Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 41 - Book 41 - Chapter 4 – Preview of a Lesson in Love

The two boys tied the small skiff to an elm tree by the riverbank, and then they went ashore toward the small single-story house where Zhou Laotan was staying.

In Longquan, not only the big streets were as wide as the ones in Chang’an, the lanes and alleys were imitated to perfection. Because of the water, the decoration on the stone bridges and row upon row of tiled houses was made simple and unadorned as much as possible, attaching most importance to practicality.

Arriving outside the courtyard of the bungalow that Shi Feixuan mentioned, Kou Zhong spoke in low voice, “Can you guess how Zhou Laotan is going to treat us, the two benefactors who saved his life? Will he be grateful, or suspicious? It’s called rivers and mountains are easy to change, human character is difficult to shift.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “In order to recapture the Xiedi Sheli, you want him to call you Die, there won’t be any problem. Thinking too much won’t help, we’d better think whether we ought to knock on the door asking for an audience, or jump over the wall to enter, to give him a surprise.”

After listening carefully for half a day, Kou Zhong said, “There is not a sound inside the house, it looks like Zhou Laotan already went out incognito to go on an inspection tour [the terms here referred to high-ranking government official in civilian clothes], going all over the place to sense the Sheli’s location.”

Xu Ziling grabbed the door ring and knocked it lightly three times; as expected, there was no response. He signaled Kou Zhong with his eyes. After ascertaining that there was no one else in the alley, the two soared over the wall and landed in the courtyard inside.

The two-section building was connected by an atrium. The main door was half open, serene and elegant.

Raising his voice, Xu Ziling said, “Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are calling to pay our respects to Zhou Xiong.”

Beyond the two boys’ expectation, a grim voice came from the depth of the inner section, saying, “Turns out my, Old Zhou’s life-saving benefactors. Come in quickly.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Zhou Laoxiong is indeed brilliant; unexpectedly the two of us are completely unable to detect someone is inside the house.”

He was about to lift his foot to enter the house, when he noticed Xu Ziling’s odd expression. He was about to inquire, Xu Ziling already reached out toward his shoulders, and quickly wrote the character ‘fake’ on his back.

Inwardly Kou Zhong was shocked, but he immediately understood.

In his disguise as Yue Shan, Xu Ziling had met, even fought – against Zhou Laotan, hence he recognized his voice, yet the other party did not know this fact, thereupon he pretended to be Zhou Laotan to deceive them. If Xu Ziling did not hear wrong, then it must be everything bodes ill, no positive signs for Zhou Laotan; perhaps he had been captured.

This bungalow was arranged by Shi Feixuan via a local Han merchant for Zhou Laotan to stay, and Shi Feixuan was accustomed to coming and going alone, she definitely would not stay here for a time, hence were it not for Xu Ziling already met Zhou Laotan, it would be strange indeed if the two boys did not fall into the trap.


The double-door was pushed open from the inside, and the fake Zhou Laotan appeared on the door. Xu Ziling was immediately scared out of his skin.

In terms of outward appearance, the fake and the real Zhou Laotan were seventy-, eighty-percent alike. Both had wide face and hook jaw, thick lips, bulging neck, their build short and stout. Although wearing Buddhist monk’s cassock, from head to toes he emitted demonic qi.

If Xu Ziling saw the person first before hearing the voice, because it has been a long time since he met Zhou Laotan, perhaps he would be deceived as well. This moment however, since he already had a doubt in his heart, after a closer look, he immediately realized that the fake Zhou Laotan’s nose was shorter, the expression showing in his eyes was different.

Under Xu Ziling’s sharp eyes, he was sure that this person was not wearing any disguise, neither did he wear any mask. Although people might look similar, no two are identical. Yet since the resemblance was to such degree, most likely the fake Zhou Laotan before their eyes was the real Zhou Laotan’s twin brother.

What was happening here?

Could it be that Shi Feixuan was also duped?

The fake Zhou Laotan laughed and said, “Two gentlemen are honoring me with your presence, making Laotan feels that your presence brings light to my humble dwelling. Come in and drink a cup of hot tea first and then we’ll talk.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud; calmly and unafraid he took the lead to enter the small reception hall. The house’s furnishing was simple. Other than a set of table and chairs, there were only a few pieces of small furniture. The four walls were completely bare, yet it could be considered clean and bright with several windows.

After the two sat down, Zhou Laotan sat down on the other side of the table. He said, “Two gentlemen came just at the right time. I had just returned from the outside, in here waiting for Shi Guniang. You did not knock the door using the agreed technique, I thought it was the enemy dropping in to look for me.”

“Do you have an appointment with Shi Xiaojie?” Xu Ziling asked.

The fake Zhou Laotan’s eyes spouted flame of hatred; full of emotion, he said, “I just left secret markings in the designated place, asking her to come here to meet, because I have found the place where Huanzhen is being held captive.”

Kou Zhong pretended to be greatly delighted; he asked, “Where is Saozi [sister-in-law] being imprisoned?”

Lowering his voice, the fake Zhou Laotan said, “Just outside the city, about ten li to the west, inside a mansion in a village, which is Da Ming Zun Jiao’s secret nest.”

Xu Ziling said, “Why do we need to wait for Shi Xiaojie to come back? Let’s go immediately to rescue her.”

The fake Zhou Laotan shook his head and said, “The mansion is heavily-guarded, their strength is difficult to estimate. What I am most afraid of is that they would rather kill Huanzhen than letting her be rescued by us; therefore, we must wait for the dark before trying to sneak in. This way our chance of rescuing her would be a lot greater.”

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong said, “How did Zhou Xiong know that she is inside the mansion?”

The fake Zhou Laotan was able to reply quickly and fluently, “Huanzhen has a set of gongfa, even if we are separated by a long distance, I could detect her presence, unless Da Ming Zun Jiao people knocked her unconscious; but they evidently want to draw support from her marvelous technique to detect the Sheng Sheli, hence I was able to seek her straight to Longquan.”

Were it not for they already knew that he was a fake, they would have been deceived into believing that it was the truth. But now they knew that he was merely inventing crazy nonsense; there was simply no such gongfa in the world.

Xu Ziling cheered inwardly; fake news against fake information, they were even. He said, “Ba Fenghan is outside the city, tracking down Shen Mohuan, husband and wife’s trail; he will be back in three days.”

The fake Zhou Laotan asked, “Is the Five-Colored Stone still in your hands?”

Kou Zhong replied, “We hid the Five-Colored Stone in a secret place outside the city; we could use this as a bargaining chip against Bai Ziting. About rescuing Saozi back, what exactly the plan that Zhou Xiong has in your heart?”

The fake Zhou Laotan asked, “Do you happen to know where Shi Xiaojie is staying?”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling replied with a wry smile, “Her misunderstanding toward us is too deep; by willing to speak a few words to me, she has already given me enough face, how could she be willing to tell us where she stays?”

A barely visible happy expression flashed through the fake Zhou Laotan’s pair of demonic eyes, he asked, “But why was Shi Guniang be willing to tell you that I am here?”

The two boys were nearly left speechless by his question. Fortunately Xu Ziling was able to think fast in an emergency; he replied, “Shi Xiaojie is still not too unreasonable, she knew that we had plucked Saozi from Rong Jiaojiao’s hands, hence she allowed us to meet with you, Laoxiong.”

Kou Zhong did not let him to think deeply, he asked, “Weren’t you being ambushed and captured at Shanhai Pass? Who attacked you? How come Shi Feixuan could only rescue you, one person?”

The fake Zhou Laotan’s face turned completely severe, he clenched his fist and gnashing his teeth, saying, “The ones dealing with us were the Five Kinds of Demons of the Da Ming Zun Jiao. First, they used poison when we were unaware, and then catching us off guard, they suddenly made their move, blocking our path while we least expected it. They put me in a farm near Shanhai Pass, and only took Huanzhen away, because they wanted her to work for them because she was worried over my life and death.”

And then he let out a cold snort and fiercely said, “But they still underestimated me; how could I, Zhou Laotan be someone who is easy to deal with? In less than a day I forced the poison out, unsealed the acupoint, and killed the bandit guarding me. Humph!”

Inwardly Kou Zhong mused, ‘I’ve heard enough!’ but he said, “I have a suggestion: is it possible for Zhou Xiong not to tell Shi Xiaojie about this matter? Tonight we’ll meet at certain place, and together we’ll go to the mansion on a rescue mission, and so we give Shi Xiaojie a nice surprise?”

The fake Zhou Laotan revealed a difficult expression first, and then, after rolling his pair of demonic eyes several times, he nodded and said, “As long as we can rescue Huanzhen, I’ll do anything.”

After discussing the meeting place and time, Kou Zhong seized this opportunity to ask, “Other than the Five Kinds of Demons and Five Bright Sons, I hear that under Da Zun and Shan Mu, there is also one Yuanzi; I wonder if Zhou Xiong know who it is?”

Frowning, the fake Zhou Laotan said, “Although we, husband and wife, have sought shelter under Shan Mu, we did not enter Da Ming Zun Jiao, therefore, we are unclear about the more confidential matter within Da Ming Zun Jiao. I only know that Yuanzi is training the ‘Yu Jin Wan Fa Gen Yuan Zhi Jing’ [imperial (or defending) extreme ten thousand methods origin wisdom scripture] of the Da Ming Zun Jiao’s Three Great Secret Canons. The Five Bright Sons are qi [or air], wind, power, water, and fire. The Five Kinds of Demons are thick fog, dying down fire, vicious wind, poisonous water, and dark qi [or air]. As for the Da Zun and Yuanzi, they are the most mysterious figures within the Cult. The Cult people never talk about it with outsiders.”

Rising up to his full height, Kou Zhong said, “We’ll see you at appointed time tonight.”

They left after saying goodbye.

The two boys sat on the small skiff. Kou Zhong quickly took off his robe, he even handed the Moon in the Well to Xu Ziling; putting on his mask, he spoke in low voice, “I’ll follow the fake Zhou Laotan to see who he is in contact with. This is called beating someone at his own game. You go look for your fairy! See what she thinks about it.”

Without waiting for Xu Ziling’s agreement, he simple went ashore and left.

Xu Ziling gently sculled, the small boat glided away.

He understood Kou Zhong’s intention of beating someone at his own game, which was a good opportunity to rescue Jin Huanzhen and Zhou Laotan.

The fake Zhou Laotan made light of traveling a thousand li to lure Shi Feixuan to come to Longquan, he definitely harbored malicious intentions. In the Central Earth, Ci Hang Jing Zhai was the holy land that Wulin’s white way [righteous/orthodox] looked up to; to deal with Shi Feixuan, the direct disciple that the Jingzhai sent out, was certainly easier said than done. But in this Little Chang’an, which was far away from the Central Plains, it was another matter.

Shi Feixuan had just arrived today. She was precisely the person that the fake Zhou Laotan was waiting for, so that they could carryout their conspiracy. But coincidentally the two boys dropped by, the fake must change their plan; first, they must get rid of them, before they could leisurely deal with Shi Feixuan. Therefore, the fake Zhou Laotan must now notify his conspirators to make adequate preparation.

If from the fake Zhou Laotan’s side the whole nest came out toward the mansion outside the city to prepare an ambush, they could enter by exploiting a weak spot, to rescue Jin Huanzhen and Zhou Laotan.

The crucial point was to be one step ahead to grasp the place they were being imprisoned. Therefore, Kou Zhong must find the clues from the fake Zhou Laotan.

In order to find the Demonic Emperor Relics, Jin Huanzhen, either both husband and wife, or one of them, must be in Longquan’s vicinity. This way, Kou Zhong had a great chance of success.

The skiff accelerated continuously. After rounding a bend on the river, a pagoda, towering over the dense forest on the left, appeared in sight. This was Sheng Guang Si [holy light (Buddhist) temple], the only Buddhist temple in Little Chang’an.

Bai Ziting himself has never believed in Buddha. And now, it was more likely that he converted to Funantuo’s Tianzhu evil cult. However, since the real Chang’an had many Buddhist temples, the Little Chang’an must follow suit. According to Shi Feixuan, not only the incense burning in Sheng Guang Si was not flourishing, the number of monks inside the temple was less than ten. Sheng Guang Dashi [great master, Buddhist monk] presiding over the temple was invited by Bai Ziting from the real Chang’an, a virtuous holy monk. The monks inside the temple were all his disciples who came with him from Chang’an.

Xu Ziling left the skiff and went ashore, he headed straight toward the temple gate. Entering the temple, he spoke the code word to the first monk that he encountered.

Seemingly uninterested, the monk only cast him half a glance with his drooping eyebrows; putting his palms together, he said, “Shizhu [benefactor], please follow me.”

Finished speaking, he led the way forward.

Xu Ziling did not expect that he would be able to see Shi Feixuan without a hitch like this. His heart immediately rose into his throat, thumping and leaping; the feeling was hard to describe.

What approach should he take toward her?

What would the outcome of her consideration be?

How would this fairy, who was half outside the human world – deal with his ‘offense’?

Suddenly, all the beautiful women who had left beautiful image in his heart became a fuzzy image. Shi Feixuan’s every frown and every smile entered and occupied his entire mind.

If he really could, in this famous city of the foreign land, which was brimming with Central Earth’s flavor, he would throw everything to enjoy the touching feeling of love between a man and a woman, the love and compassion in spirit and mind with this fairy, which would only happen in a short period of time and would not bear any fruit, and then let this short and beautiful memory follow him wandering everywhere to the ends of the earth. Thinking about that kind of sweet yet sad feeling could melt one’s soul.

The monk led him through a moon gate to the outside of a building that looked like a meditation room; he said, “Shizhu, please come in. Fangzhang [Abbot] is waiting respectfully for your good self.”

All around, the forest tree reached high to the sky, the surroundings were serene, beautiful and tranquil. The sound of meditative chanting of the scripture, moving up and down, was coming from not far away, accompanied by the clear and rhythmic sound of the wooden fish.

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “The one I want to see is …”

With wooden expression, the monk interrupted him, “Xiaoseng [little monk] understands. Shizhu go see Fangzhang, and you will understand.”

Finished speaking, he simply turned around and walked away.

A feeling that something was not right welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart, a burst of numbness overwhelmed his scalp. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the meditation hall.

On the far end of the hall, there was a sacrificial offering of the Three Precious Treasures of Buddha [namely, the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Shangha]. In front of the altar, sandalwood incense was burning, the smoke spiraled into the air, the fragrance permeated the entire meditation hall.

A tall and thin old monk was sitting facing the door, his eyes were watching his nose, his nose was watching his heart, his Buddhist appearance was solemn. His hands were holding Buddhist beads, his mouth chanting words, as if he was completely unaware that there was a guest paying him a visit. In front of him was a putuan [praying mat, made of woven cattail], which seemed to be prepared for Xu Ziling.

Entering the temple to worship Buddha, Xu Ziling took off his boots, kowtowed three times, and then without consulting anyone he walked over, and copying the other side, he sat cross-legged on the putuan, but did not say anything.

Sheng Guang Dashi did not move a single jot. That pair of eyes, which was buried in his face full of wrinkles, suddenly arose, shooting toward him like a pair of bright lanterns. “How’s your cultivation?” he asked.

‘Here it comes!’ Xu Ziling cried inwardly. But he smiled and said, “Dashi, please bestow your instruction.”

Sheng Guang Dashi said, “In general, the one devoting himself to spiritual development must be away from distraction, clearly obtaining the no-law of the three boundaries, originally empty, placed to dissolve the cultivation. Not seen since the ancient times was a monk persevering in Buddhist monastic discipline, in all his life he had held Buddhist monastic discipline. During a night walk he suddenly stepped on something that produced a sound, he suspected it was a toad with countless eggs in its belly; he was frightened and regretted endlessly! When he slept, he dreamed about several hundred toads were coming to demand his life; he woke up in great alarm. Under the light of dawn he looked carefully, it was no more than an old eggplant.” [Sorry, this is definitely beyond my ability to translate. I know nothing about Buddhist teachings.]

Xu Ziling sighed inwardly, knowing than old monk Sheng Guang wanted to use this tale to enlighten him.

For the Buddhists, the three boundaries originally had no material object; everything was an illusion. Just like the monk persevering in Buddhist monastic discipline in the story stepping over something. Was it actually a toad? Or was it an eggplant? If it were a toad, looking under the light of the dawn, he would see an eggplant. If it were an eggplant, in his dream there would be toads coming to demand his life. Only because the dust in his heart has not been shed, his mindset framed how he viewed the world, causing the three boundaries unable to transcend worldliness.

This tale was clearly told in response to his own inappropriate demands toward Shi Feixuan. From this, it could be speculated that Shi Feixuan’s consideration could not possibly have any good outcome.

Why couldn’t Shi Feixuan tell him directly the decision she made after consideration, instead of using Sheng Guang Dashi’s mouth to do so? It made him both confused and embarrassed.

If he did not have to tell her about the fake Zhou Laotan, perhaps he would have immediately brushed his sleeves and walked away.

But this moment he had no choice but to speak with rueful smile, “Many thanks for Dashi’s enlightenment, this kid understands. May I ask if it is possible for this kid to see Shi Xiaojie? This kid has an important matter to report.”

Sheng Guang spoke serenely, “Feixuan has just left Longquan to return to Jingzhai.”

These few words were like a thunderbolt in a sunny day, shaking Xu Ziling that his whole body went numb, his mind went blank.

Sheng Guang, without blinking at all, looked calmly at his reaction.

It’s over! It’s all over.

All his desires, all his expectations, all his hopes, in that instant became scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, without leaving the least bit of a trace.

On the contrary, his heart calmed down, just like the deathly stillness of the ashes.

Xu Ziling has never had any demand toward life. He went through life feeling at home wherever he was. Were it not for Kou Zhong coming alongside him, urging and pushing him on, he would never become a martial art master whose name shook the world today.

If something could be sought, then something could be lost as well.

This was the most serious emotional blow he suffered after Shi Qingxuan. He felt that every hope turned to dust; he was even unwilling to ask Sheng Guang Dashi why Shi Feixuan did not consider Shi Zhixuan and Jin Huanzhen’s affairs anymore but hurriedly returning to Jingzhai.

In a daze, he felt himself standing up, moved to the door and picked up his boots.

“Shizhu!” Sheng Guang called.

An extremely absurd feeling grew in Xu Ziling’s heart. Things started absurdly, and it ended even more absurdly.

While thinking, he slowly and attentively put on his boots.

Even not from Buddhist perspective, the essence of every single matter in the world is fundamentally an absurdity.

Why do men and women love so that they become caught up in an irresolvable situation? Why do people massacre each other? What exactly is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of the vast, without-boundary universe’s existence?

Xu Ziling laughed aloud and said, “I really understand! But I really don’t understand. Dashi, please!”

Finished speaking, he left. Stepping down the steps of the meditation hall, his eyes saw no one’s footprints, his ears heard no sound of the tapping of the wooden fish and the chanting of the names of Buddha.

The magnificent temple complex, the shaded trees, falling inside Xu Ziling’s eyes, it has some kind of brilliance behind the overgrown vegetation.

He put the sheepskin robe, which was originally draped over his forearm, onto his shoulder. Suddenly he laughed involuntarily, shook his head and heaved a sigh, and then stepped forward.

Life without Shi Feixuan was precisely the fate that was waiting respectfully ahead for his good self. He had never thought that Shi Feixuan would occupy such an important position in his heart. The world after losing her no longer had the rich, touching color as before. Even though previously he raised the request concerning love to her, there were still some elements of a game, rejection was something that was as it should be by rights, it could not possibly bring pain and sense of loss like now.

But she was really too heartless, to return to Jingzhai as if she was escaping from a plague.

Entering the path into the main hall, Xu Ziling’s entire body shook severely. Looking to the left in disbelief, he saw Shi Feixuan, wearing men’s clothing, was sitting peacefully inside a small pavilion in the garden, with her jade countenance as calm as still water. And she was staring fixedly at him.

Xu Ziling blurted out, “You …”

Shi Feixuan smiled and said, “This is called the first rehearsal of separation. Ziling Xiong still has the courage to listen to the situation?”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said with a bitter smile, “This move of Xiaojie’s is superior to Bi Xuan’s Chi Yan Da Fa [great method of naked flame], Xiaodi steps down gracefully.”

Slowly coming inside the pavilion, he sat down dejectedly, and then he sighed again and said, “Too formidable!”

Shi Feixuan’s charming face showed neither wind nor wave, as if what they were talking about had nothing to do with her at all. Playing it down, she said, “Once there is love, if Feixuan wants to leave, I must be heartless like this. Whether there is love or there is no love, it will be equally hard to take. That’s why Feixuan said that the barrier of love is difficult to pass.”

From head to foot, Xu Ziling was without any strength; he nodded and said, “I surrender! Would it be possible to let me take the proposal back?”

Shi Feixuan smiled and said, “Xu Ziling, aren’t you a real man, a man’s man? The words are already out, how could you take them back?”

In shock, Xu Ziling looked at her.

Shi Feixuan lightly shrugged her fragrant shoulders and said, “Did Ziling Xiong see through that Zhou Laotan is just a fake guy?”

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “Turns out you have already seen it through.”

Shi Feixuan spoke indifferently, “We rarely have the opportunity to talk calmly, how about we have a chat now?”

Xu Ziling felt like he was dealing with her Color Empty Sword, his allotted share was to parry with great difficulty. Smiling wryly, he said, “What should we talk about?”

Laughing involuntarily, Shi Feixuan said, “It’s indeed a joke. Didn’t you say that you wanted to pursue Feixuan with all your might? Even what to talk about, you need to ask me; isn’t it funny?”

Throwing his head back, Xu Ziling laughed and said, “You scold me well! This is called Xiaodi is reaping what I have sown. With nothing outstanding, dared to ask Xiaojie whether she considers Xiaodi as part of her cultivation?”

Neither for nor against what he said, Shi Feixuan said, “The way of the sword is the way of heaven. The heart of the sword is a brightly lit realm, which is the realm of peaceful and whole awareness. Which one is not a part of Feixuan’s sword cultivation? Ziling Xiong’s remark is really hard to understand.”

Xu Ziling’s heart suddenly calmed down, he advanced into the Moon in the Well realm, because he knew that if he did not rouse himself to take up the challenge, he would surely suffer defeat in this battlefield of love.

To Shi Feixuan, not only the way of the sword is the way of heaven, it was also the way of man.

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