Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Long Chen looked at that person . He had only reached the late Meridian Opening realm . His aura was condensed, but he was no Celestial .

Furthermore, he might have shouted for a deathmatch, but there was not the slightest killing intent coming from him . He was clearly just trying to intimidate him . Most likely, he was someone who had gotten used to using his status to suppress others .

“Do you recognize this child?” Long Chen asked Mo Nian .

“No . I’d guess that he comes from another prefecture and was drawn here because of its fame . How could I possibly know such a character?” Mo Nian shook his head .

“Oh . ”

Long Chen nodded and then continued eating .

“You… you coward! I want a deathmatch with you! Do you dare?!” raged that person upon seeing Long Chen give him the cold shoulder .

“Forget about it . I’m afraid of you, okay?” Long Chen answered vaguely, too lazy to compete with such a person .

With a single glance, it was obvious that this person was a pampered child in his family . He was a greenhouse flower who had never had to suffer . For Long Chen to compete against him was bullying a child .

“Hmph, count yourself smart . ” Seeing Long Chen ‘retreat’, that person snorted and sat back down, beginning to once more calmly sip his wine .

However, this flashy display of his didn’t draw any beauties to his side . He could only continue calmly sitting there .

After that small disturbance, Mo Nian hastily apologized to the three women . But the three of them were very amiable and were unconcerned .

Two of them began to quietly converse with Mo Nian and Mu Xue . Long Chen was surprised to realize that their conversation was about martial arts .

They discussed things relating to Battle Skills, martial arts, and related topics . Only then did Long Chen realize that he really had misjudged this place .

One woman was talking with Mo Nian, while the other woman was talking with Mu Xue . Only Yu Tong hadn’t said a single word, just watching Long Chen devouring his food .

“How about you eat as well?” said Long Chen awkwardly .

“It’s fine, you can eat first . Once you’re full, I have some questions and I’d like to ask for your guidance . ” Yu Tong smiled slightly .

“Then you’ll have to wait for a while . I’m very hungry . ” Long Chen truly was hungry . But at the same time, he also wanted to hear what Mo Nian and Mu Xue were saying .

As for the mercenaries, they could only watch . Even though they could eat, they didn’t dare to . It was like eating in front of these women was a blasphemy .

Listening to Mo Nian’s discussion, Long Chen was startled that although these women’s cultivation bases weren’t apparent, their comprehension of the Martial Dao was frighteningly high .

That woman asked Mo Nian several questions, and Mo Nian also asked her several questions pertaining to cultivation and how to handle bottlenecks . That woman demonstrated an extremely high level of understanding, and some of her methods were so incredible that it would make a person slap the table and shout with praise .

Long Chen finally understood why those men whom these women sat next to would seem like they were sitting on pins and needles .

These women asked very profound questions . If you replied wrongly, they would leave you .

Their conversation was very fair . They would ask one question, and then they would answer one question .

However, Mu Xue only exchanged three questions with her woman when the woman stopped asking any questions . Mu Xue was slightly ashamed . She had been unable to reply to that woman’s question . It was evident that their realms were not on the same level .

But Mo Nian did have some skills . He conversed for a long time with his woman . It seemed he gained great benefits from this trip .

However, the two of them only talked for two incense sticks’ worth of time before that woman paused and looked at Long Chen .

With everyone looking at him, Long Chen didn’t have the nerve to keep eating . Rubbing his mouth, he expressed that he had finished eating .

But before Yu Tong could ask him a question, he bashfully asked, “Miss Yu Tong, is it alright if I ask you a question first?”

“Of course . ” Yu Tong smiled .

“Do you like me?” asked Long Chen ‘uneasily’ .

Everyone was struck dumb . Mo Nian glared at Long Chen . Wasn’t this a bit too vicious? How could he be so direct?

Yu Tong was also startled . She shook her head . “No . ”

“Ah, then I can teach you . In truth liking a person is very simple…” Long Chen’s eyes lit up .

“Pfft, Long Chen, how can you be so shameless!” Even Mo Nian was unable to bear it, and he almost coughed up blood .

“Isn’t this just a joke? Don’t take it so seriously . The main thing was that the atmosphere was just too tense . ” Long Chen laughed .

Yu Tong was somewhat speechless, shaking her head . “Mister Long Chen really is different from others . However, there’s really no need for everyone to be like that . We’re all cultivators, and on the cultivation path, we are all a bunch of children . There are no such things as high-class and low-class!”

Her words were received very gratefully by the mercenaries, as that was a recognition and comfort to them . In her eyes, everyone was the same .

What did it mean to be high-class? It meant possessing a noble character and having high personal accomplishments . Being high-class didn’t mean discriminating and trampling over others in order to find a meaning for your own existence .

As for those people outside, they fundamentally didn’t know what it meant to be high-class . It was just like Long Chen said: they were just a bunch of acting playboys .

“Miss Yu Tong, let me offer you a cup . Your magnanimity is truly admirable . ” This was Long Chen’s first time having a favorable opinion of these women . He sensed that Yu Tong’s words weren’t the slightest bit artificial, so she truly viewed everyone equally .

“Long Chen, they…” Mo Nian was about to say that these women didn’t drink wine .

“In respect to mister Long Chen’s admiration, Yu Tong can only accept . ” Yu Tong smiled and shockingly raised her cup, touching it to Long Chen’s .

This action made Mo Nian dumbfounded . And it wasn’t just Mo Nian . Everyone was flabbergasted .

The Immortal Intoxication Building’s ladies never drank wine . But Yu Tong had made an exception for Long Chen . Furthermore, Yu Tong was not an ordinary lady .

With her looks, other than the queen flower, no one could suppress her . She rarely appeared within the Immortal Intoxication Building .

But this time, not only had she revealed herself, but she had drunk a cup of wine with someone else . That made everyone feel intensely envious of Long Chen .

“I’m glad mister Long Chen thought highly enough of Yu Tong to drink a cup . I trust that when you converse with me, you definitely won’t hold anything back,” said Yu Tong .

Ah, I got duped . With a single cup of alcohol, Yu Tong made it so that Long Chen would have to respond sincerely, or he would become an untrustworthy, petty person .

“Don’t worry, you can ask what you want as long as it doesn’t involve my personal secrets . ” Long Chen patted himself on the chest .

Long Chen also gave himself a way out . Some things had to be kept private . It wasn’t as if he could respond if she asked what cultivation technique he trained in . This was self-protection, and it wouldn’t count as breaking a promise .

“Don’t worry, we only discuss the Dao . So you don’t have to have any misgivings and can argue your point as boldly as you please . ” Yu Tong seemed to see straight through Long Chen’s intentions .

That made Long Chen much more at ease . He thought that Yu Tong would directly ask him a question, but surprisingly, she first asked Mu Xue, “Junior sister Mu Xue, what is the Dao?”

Mu Xue was startled, not expecting Yu Tong to ask her such a profound question immediately . For a moment, she had no idea what to reply .

After thinking about it, she replied, “In my opinion, this so-called Dao should be a kind of truth . Or perhaps it is the highest embodiment of a kind of concept . But to the current me, it is too distant . This reply will probably cause you to laugh at me . ”

Mu Xue was somewhat embarrassed . She had cultivated for this long and had already reached the Xiantian realm, but she had never thought of such a profound question, as she had felt that topic to be too far away from her .

“Miss Mu Xue doesn’t need to be modest . We also don’t know what the Dao is . That is why we need to search for our own answer within the mundane world . You don’t know the answer, but we also don’t know . We’re all searching for the answer on the same level . There’s nothing to laugh at . ” Yu Tong smiled . Her words were very comforting, and Mu Xue nodded gratefully towards her .

The Immortal Intoxication Building’s ladies all possessed a high-class charm . But it wasn’t the kind of fake high-class act that came from being arrogant . It was extremely comforting, and it made people feel great respect for them .

“Mister Mo Nian, what is the Dao?” Yu Tong asked Mo Nian the same question .

“In my opinion, the Dao is a concept when something is taken to the peak, when truth reaches a pinnacle . It is the law of behaviors that encompasses everything within heaven and earth,” said Mo Nian .

“Oh? Can you explain it in more detail?” Yu Tong’s eyes brightened slightly .

“The word known as the Dao is a set of laws . According to my understanding, the Dao is a kind of truth .

“This truth contains two sides, which is why the Dao can be split into Yin and Yang . Everything within this world has two opposing sides . If there is a high, there is a low . If there is an up, there is a down .

“For example, let us say one side is Yin and one side is Yang . Then this so-called Yang Dao is the hard side of cultivators . When brute strength is taken to the peak, it is so fierce that others are helpless . It is filled with the courage to charge forward despite all obstacles . That is the Yang Dao . Now, about the Yin Dao . The Yin Dao is-”


Long Chen was in the midst of drinking when he suddenly spat it out below the table . It was lucky his reaction had been quick enough, or it would have spurted all over the table .

Mo Nian immediately realized what he had said and rephrased, “This Yin side of the Dao is to use soft force . Like the water the wood floats on, the waves of the water can also snap the wood and devour ships . Although it is not an explosive power, its power is still limitless, possessing no beginning and no end .

“If you have too much Yang force, it’ll be easy for you to snap . If you have too much Yin force, you’ll have no sharpness . The two of them are not true strength . True strength is a combination of Yin and Yang, the two of them complementing and making up for the other’s flaws .

“This is my comprehension of this so-called Dao . In my opinion, nothing is absolute . Whether you reach the pinnacle of Yang or the pinnacle of Yin, they are both dead paths . Only when the two combine will there be life . ”

The three women couldn’t help but clap . Yu Tong said, “Mister Mo Nian’s knowledge and experience truly is amazing . It has let me see an even vaster world . I have benefited immensely . ”

“You’re too kind . I was the one who benefited more . The things I’ve learned today are enough for me to use for a lifetime,” said Mo Nian courteously .

Yu Tong nodded and then solemnly asked, “Mister Mo Nian, what is the King Dao?”

Long Chen asks her if she likes him like this: 你会喜欢我吗? This can be taken literally as ‘do you know how to like me’ . Yu Tong replies 不会 as in she doesn’t know .

When he says the Yin Dao, he says 阴经道, which would sound the same as 阴茎道, meaning Penis Dao .

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