Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 4619: Terrifying Power

Chapter 4619: Terrifying Power

His eyes were as clear as a blue starry sky, with seven stars shining brightly within them.

A seven-star divine ring materialized, its seven sides forming a perfect ring distinct from Long Chens seven-star diagram with six stars surrounding a central star.

As those eyes fixed on Long Chen, a terrifying aura locked him down. At the same time, the dome covering the martial stage lit up.

The dome was a starry sky with stars flowing within it. They seemed to be the only spectators of this battle.

Seven Star Battle Armor! The nine star disciples thunderous shout shook the entire martial stage, dimming the stars in the sky.

The seven stars behind him blazed like suns, their light growing increasingly intense until it resembled sharp blades. It was so domineering that Long Chen couldnt even open his eyes.

Now, Long Chen could no longer see the nine star disciples face and could only perceive his figure. It was as if a god had descended, with the ten thousand Daos kowtowing beneath the nine star disciples feet. His aura was so intense that devils and gods alike had to worship him.

So this is the true Seven Star Battle Armor. Long Chens voice quivered, tinged with excitement. Those seven stars not only illuminated the martial stage but also lit up his future path.

For a long time, Long Chen had been struggling to figure out the path forward with the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art. He often had nightmares where he failed to choose the right path, leading to a self-explosion.

Despite its potential power, Long Chen had only scratched the surface of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art. He felt like a blind man groping around the place, with disaster looming at every misstep.

As the nine star disciples aura continuously climbed, wild qi waves battered Long Chen relentlessly. Despite his strength, he struggled to hold his ground and was gradually pushed back, his feet scraping against the martial stage.

What terrifying power! Long Chen shouted excitedly. The stronger the nine star disciple was, the happier Long Chen got.

What are you so excited about? Hurry up and summon your battle armor. The trial has already started. Dont get killed in one blow.

The Earth Cauldron practically cursed its new master upon seeing that he was still in the mood to shout excitedly instead of bracing for the impact.

In an instant, the nine star disciple sprang into action, causing the entire martial stage to quake. Space seemed to distort as his movements blurred. Before Long Chen could react, the disciple had already appeared in front of him, delivering a powerful blow to his abdomen.


The fist solidly struck Long Chen, its power blowing straight through him and causing blood to spray from his mouth.

What are you doing?! the Earth Cauldron shouted in shock and worry. It had told Long Chen to brace himself, but Long Chen just foolishly stood there. The nine star heir was too fast, and Long Chen didnt put up any defenses. Like this, Long Chen would be dead in less than ten moves. That wasnt what the Earth Cauldron had expected.

Long Chen retreated, but just then, the nine star disciple appeared behind him like a phantom. Swiftly spinning, his elbow smashed toward Long Chens back.

This nine star disciple was too fast, his movements appearing as mere blurs. In the midst of falling back, Long Chen was caught off guard and collided with the nine star disciples elbow. The impact almost folded him in half.

Long Chen flew like a sandbag and flipped across the martial stage, more blood coming out of his mouth.

Just as he managed to steady himself, the nine star disciples foot aimed for his head, prompting Long Chen to hastily raise his arms in defense.


The sickening crunch of bones echoed as the nine star disciples foot shattered Long Chens arms.

Its doomed. My calculations were off. Long Chens going to die! exclaimed the Earth Cauldron, its voice tinged with despair.

The Earth Cauldron suddenly flew out of the primal chaos space, unwilling to stand idly as Long Chen faced certain death. In front of it, the nine star disciple reappeared, with his palm covered in stars.

Before the Earth Cauldron could intercept the incoming attack, Long Chen inexplicably appeared in front of the Earth Cauldron, shielding it instead.

Long Chen once more withstood the nine star disciples attack, this time with his chest. More blood sprayed out of his mouth as his body became covered in cracks.

What are you doing?! Youre going to die like this! We cant continue this trial. Lets get out of here! shouted the Earth Cauldron.

Senior, I wont die. Please just watch from the side! Long Chen panted, on the verge of collapse, yet his eyes were still as sharp as a blade.

Hearing his response, the Earth Cauldron was startled. It suddenly understood something and flew to the side, no longer interfering in their battle.


Once more, Long Chen was sent flying. In front of this nine star disciple, he didnt have the slightest ability to resist.

Disregarding the nine star disciples unstoppable astral energy, it was his ephemeral movement art that left Long Chen unable to track him. Long Chen couldnt even sense his opponents whereabouts, let alone anticipate his next move.

The nine star disciple was wild and domineering, showing no mercy to Long Chen just because he was a fellow nine star disciple.

In just a bit, Long Chen was injured badly. Even after going through the Sovereign clans blood tempering, he was unable to endure these attacks.

Every palm and fist from the nine star disciple was devastating, breaking Long Chens bones repeatedly.

At this time, the primal chaos spaces restorative abilities revealed itself. The Fusang Trees and Moon Trees continuously quivered as their life energy poured into Long Chen. With their seemingly limitless life energy, Long Chens wounds rapidly recovered.

However, Long Chen was still at the mercy of the nine star disciple. He tried to counterattack but was unable to do so. This nine star disciples attacks were sharp and powerful, flowing naturally one from another, leaving Long Chen with no room to counterattack.

Most terrifying of all, the nine star disciple was growing stronger. With time, his aura intensified, and his attacks grew heavier.


The nine star disciples fist struck Long Chen again, but this time, Long Chen didnt go flying. His divine ring glowed behind him, radiating with countless stars swirling within. Long Chen then summoned his own Seven Star Battle Armor.

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