Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 347

Chapter 347


“Damn, this Wind Spirit Crystal is stuck to the mountain . ” Zhao Mingshan and the other Chosen were using spiritual qi to protect themselves from the wind . But when they tried to move the Wind Spirit Crystal, which was as tall as they were, they found they were unable to budge it .

Wind Spirit Crystals contained wind energy, and so its weight wasn’t actually high . And yet, no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to displace it . It was as if it were growing out of the mountain .

“Then how about we cut it down?” A sword appeared in Zhao Mingshan’s hand .

“No!” Down below, Han Tianfeng’s expression changed and he hastily stopped them . “You absolutely cannot . If you end up attacking the Wind Spirit Crystal and activating the energy inside, we’ll all be dead . ”

As a Chosen from the first monastery, Han Tianfeng’s knowledge surpassed other Chosen, and he was aware of some taboos regarding this Wind Spirit Crystal .

If the two of them used their spiritual qi to attack it, then that would make an opening for the violent energy inside it, and it would be like a flood erupting out of a dam . The terrifying energy would instantly annihilate anything within thousands of miles .

That kind of terrifying energy was something even Xiantian experts would be unable to block . As for the three of them, they would instantly be turned to dust . That was why Han Tianfeng had been so scared when he saw Zhao Mingshan take out a blade .

“Then what should we do?” Zhao Mingshan didn’t dare move, never having expected the Wind Spirit Crystal to be so terrifying .

But when he looked down, he saw that Han Tianfeng was paper-white, his eyes filled with terror . “You… you two…”

The two Chosen were startled . What had happened for a top expert to become so speechless?

“You two… behind you…” Han Tianfeng finally stuttered out .

The two hastily turned to look behind the mountain . But when they saw that huge figure, they instantly turned stiff .

A huge head was right in front of them . Because it was too huge, they couldn’t even see what its body looked like .

Two eyes that were as large as houses stared at them . The icy light shining from them made them feel as if they had landed in an icehouse .

Hurry up and run you idiots! Seeing that those two idiots were still stunned, Long Chen involuntarily felt some worry .

These two idiots! What kind of time was it for them to be daydreaming? They had to be holy warriors amongst idiots . For them to not immediately run in the face of a fifth rank Magical Beast, were they waiting for it to say hello?

Long Chen didn’t really care about their lives . In fact, that hatred he had felt towards them had also lessened greatly . What he wanted was that Wind Spirit Crystal .

That Wind Spirit Crystal contained extremely clear wind mysteries, and if Tang Wan-er could comprehend those, she would definitely be able to soar in power .

Although neither he nor Tang Wan-er had ever expressed certain kinds of feelings towards each other, they both knew they were present in each other’s hearts . These kinds of feelings didn’t need to be expressly spoken .

To obtain this Wind Spirit Crystal, Long Chen had forced himself to lay down his hatred and gift these people his wind spirit stones . Ah, he really had sacrificed a great deal for Tang Wan-er .

But these two idiots were now still just staring blankly at this time . If they were instantly killed by this Barbaric Wind Beast, wouldn’t all his efforts have been wasted?

“Run!” Han Tianfeng roared, and without even thinking about it, he turned and fled . He had recognized the Barbaric Wind Beast .

As for Zhao Mingshan and the other Chosen, they finally recovered from their terror and began to flee with all their might .

The Barbaric Wind Beast watched as they jumped off the mountain and rushed several miles away . Then it suddenly opened its mouth and a large wind net shot out .

“Nice! It purposely waited to attack to avoid damaging the mountain . ” Long Chen had seen through the Barbaric Wind Beast’s intent .

The Barbaric Wind Beast’s mouth opened to a size of dozens of meters . The wind net it shot out was highly condensed and didn’t end up changing shape as it shot out .

The wind net was like lightning, instantly arriving behind the three of them . Seeing that they couldn’t get away, Zhao Mingshan and the other Chosen all erupted with their greatest strength, runes lighting up all over their bodies . Their swords slashed out behind them .

The distant Long Chen was horrified by what he saw . Their weapons instantly exploded when they collided with the wind net .

The wind net wasn’t impacted in the slightest . It directly swept over the two of them, making them explode into pieces .

In front of that huge net, these two powerful Chosen were like ants without the slightest ability to resist .

That gave Long Chen a fright . At the same time, he rejoiced that he hadn’t dared go provoke that Barbaric Wind Beast .

“To dare challenge the Barbaric Wind Beast, these two really were brave . ” Seeing the sky full of blood mist, Long Chen muttered out some praise . Unfortunately, those two had already died, and they didn’t get to hear Long Chen’s sarcasm .

Han Tianfeng was horrified to see the two people behind him be instantly killed . Since he couldn’t get away, he suddenly roared, and countless runes appeared between his hands . He slammed them down on the earth .

“Great Earthen Walls!”

Following his shout, Long Chen was surprised to see a dirt-yellow mark appear on his forehead . A total of nine walls of rock shot out of the ground .

Each one of those walls was three meters thick and thirty meters tall . Runes glowed with a metallic light on them . They appeared incredibly sturdy and emitted a powerful pressure .

Even though he was an enemy, Long Chen had no choice but to admire him . Han Tianfeng truly was terrifying . Long Chen had never before seen such a high defensive ability .

At the same time, he understood that Han Tianfeng possessed a defensively powerful earth attribute energy .

That terrifying wind net smashed into the nine barriers, and completely destroyed them before continuing onwards at Han Tianfeng .

Han Tianfeng roared, and formed a strange hand seal . Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet split open like a gaping maw and swallowed him .

The terrifying wind net slammed into the earth . A huge crater blew open, and even Han Tianfeng was sent flying from the ground .

However, after those nine walls, the wind net had lost over half its energy . Hiding underground, he had only received a small portion of the remaining force .

But even so, Han Tianfeng turned pale with fright . If he hadn’t thought of this idea at the last moment, he would definitely have been at least heavily injured .

As soon as he shot out of the earth, he frantically fled . Such a powerful ancient Magical Beast was not something he could handle .

Seeing that it hadn’t killed Han Tianfeng in one blow, the Barbaric Wind Beast suddenly opened its mouth . However, this time it didn’t spit out anything, but inhaled .

“Not good!” Long Chen was startled . Although the Barbaric Wind Beast wasn’t purposely targeting him, its terrifying attractive force still affected him . Long Chen felt his body begin to float up . He stabbed Devil Decapitator into the rock, tightly holding on .

That terrifying attractive force increased over time, and Long Chen felt as if he were in a raging flood of water that was trying to pull him over . The only thing keeping him from flying out was Devil Decapitator .

“Fuck, this monster’s too terrifying!” Long Chen cursed inside . That mouth wasn’t even pointed at him, but he still felt he was close to flying over .

He could only bitterly endure . If he dared use his spiritual qi, that might alert the Barbaric Wind Beast . Then he really would be screwed .

As for Han Tianfeng, he had fled less than a mile when he felt his body become light, and he involuntarily flew back .

The Barbaric Wind Beast’s mouth was pitch-black and was covered with sharp teeth . It appeared sinister and chilling .

Han Tianfeng had no ability to resist in midair . He quickly began to fly towards the Barbaric Wind Beast’s mouth .

If he was swallowed, then there was zero chance he would live . Clenching his teeth, a dark gold rectangular piece of paper suddenly appeared in his hand .

That yellow paper was around two inches wide and half a foot long . Bizarre lines were drawn on top of it that caused the space around it to fluctuate .

“Talisman!” Long Chen had been carefully paying attention, and the instant he saw Han Tianfeng take out that paper, he was filled with shock .

Talisman experts could use their powerful Spiritual Strength to use specialized talisman liquid and paper to create talisman seals that could release terrifying effects .

Talisman experts were extremely rare, much, much rarer than alchemists . Medicinal pills were everywhere in the cultivation world, but there were very few talismans . The majority of talismans were all the hands of large sects . Frankly speaking, only rich powers were able to afford them .

That was because talismans were one-time use items . Even low level talismans cost thousands of spirit stones . Long Chen’s monastery did not possess such luxury goods .

So seeing Han Tianfeng pull out a talisman infuriated Long Chen . Perhaps that was a classic hatred towards the rich .

Han Tianfeng let go of the talisman . Due to being so light, it was instantly pulled into the Barbaric Wind Beast’s open mouth . He then formed a hand seal .


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