Supreme Magus

Chapter 1815: Void and Undeath (Part 1)

Chapter 1815: Void and Undeath (Part 1)

"I recently manifested a new power that almost further damaged my life force and I have no idea how it's possible. Also, even though I've used Accumulation for quite some time and feel ready for the breakthrough, it never happens.

"What's wrong with me?" Lith asked.

The Red Mother stood on her tiptoes, taking his face between her hands and forcing him to stoop. Lith and the rest of the guests held their breath, thinking that she was about to kiss him but she just used her breathing technique, Sun and Moon.

Under the influx of her energy, his five hidden eyes opened one after another while his body shapeshifted back and forth from human to Tiamat. "Wonderful!" Once she was done, Baba Yaga's lips briefly touched his forehead and his body stabilized again into its human form.

"Care to elaborate?" Lith asked.

"You are right. You are close to a breakthrough and that's why your power manifested. Yet your body and core are still too weak to bear the burden of the Call of the Void. Don't use it again unless your life is at risk." She replied.

"I will, but why no breakthrough? My body is stronger than ever, I have no impurities, and my mana core is bursting with power." Lith said.

"This might come hard to accept, but I don't think that your problem lies in how much energy you accumulate. You are not a normal Awakened, but a new form of life entirely.

"Necromancy, the art that I spent my life perfecting, is about fooling death to preserve life. Even though they are called undead, none of my Firstborns have ever died. Higher Necromancy, like the spell that gave birth to Nyka, breathed new life in her but in a form of Kalla's choosing and at the cost of everything she was.

"Your power, instead, comes from death overcoming life. You didn't lose anything. You are pure entropy that has turned into order by itself. Unlike a anything. You are pure entropy that has turned into order by itself. Unlike a Necromancer, you don't conjure souls.

"They answer your call, their rage resonating with the Void that resides where your heart is supposed to be. Yet such power still depends too much on your Abomination side, throwing your life force out of balance and bringing you harm.

"You must get rid of the shackles that bind you. It's the only way to make the Chaos within you fully integrate with the rest of your life force. Until that moment, always remember that the Void is your enemy as much as it is your ally." Baba Yaga said.

Lith knew that she wasn't being vague to piss him off but because cryptic words were all that she could tell him without the risk of making him stray from the right path. The Red Mother couldn't choose the way for him, only give him hints that would help him to recognize it in due time.

"Thank you." Lith gave her a small bow and went to mingle with the other guests to finally relax.

"Can I offer you a drink?" Aerth offered the Red Mother a flute of wine the moment Lith left.

"Cheeky brat." She giggled. "Do you have any idea how old I am?"

"No, but after living for 700 years I'm tired of foolish girls and find wise women much more charming." He replied, offering her his arm that she took.

"That son of a bitch ditched you without a second thought!" Silverwing said in amazement before realizing her blunder and turning to Salaark. "No offense."

"None taken." The Guardian chuckled. "I can't wait to see his face when he realizes that she's the same Malyshka that was hanging out with you back when you and Aerth were together." Silverwing said to Solus.

"Did they get along?" She asked.

"No. She always called him an immature brat and he called her a pain in the ass. This is going to be good." After giving Solus her present, the First Magus followed the Blue Phoenix. 6

"Exes always make a mess of everything." Phloria said with a sigh. "Thanks for inviting me."

"We had a rough start, but I want you to know that I never interfered with your relationship with Lith." Solus replied. "I may feel like a stranger to you, but to me, you are a precious friend and a dear schoolmate. I wouldn't celebrate my birthday without you."

"Also, if you didn't, my sisters wouldn't have come and it's not like you know that many people." Phloria chuckled.

"Yeah, that played a big role in my decision too." Solus said with a laugh.

"You know, it took me a long time to realize that even though my and Lith's feelings were real, our relationship was bound to fail. We were both too young. I used Lith as a crutch to face my fears and he used me to fight his demons, but neither of us really tried to make the other part of their plans for the future.

"I want you to know that I don't resent you anymore. Even if you weren't there, we would have screwed it up anyway. Thank you for always being honest with me and a good friend."

"And I want you to know that I appreciated your honesty as well." Solus replied. "You never pitied me or hesitated to speak your mind even though you knew my story. It hurt me, but it also made me feel like a normal person. "While everyone else walked on eggshells around me, you have never sugar-coated your words, helping me to realize how screwed up my life must seem from the outside."

While Solus and Phloria were having a heart-to-heart, Nyka kept pestering Tista for her impossible standards about men.

"Why didn't you invite Bodya tonight? That Nidhogg keeps asking you out and giving you time, but he won't wait for you forever." She said.

"I'm sick and tired of Emperor Beasts treating me like a science project and that was before Lith turned out to be a Divine Beast. I want a boyfriend, not someone who only talks about mixing bloodlines."

"I don't remember you ever telling me that Bodya was insistent on that point, but let's assume he is. Then why didn't you even take try to talk with that stud or the other one?" Nyka pointed at Nalrond and Aerth who had been politely dumped by Baba Yaga.

"I mean aside from the hair there's nothing wrong with him."

"One is going out with Friya and the other is Solus' ex!" Tista replied.

"So you already lost your chance with a nice guy due to your hesitation and don't even consider the other one just because he has a dating history 700 years old?" Nyka said with a sneer.

"Look, Nalrond is a great guy but he's always fixated on solving the problem of his life force. As for Aerth, he's much older than me and he's a Phoenix. I don't see it working between us." Tista shook her head.

"Oh, gods, Tista. I finally understand what your problem is!" Nyka said.

"You do? Because all I see is bad luck." "It's not a matter of luck." The Vampire grabbed her shoulders forcing Tista to look her in the eyes. "The problem is that you don't consider dating as a way to have fun, but as a way to find a long-term relationship..

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