

Chapter 2309 Catching Up (Part 1)

Chapter 2309 Catching Up (Part 1)

“You are better than this, Orion. If you turn your back on your household, you’ll lose more than your daughter, you’ll lose yourself. And you would regret it your whole life.” Salaark shook her head.

“Just like I’d regret not trying everything I can to save my Little Flower. I would give my life for her without a second thought. A father shouldn’t survive her daughter!” Orion said in outrage.

“Your words haven’t fallen on deaf ears.” Salaark nodded. “I refuse your offer. I refuse your loyalty until it is given freely. As a Guardian and the Overlord, I can’t help you. As a mother, however, I can bend the rules a little.”

“What do you mean?” Orion was dumbfounded.

“When I said that your words haven’t fallen on deaf ears, I wasn’t referring to mine.” Salaark pointed behind him where she had forcefully Warped Tessa and Fyrwal.

“Well said, kid. Juria would be proud of you.” Tessa the Titania wrapped her arms around Orion’s neck, her eyes tearing up.

“What are you taking about? The First Ernas was the shield of the King. She would have never betrayed him, no matter the cost. Juria Ernas was better than I will ever be.” Orion felt deep shame while comparing himself to his foremother.

“Are you kidding me?” Fyrwal joined the embrace. “Juria served another lord before Valeron. A cruel bastard who abused his power and exploited the loyalty of his knights to do his dirty work.

“Juria switched sides in the middle of the war and helped Valeron to conquer the kingdom she had sworn to protect.”

“That’s completely different!” Orion blurted out. “She turned her back to a vicious tyrant whereas I was willing to break a sacred oath to save my daughter.”

“Different how?” Tessa said with a scoff. “Why do you think that Juria changed her mind? She did it because the bastard had dared lay his eyes on her sister. Breaking her oath crushed her twice.

“The first time because it sullied her honor as a knight and the second because she was ridden with the guilt from having stood idly until the problem had become personal. No one’s perfect, kid.”

The revelation shocked Orion, but time was a luxury he didn’t have.

“Does this mean that you are going to help me?” He asked.

“Of course.” Fyrwal nodded. “The four founding pillars must stick together. We were going to act on our own because we despise the Kingdom but we’ll make an exception for you.”

“I swear, looking at you throwing those books at Salaark’s feet reminded me of Juria giving Valeron the map of the secret passages of the castle and the position of the guards after handing herself over.” Tessa patted his shoulders.

“She bartered her life in exchange for her sister’s safety. Juria entered Valeron’s encampment as a prisoner, thinking that he would have her executed for treason after getting what he needed.

“She knew that she deserved to die but Valeron begged to differ. He thought that she deserved a second chance, just like the one Salaark offered you. Gods, it feels like she’s back with us.”

“Thanks, I guess.” Orion replied.

“Don’t be glum and look at the bright side.” Fyrwal cupped his face, seeing her old friend in him. “Even if Salaark Awakened you, it would have taken you a long time to learn true magic and body casting.

“We, instead, have mastered them both centuries ago and we’ll fight in your stead.”

The Titania and the Hydra thumped at their own chest with a closed fist, making the Davross of their Royal Fortress armor clang.

“Even better, we are willing to work with your Tiamat friend and your little runts.” The Bewitching Demon said. “Believe me when I say that if we can’t do it after joining our forces, then no one can.”


Griffon Kingdom, Distar Marquisate, Lith’s house.

Going back was much quicker since the Gate in Lith’s barn had privileged access to the Desert and Salaark was free to open it from her side.

“Go home.” Fyrwal said. “You need to rest and we need to talk with the runts in private.”

“Are you sure?” Orion asked. “Lith is a full-blown paranoid and without a proper introduction, things might escalate quickly.”

“Please, he may be a Divine Beast, but we gave Thrud a run for her money. How tough can he be?” Tessa said with a sneer.

“Like a Divine Beast in his own home, surrounded by his arrays, and with Guardians watching over his wife who won’t hesitate to turn you into oatmeal.” He replied.

Tessa used her personal array detection spell, Unravel, to discover enough magical formations to suppress a Dragon.

“Point taken. You weren’t joking about his paranoia. How can someone so young have built something like this?” The Titania asked.

“Lith is Lith.” Orion had no explanation to offer. “That and he had the Royals fund his home defense system ever since he was twelve.”

“Let me call Fanny. You Warp him back home.” Fyrwal took out her dimensional amulet. “Better not make anyone wonder how Orion went from his house to Verhen’s and back without going through official channels and after a Gate from the Desert was ‘conveniently’ opened.”

“While we are at it, please, don’t tell my daughters what I was about to do.” He gave them a bow, his shoulders slouching in shame.

“I bet they would be proud of you. Or at least, I would. A father willing to put everything he has on the line for his children is a rare thing.” Tessa patted his shoulder before sending him away.

“Go home. You need rest.” She imitated Fyrwal’s voice making it sound high-pitched and dumb. “Seriously? Couldn’t you think of a better excuse?”

“It was no excuse. The man is exhausted and we needed to get rid of him. I just didn’t expect Verhen to be such a pain in the ass and neither did you.” The Hydra shrugged. “Remember to behave. They are all my daughter’s apprentices.”

“Fine.” Tessa pouted.

“I’m serious. Don’t embarrass me. Keep your racist comments for yourself and your hands in your pockets, no matter how angry you get. If a Guardian kills you, I’ll be left alone.” Fyrwal took out a Rememberer that projected an image of their old group.

Three out of five were grey, dead before their time.

“Fine.” Tessa huffed out. “You have my word that I won’t let you and Juria’s bloodline down.”

“Hi, Mom. How did you get- Oh, gods, no!” Faluel pointed at the Titania, aghast at her presence.

“It’s nice to see you too, Fanny.” Tessa clicked her tongue in annoyance. “You have nothing to worry about. We have come to help. Be a dear and introduce us to your friends.”

“Really?” Faluel looked at both women in suspicion. “I thought that comment about adding Lith to the When All Are One array was a joke. You’ve known about him for a while and you’ve never contacted him. What made you change your mind?”

“It was a joke.” Fyrwal replied. “As for your question, desperation changed our minds.”

The Elder Hydra felt no need to specify whose desperation she was referring to.

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