Medical Master

Chapter 800 - Fang Qiu Cured Malaria!

Chapter 800 Fang Qiu Cured Malaria!

The next day, Fang Qiu was ready to return to Huaxia after spending a busy day with the medical team.

He had finished what he had to do here. Jiang Miaoyu’s safety had been guaranteed by the local authorities. He also offered free clinical treatments for those in need. It was now time to see patients at Jiangjing Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Fang Qiu got up in the morning.

“I’m leaving,” he said to Jiang Miaoyu, while they were having breakfast.

Jiang Miaoyu murmured a reply. Although she did not seem to show any emotion, Fang Qiu could feel that she was very reluctant to see him leave.

“There’s still work to do at Chinese Medicine Hospital. I’m going to treat patients there tomorrow.”

Fang Qiu explained and then added, “I’ve finished what I should do here.”

Jiang Miaoyu nodded and said, “Okay. The patients are more important. I’ll see you off later.”

“Okay.” Fang Qiu nodded.

Shortly afterward, Fang Qiu packed up his things and went straight to the airport. Jiang Miaoyu and several members of the Huaxia medical aid team went to see him off.

In fact, she was not too disappointed that he was leaving.

Fang Qiu had signed an agreement with the Comores government. Hence, he had to return to this place in order for him to tackle the malaria issue in Comores.

After saying a simple goodbye, Fang Qiu boarded the plane and returned to Huaxia.

The entire trip took him 20 hours.

After making a transit stop halfway, Fang Qiu eventually arrived in Jiangjing.

It was four o’clock in the middle of the night.

He didn’t go back to the school dormitory. After returning to Jiangjing, Fang Qiu directly took a taxi and went to a hotel near the Chinese Medicine Hospital. He got a room, took a hot shower and had a short rest. After meditating in the room for three hours, he went straight to the hospital.

As he walked out of the hotel, Fang Qiu saw that the road in front of him was blocked again, just like the last time.

Looking from afar at the Chinese Medicine Hospital, he found that it was already extremely crowded. Numerous people were lining up in the square outside the hospital, which meant that the hall of the hospital was packed with people just like the last time.

On the street, even the police came to help with the traffic. The strange thing was that all the cars that entered this road would definitely stop and let the patient alight at the entrance of the hospital.

Apart from the cars that carried the patients, no other cars drove into this seemingly smooth street.

It was obvious that everyone knew this would happen, so they were all prepared for it.

Seeing such a busy scene, Fang Qiu took a deep breath, sneaked into the alley, and entered through the back door of the hospital. He quickly went to the disinfectant room to change his clothes, then walked into his own consulting room and began to see patients.

Soon, the news of Fang Qiu’s arrival spread throughout the hospital.

In the blink of an eye, the doctors from other departments couldn’t help but gather together and started discussing about it.

Anyway, they had already experienced this kind of situation once, and the last experience lasted for three days. They all knew that as soon as Fang Qiu started to see patients, it meant that they had nothing to do and could have a rest.

“How many patients do you think he can see today?”

“Last time, he seemed to have seen more than 1,000 patients in three days. There should be over 300 in one day on average.”

“Not really. The effects of his treatment last time are exceptional. No one knows how many patients with complicated diseases will come this time. Some diseases are not easy to cure.”

“Look at the number of people waiting in line to register today. There are more people here than the last time.”

“So what? Fang Qiu will only be seeing patients for one day. It’s impossible for him to see all these patients who are in the queue today.”

While the doctors in the hospital were having a lively discussion, Fang Qiu had already started to treat patients quickly.

The patients who registered dashed to the third floor, one after another.

When the first patient arrived, the nurse directly let him in and then stood at the table at the door, waiting to collect the patients’ casebooks.

In a few minutes, the young nurse had collected dozens of casebooks. The waiting area on the third floor was crammed with people. Some people even began to wait along the corridors.

Fang Qiu’s speed of seeing patients was also quite fast.

Normally, the time it took for him to see patients suffering from minor illnesses and pain was extraordinarily fast. However, it would take him two or three minutes to treat patients with relatively complicated diseases.

Fang Qiu had already seen the tenth patient by the time the young nurse finished collecting the patients’ casebooks.

Under the guidance of the young nurse, the patient walked into the consulting room.

“Please have a seat.” Fang Qiu took a look at the patient. It was a young man in his thirties. He did not seem to be in a good state of mind.

The young man greeted Fang Qiu. “Hello, Miracle-working Dr. Fang.”

“Just call me Xiao Fang or Dr. Xiao Fang.”

Fang Qiu gave a wry smile. On this day, ten people came in and all of them addressed him as Miracle-working Doctor, which was something he was not accustomed to.

“What is your health problem?” Fang Qiu asked.

The young man replied directly, “Malaria!”

“Oh?” Fang Qiu froze slightly.

He didn’t expect to see a malaria patient as he returned to Huaxia for his patients’ consultations.

“I went to Africa before, but when I came back, I always felt sick. Then I went to have a check and was diagnosed with malaria,” the young man said.

“Okay, let me have a look.” Fang Qiu nodded knowingly and began to examine the patient.

Speaking of malaria, the first thing that came to everyone’s mind was Africa.

But in fact, that was not true.

In Chinese Medicine, ague was already in existence from long ago.

In the past, Chinese Medicine doctors had an early understanding of the disease. In the inscriptions on bones found at the Yin Ruins, there was already a record of ague.

In the ancient medical books, the most detailed infectious disease was malaria!

The concept of malaria was already defined in the Canon of Internal Medicine. It recorded that malaria was caused by malarial evil. It was characterized by cold and strong heat and was an infectious disease regularly prevalent in summer and autumn.

When it came to malaria, the understanding of the disease between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine was basically the same. That was to say, the concept of malaria in Western Medicine was also the same in Chinese Medicine!

In Chinese Medicine, the reason why the patient suffered from malaria was because he was infected with malarial evil. In the Canon of Internal Medicine of ancient medical skills, malarial evil was called malarial Qi.

In Chinese Medicine, the so-called malarial evil had four characteristics in total.

First, malarial Qi was contained in the nutritive Qi which represented the essential Qi produced by water and food that people consumed. The malarial Qi was contained in the nutritive Qi, so it was hidden in the body, but it did not touch the internal organs and skin.

For example, in a book—Suwen: Malaria Theory, it was written that, “The malaria is hidden in the skin and outside of the stomach. It is abandoned by the nutritive Qi.”

It was also recorded in the Medicines of Medical Law: Malaria Theory that exterior evil would turn into malaria in humans and hidden between the half-interior and half-exterior of the body. When people fought with Yin, they would feel cold. When they fought with Yang, they would feel warm.

Second, malarial Qi would hit the five internal organs along with the meridians and connect horizontally to the diaphragm or lipid membrane outside the stomach.

Third, exuberance and debilitation would be replaced.

Fourth, when Defensive Qi gathered together, it would cause diseases. If they were separated, the diseases would also dissipate.

In Chinese Medicine, Defensive Qi referred to a part of the human body’s Yang Qi. It had the function of protecting the fleshy exterior and resisting external evil.

The malarial evil causing malignant malaria was also known as the miasmic toxin or miasmic Qi, which mainly existed in the southern area of Huaxia. It would lead to relatively serious diseases, which would prey on the mind and aggravate the human body’s yin and yang qualities.

During his examination, Fang Qiu found that this young man yawned excessively. He looked exhausted. His pores were open while his face and lips were red and he was always thirsty.

After observing the patient’s tongue, he found that the patient’s tongue had a yellow coating.

When feeling his pulse, he found that it was tense and pounding.

All these symptoms indicated that the patient was indeed suffering from malaria.

According to the patient’s description, what he was suffering from should be the most common one among the four kinds of malaria, which was vivax malaria.

“How is it? Can it be cured?” After Fang Qiu finished the examination, the patient asked eagerly.

Fang Qiu nodded and said, “Sure. But I have to apply the needles.”

The patient’s face lit up and he immediately replied, “Okay. As long as it can be cured, I can accept it even if we need to have an operation, not to mention acupuncture.”

Fang Qiu took out some silver needles and began to treat the patient.

Meanwhile, a method of acupuncture to treat malaria immediately appeared in Fang Qiu’s mind.

Taking the Governing Meridian and the Shaoyang Meridian as the main points, he channeled the Governing Meridian to reconcile with Shaoyang Meridian.

The points were Dazhui, Taodao, Houxi, Jianshi, Yemen and Zu Linqi.

As for the matching points, strong heat should be applied on Quchi with the filiform needles. If there is any mother-of-malaria, it needed to be applied on Zhangmen Point and Pigen. Those who were dizzy due to the high temperature would be pricked in the Twelve Well acupoints in order to let them bleed.

As Fang Qiu recalled this in his mind, he began to perform the acupuncture!

The patient was also very cooperative. Because Fang Qiu was extremely skillful, the patient did not feel any pain when he was pricked with the silver needles.

When the needles were inserted, the patient also felt that there was a special movement in his body as if there was a stream of Qi flowing in his body. With the flow of this Qi, his body condition quickly improved.

Soon, the acupuncture treatment was over.

Fang Qiu smiled and said, “It’s done. If you’re still concerned, you can go for a thorough examination.”

It was certain that the patient was not that easily assured.

He walked out of the consulting room with a dubious look and went to have an examination.

After his examination, he found that he had indeed completely recovered.

The patient was in a state of shock when he walked out of the examination room.

Then, he raced to Fang Qiu’s consulting room to express his gratitude.

But when he arrived at the door of the consulting room, he found that there were still numerous people waiting for Fang Qiu to treat them. He didn’t dare to disturb Fang Qiu. Hence, he could only say thank you to Fang Qiu in his heart, then turned around and left.

Hardly had the patient arrived home, when he immediately sent a post on Post Bar.

“Thank you, Master Fang Qiu, for curing my malaria!”

In the post, the patient elaborated on how he got malaria and received treatment. He attached his test reports as well. Then, he told people how he queued to register and how he found Fang Qiu to treat him.

At last, he also posted his examination report after receiving Fang Qiu’s treatment. Given that he was still full of doubt, he deliberately went to two other hospitals to have a check-up. The results also showed that there was nothing wrong with his body, and his malaria was cured!

All the examination reports were posted.

It didn’t take long before the article in the post-bar drew the attention of a vast number of netizens.

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