Supreme Magus

Chapter 2273 More Than A Word (Part 1)

Chapter 2273 More Than A Word (Part 1)

“When are you going back to the battlefield, little brother?” Rena asked after Hushing the children.

Between the scare, the food, and the warm fur of their pets, they had started snoring right after eating their dessert.

“Good question. When am I going back to the battlefield, Orion?” Lith passed the question on to the General of the army.Ζ’π‘ŸπšŽeπ”€π—²π’ƒπ‘›π’π˜·π—²π’.cπ—Όπ‘š

“Were it up to me, I’d send you out again tomorrow at the first lights and wouldn’t make you stop until sundown.” Orion turned to Elina and Raaz, giving them a small bow. “I’m sorry for putting your son in danger.”

“Don’t worry. We know how you feel.” They replied, yet their grimaces begged to differ.

“Alas, it would ease my fatherly heart and be a disaster for the Kingdom.” Orion sighed. “Before resuming our advance, we must establish a solid foothold in Thrud’s territories. A fortress with mud foundations would collapse at the first attack.

“We might require your presence, but only as a deterrent to keep the enemies at bay and the citizens from rioting. I’m not going to lie, no one expected such clean and quick victories.

“You took both your allies and enemies by surprise. That’s why we also need to see how Thrud answers to our offensive before we commit more troops to the invasion.”

“It makes sense.” Lith nodded.

“Can he take a couple of days off? Can I as well?” Kamila asked.

“Unless we get attacked, yes. What about you, dear?” Orion had no authority over constables.

“Three cities mean hundreds of traitors to investigate and put to trial, but yes. Take as long as you need.” Jirni nodded. “Until I get my baby girl back, I’m not going to rest. If necessary, I’ll do your work as well if it means increasing Lith’s odds of success.”

“Thanks, Jirni. I hope-” A powerful roar followed by a slight tremor in the ground cut Kamila short. “Great Mother almighty! Will this day ever end?”

“I’m right here.” Tyris waved her hand, sick of people looking at the sky while talking to her. “Also, there’s nothing to worry about. Just a guest.”

Unfortunately for the Queen’s Corps, they had no way to hear Tyris and be reassured by her words. When they saw the colossal figure of the Shadow Dragon close in and then land right in front of the doorstep, they went this close to burst into tears.

“What’s wrong with this place? Is it cursed?” The new captain of the Corps called for reinforcements again, praying that they would not need them.

He renewed his request for transfer and so did many other members of the units.

The moment Lith opened the door, the tension inside the house disappeared.

Zoreth was one of the Master’s most loyal followers. An ancient Eldritch who through the millennia had murdered millions to achieve her goals. Yet to them, she was a dear friend who had helped Lith several times.

“Hi, big sister. Do you want to come in?” Lith was surprised to see her keeping her Dragon form.

“Yes, but first I need the permission of both of you since I’m not alone.” Despite Zoreth’s size, her voice was barely a whisper to not scare the children or the animals.

The figure of a black Raiju galloped down her spine. White bolts of lightning crackled around Bytra’s horns as she reached the ground.

“I’m here as well and I don’t want to burden Solus with my presence unless she allows me to. We are not friends and I’ve still a lot to make up to her for.” She said.

“You!” The Mother’s eyes blazed with bright white mana when she recognized the Fourth Ruler of the Flames and Menadion’s killer. “You have changed.”

Even from a distance, she could tell via Life Vision that the Bytra in front of her was nothing like the one she knew. Baba Yaga felt the Raiju exuding shame, remorse, and compassion whereas the old Bytra had smelled of ambition, pride, and indifference.

“Don’t worry, Malyshka. Bytra is a clone of the original. She played no part in killing me and my mother. As she said, we are not friends but she has proven her will to redeem herself enough times to earn my trust.” Solus said.

“Please, come in. Both of you.” She tried to sound confident, but her palms sweated and her knees trembled slightly.

Even after the events of Verendi, Solus couldn’t bear the sight of Bytra’s horn without reliving the feeling of her heart being pierced.

Both Eldritch hybrids shrunk their size to fit through the door and shapeshifted into their human form only after Lith closed it behind them. Bytra and Zoreth used their real appearance while posing as Vastor’s nieces and they couldn’t afford to be identified as Eldritches.

“Thank you for your hospitality. If my presence bothers you in any way, just tell me and I’ll leave. There are things that I would like to tell you in person, but your peace of mind comes first.

“We can talk through the amulet if you want.” Bytra said.

The moment the white lightning and the horns disappeared, Solus managed to relax and smiled at the Raiju from the heart.

“Thanks for your concern, but there’s no need to. We can speak here. Would you like tea, coffee, or ice cream?” She asked.

“I’d like some tea, thank you. Chocolate and hazelnut ice cream for me.” Bytra said while giving a bow to her hosts.

“I’ll have coffee for both. I take the drink black and the ice cream with whipped cream.” Zoreth said. “If you don’t mind, Guardian, we’d like some privacy.”

Tyris looked at Lith who nodded and then she disappeared. Lith knew that the Eldritches avoided the Royal Court but Jirni and Orion, however, had met them at Vastor’s wedding.

If they recognized Zoreth, it would have taken a single word to betray the identity of the Master.

Crank opened his eyes and his body froze in terror when Life Vision gave him an estimate of the newcomers’ power level.

‘I don’t care. I’m just crashing here.’ Seeing that the kids kept sleeping, he followed suit.

Zinya knew the truth already and welcomed both women with a big smile and a hug.

Jirni and Orion flinched, but they knew Lith for long enough to know when not to ask questions and just wait for answers.

After everyone sat on the couches in front of the fireplace, Solus broke the silence.

“No offense, but this was a very long day. Do you mind cutting to the chase and telling us why you are here?”

“None taken. I know the feeling.” Zoreth replied. “As for your question, we are here to help.”

“I beg your pardon?” Lith raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Let me guess, you asked our relatives for help and they turned you down, spouting loads of nonsense about balance and stuff.” The Shadow Dragon said with a snort, emitting puffs of smoke from her nostrils.

“Nailed it in one.” Lith sighed. “How do you know?”

“Because they said the same things to me back before my fall, when I asked them for help as well.” Zoreth’s eyes burned with Chaos and Decay.

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