Supreme Magus

Chapter 2280 Ground Rules (Part 2)

Chapter 2280 Ground Rules (Part 2)

“What do you say if we go visiting Baron Wyalon, son?” Raaz asked. “He deserves that ride on the DoLorean you promised him.”

“I don’t know, Dad. I’ve already gotten an invitation from my old sergeant, Tepper. I was thinking to turn him down, but Morok has been invited as well. We’ve never been really close, but he’s Quylla’s betrothed now.

“After what happened to Phloria, she needs us more than ever.”

“How long would that take?” Kamila asked.

“An hour. Maybe less. Hardly more. The invite is about showing me off to the new recruits and giving them some kind of speech. Boot camps have no time to waste, believe me.

“Whatever rest those poor boys get while I talk, they are going to pay dearly for it in sweat.”

“Your camp was in the north and so is Jambel.” Solus pointed out. “What if we pick up Wyalon and then ride to Grimatros? This way you can act all cocky in front of your family and friends. Also, we can move out the moment you are done.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Lith nodded. “By the way, any thought about the V issue?”

“No. I’m still swamped.” Kamila replied.

“No clue, sorry.” Solus cleared her throat.

“Good, because I feel the same.” Lith had yet to give Leegaain an answer about the adoption of Valeron the Second in case of Thrud’s death.

It was a decision that needed both Kamila’s and Solus’ approval. Before Phloria’s kidnapping, Lith already resented the Mad Queen but now he was out for her blood. Making her a favor, even after killing her, made his blood flow backward in outrage.


Kellar Region, city of Jambel, the following day.

Lith and the rest of his family reached the city on Salaark’s DoLorean. Elina was driving, to get used to it and muster the courage to go on trips and adventures on her own.

Raaz was doing his meditation exercises to prepare himself to be near people and keep his social anxiety under control. Every bad news he received was a huge blow to his morale but with a daughter and a granddaughter incoming, he didn’t cut himself any slack.

‘I want to be there for them and be someone they can look up to for guidance. Not a broken mess who will only teach them to be afraid of their own shadow.’ Even after witnessing the massacre of the three cities, the thought of the baby girls gave him strength.

“Wow! Show off much?” Rena lowered her window, pointing at the banners flying all over Jambel. “You could have at least told us that you have changed the family emblem, little brother.”

“I did no such thi- Oh, farm me sideways!” The banners were red and black, depicting a Voidfeather Dragon coiled up around a white tower, the sword had been replaced by War and the staff by the Sage Staff.

Solus squealed in joy from her ring while Kamila’s snarl was mild but perfectly clear.

They shared half the banner each, making their partnership official and Kamila jealous.

“I’m sorry. It’s not my idea!” Lith apologized despite being innocent.

“It’s true Kami. No one asked our permission for that.” Solus said.

She was the only one besides Lith using that moniker in the family, making them wonder when she’d notice how weird it sounded.

“I’m not angry.” Yet she clearly was. “Just remember what I told you yesterday, Solus. Do not skew things.”

“I won’t.”

‘Poor Kami.’ Solus thought. ‘Just as she feared, I’m taking her space. Better think in advance how to explain to the baby girl why only Dad and one Mom are part of the family insignia.’

“What’s the meaning of the banners?” Lith asked while shaking Wyalon’s hand without even greeting him first.

The Baron had prepared an honor guard for them. A long black and red carpet was below their feet and every soldier held a flagpole flying a banner.

“You mean your new family crest?” Wyalon said with a laugh. “Leegaain, the Divine Dragon of the Empire drew it himself and the Empress gifted it to the Royals. You can imagine the rest.”

“Father of all Dragons!” It was supposed to be an honor title but Lith said it like a swear word.

“Yeah, I’m sorry but I’m with him on this. Your Tiamat form is creepy as heck, especially after you-know-what.” The Baron shuddered at the memory of the Demons shrouding the sun.

“Never mind that. We have business to discuss.” Lith explained Wyalon the reason he couldn’t stay long.

“Ah.” The Baron looked dejected, all that his preparations had achieved was to embarrass his guest.

“Where’s your family?” Lith looked for Mirias and their children but couldn’t find them.

“I couldn’t bother you with a family trip.” Wyalon replied. “It’s already an honor for me to ride with you. Besides, I doubt there’s enough space for everyone.”

He pointed at the muscle car, wondering how could the whole Verhen family fit into such a small vehicle.

“Actually, there’s more space than you think.” Lith sighed deeply, being forced to admit that his DoLorean looked terrible compared with Salaark’s. “But that’s not the point. Why should your family miss your first trip with your DoLorean?”

Lith took another car out of his pocket dimension, handing the Baron a magic crystal that would work as an ignition key.

“I beg your pardon?” Wyalon froze in stupor.

“I received the authorization to craft one for my late friend, Count Lark, but he is no more and his children say it’s painful to watch for them.

“Since you like it, I wanted to give you a DoLorean to thank you for your hospitality, your help with my silver mines, and for fighting on my behalf in the Royal Court.” Lith said.

“I assure you that it’s faster than any horse and if you bring it with you during battle, your survival chances will increase dramatically.”

The gift DoLorean looked like a minivan and was far from cool but the Baron’s face flushed with emotion as his eyes turned watery. It took him a single deep breath to regain his cool.

“I can’t accept-“

“You are offending me.” Lith cut him short.

“I gladly accept it, then.” The Baron received the crystal with both hands, needing sheer willpower to not jump with joy. “I can’t wait for Mirias to see it!”

“Why wait?” Lith stopped Wyalon from calling for his horse and opened a Steps straight to the Baron’s house.

“Be right back!” Wyalon said and he was true to his word.

He returned a few seconds later, dragging his children by the hands and carrying his fierce wife like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder.

“Put me down you damn oaf! I’m going to kill you in your sleep and-” Mirias’s face was red with anger and her clothes crumpled. “It’s an honor to meet you again, Supreme Magus Verhen. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

The moment the Baron put his wife down and she saw Lith, Mirias adjusted her behavior accordingly. Her expression turned kind and even her skin reverted to its usual pallor.

She gave him a perfect curtsy while straightening her clothes in a single fluid movement.

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