Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 40 - Book 40 - Chapter 3 – Prairie Alliance

Concentrating his attention to look clearly, he began to realize it was a false alarm.

This caravan ought to be some envoys from a certain kingdom in the west. There were more than a hundred knights, wearing chain armors, which hang down to their knees, their pants were tuck inside their tall cylindrical boots, their round-necked tops only covered parts of their arms – acting as the escorts. The most eye-catching was that all the warriors were wearing helmet with a crest on the top, which protective edge hang down to their ears, while also protecting their nape, so it was both a helmet and wind cap to protect against the windblown sand that was popular among the people of the desert.

There were also more than a dozen camels in the caravan. The goods were wrapped up and fitted inside a wooden frame that was mounted on the twin humps of the camel. In addition, there were also five mule carts, each cart was pulled by four mules. Neither slow nor hurried, the caravan passed in front of them in northeasterly direction.

They were watching the caravan, the other side was also sizing them up.

Kou Zhong whispered, “I wonder which western country’s people are they? Their dress looks so weird.”

Temporarily losing Ba Fenghan, this expert guide’s direction, they were helpless to make a guess.

Xu Ziling replied, “Camels are desert animals; their hats also function as protector from the sun and the sand, hence they must be coming from some desert area.”

With a loud shout, the caravan stopped. It extended all the way across approximately half a li in front of them.

The leader was a young knight, which galloped straight toward them. The horse had a slender head and thick neck; extremely refined and strong.

The knight’s body was valiant and robust, he had swarthy complexion, but appeared to be honest, considerate, and simple. However, his pair of eyes was extremely spirited; he must be a man with both bravery and intelligence. A cavalry saber was hanging on his waist, and a long bow on his back; an awe-inspiring presence.

The two boys intuitively felt that the other side did not have any malicious intent, because the other side was coming alone to meet them, but also because the other side raised his right palm, which seemed like he was greeting them to say hello. Hurriedly they copied the other side to raise their palm to return the greeting.

When he arrived in front of the three men, the knight unexpectedly spoke in Han language, “My Han brothers, where are you going, is anybody injured?” His gaze fell into Ba Fenghan, who was lying flat on the meadow.

The two had never expected that the other side actually knew Han language; they were greatly amazed. This was the first time that anybody beyond the Great Wall called them brothers, hence they also had overwhelmed-by-favor-from-superior feeling.

Kou Zhong replied, “He is indeed seriously injured and had to lie on the ground to rest. Laoxiong, where are you from?”

The young knight flew off his horse and walked toward the two. Stooping down, he took a close look at Ba Fenghan, and spoke in heavy voice, “Was he injured by Tujue people? He should also be a Tujue? He is suffering from an internal injury.”

Astonished, Xu Ziling said, “He is indeed our Tujue brother. Laoxiong, how did you know that he was injured by Tujue people?”

The young knight said, “My name is Yuekepeng, Escort General under Jushi King of Turpan. Last night a group of Tujue people came to our camp to inquire the whereabouts of two Han people; I am guessing they are looking for you?”

The two you looked at me I looked at you, they started to understand that last night, the target that the pursuing troops, Zhao Deyan and the others – were mistakenly pursuing was this delegation from Jushi Kingdom.

Revealing a joyfully satisfied smile, Yuekepeng said, “I told them that I seemed to be hearing hoof beats heading to the west, hence they pursued to that direction. Ha!”

Kou Zhong happily said, “Many thanks for your help.”

With a cold snort, Yuekepeng said, “Tujue people’s hands are reeking of blood, they are bullies; if I don’t deceive them, whom should I deceive?”

Xu Ziling could not help asking, “Jiangjun [general], how did you speak such a beautiful Han language?”

Yuekepeng cheerfully replied, “During the time your Han Ming Di [Emperor Ming of Han (28-75), Western Han Dynasty Emperor 58-75] was ruling the Central Plains, your honorable dynasty’s great general Ban Chao [(33-102), noted Han diplomat and military man] led his troops to come here to drive away the Xiongnu who bullied us, and established Duhu Fu [highest administrative post in border areas, ‘fu’ refers to seat of government] of the Western Region. Afterwards the Han Dynasty fell, the Han army stationed there became citizens of our country, got married and had children. I also have Han lineage; hence I have high admiration toward the Central Plains culture and learned Han language since I was young.”

The two mused that no wonder he called them Han brothers. Now that Ba Fenghan was injured, the road ahead was vast and obscure; encountering someone with Han lineage was a nice surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign place.

Yuekepeng spoke in friendly way, “This time Xiaodi receives the King’s order to deliver congratulatory gift to the northeast Longquan; if you are heading in that direction, you could travel together with us, your Tujue brother could recuperate inside the mule cart.”

Kou Zhong was greatly delighted; but then he shook his head and said, “We have offended Tujue people, if we go together with you, we might implicate you. Jiangjun’s kindness, we appreciate in our hearts!”

Raising his thumb, Yuekepeng said, “Many people say that Han people are faithless and crafty, but I can see that you are good men. Don’t worry, Tujue people already believed firmly that you are not within our caravan. As long as three gentlemen are willing to be crowded together hiding inside the cart, I guarantee that they won’t suspect a thing. Come! If their falcon discovers you, it will be a disaster.”

Inside the sealed carriage, the two comfortably sat among the cloth and silk goods, guarding Ba Fenghan, who was lying down in the middle. Their three horses followed closely behind the cart.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “The last day and night was certainly the most difficult and frustrating time in our life, and now it is finally over.”

“Don’t speak too soon,” Xu Ziling responded indifferently, “One more day Old Ba has not recovered, one more day we do not pass in peace. Ay! For the first time I regret taking Meiyan Furen’s Five-Colored Stone; I am more afraid that we will implicate Yuekepeng Xiongdi, who sees what is right and acts courageously [idiom from Analects].”

Smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “Now we can only take one step at a time, which is always better than being killed by Bi Xuan.”

Another Han-speaking Jushi warrior, Yuekepeng’s deputy general Kezhuan said, “Watch out! Tujue people are coming!”

Kou Zhong’s hand grabbed the Moon in the Well lying next to him. The two felt their hearts were rising to their throats.

If discovered, they had no choice but to fight back with all their strength; they must not abandon Ba Fenghan, but they must not let the enemy kill the Jushi warriors who were helping them out of righteousness even more.

The rumbling noise of hoof beats was coming fast.

Tonyukuk’s voice shouted in Tujue language, “Have you run into those two Han men?”

“We have not run into anybody,” Yuekepeng replied.

The sound of hoof beats went away.

The two relaxed and cried, ‘Lucky!’ inwardly.

By nightfall they pitched camp to rest. The pursuing troops did not reappear.

After helping Ba Fenghan, who was still sleeping soundly without waking up – settling down, the two boys joined Yuekepeng’s crowd wilderness banquet outside. Everybody sat around the bonfire. In the crisp and clear evening breeze of the prairie, they drank fine grape wine, which was passed along from hand to hand.

After drinking two big mouthfuls of wine, the emotionally moved Kou Zhong said, “This is the clearest, rich and delicious wine that I have ever drunk.”

Inside the iron pot boiling over the bonfire, the aroma of mutton soup permeated the whole camp. The warriors were very friendly and cordial, they passed on the food into the two boys’ hands in large pottery bowls.

Yuekepeng said, “We have not asked for two gentlemen’s honorable surname and great given name yet.”

Kou Zhong did not want to lie to him, he frankly said, “I am Kou Zhong, he is Xu Ziling.”

Evidently Yuekepeng had never heard their names; he cheerfully said, “Turns out it’s Kou Xiong and Xu Xiong; both are good names.”

Out of curiosity, Kou Zhong asked, “If I am to call Jiangjun as brother, out of Yuekepeng, three characters, which one is your surname?”

Yuekepeng replied, “My full name is Yuekepeng Taguluna. Luna is an ethnic name, Tagu is my ancestor’s family name, and Yuekepeng is Xiaodi’s given name.”

Laughing aloud, Kou Zhong said, “In that case, how about I call Jiangjun Peng Xiong? Would that be offensive?”

Yuekepeng laughed and said, “Peng Xiong, that is pleasant to hear!”

Xu Ziling said, “This time we are relying completely on Peng Xiong upholding justice and helping us to avoid disaster, we, two brothers will never forget. Tomorrow morning we will go on our way, hoping that in the future there will still be days where we can meet again.”

Stunned, Yuekepeng said, “Your Tujue brother is still unconscious, why not wait until he is awake to make the plan?”

Kou Zhong understood that Xu Ziling did not want to implicate Yuekepeng; he said, “Peng Xiong, please don’t worry, we will find a way.”

Yuekepeng’s countenance sank, he spoke in displeasure, “Don’t two gentlemen regard me as a friend?”

Xu Ziling hastily said, “Peng Xiong, please do not misunderstand, you are our brother forever.”

Yuekepeng resolutely said, “Then let’s wait until we reach Qidan people’s pastureland before we go our own ways!”

A difficult expression suddenly appeared on his dark face.

Smiling ruefully, Kou Zhong said, “Qidan people might not necessarily treat us better than Xieli’s subordinates.”

Knitting his brows, Yuekepeng said, “What exactly have you done?”

Kou Zhong said, “I wonder if Peng Xiong know that our wounded Tujue brother is Ba Fenghan?”

Yuekepeng and the Han-speaking Kezhuan were emotionally moved at the same time. Severely shaken, the former said, “Turns out it’s the horse thief bane Ba Fenghan; I really failed to see it. In the prairie, who can harm him?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Who else but Bi Xuan, that old fellow.”

Immediately Yuekepeng and Kezhuan’s countenance changed.

Sucking in a mouthful of cold air, but the firm expression remained on his face, Yuekepeng said, “In that case, I cannot but care about this matter even more. Ba Fenghan has gotten rid of two bands of horse thieves who ran amuck in our Turpan Luzhou [green area]; he is our benefactor.”

Joining the conversation, Kezhuan asked, “Bi Xuan’s means has always been cruel, he murders without blinking an eye, plus Ba Fenghan is the man that Xieli hates to the bones, how could Bi Xuan spare his life?”

Kou Zhong replied honestly, “It’s not that Bi Xuan started off leniently, but we snatched Ba Fenghan’s life back from Bi Xuan’s hands.”

Yuekepeng and Kezhuan only returned a blank stare; they seemed to be unable to believe.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Fortunately it was only Bi Xuan, one person who came after us; otherwise, we, two brothers would not have the life to sit here and drink grape wine with gentlemen.”

Incredulous, Yuekepeng asked, “Have you ever fought hand to hand with Bi Xuan?”

Kou Zhong replied, “The one really fighting hand-to-hand with Bi Xuan was Ba Fenghan, hence the reason he nearly lost his life. We only exchanged a couple of moves with him. After Bi Xuan left, Tonyukuk and the others rushed over to look for us to give us bad luck. In order to take care of Old Ba, we have no choice but to run around.”

Severely shaken, Yuekepeng said, “That bunch of Tujue people just now, unexpectedly Tonyukuk was one of them?”

After giving brief explanation, Kou Zhong sincerely spoke, “The one questioning you was precisely him. Peng Xiong has a mission at hand, it’s not appropriate to enter this murky water. Peng Xiong’s kindness to us, we are extremely grateful.”

Yuekepeng suddenly burst into loud laughter and cheerfully said, “Two gentlemen must be very famous persons in the Central Earth, hence you can become Ba Fenghan’s friends, plus you are able to beat back Bi Xuan. To be quite honest, this time Xiaodi going to Longquan is to participate in Sumo division’s ceremony in founding the kingdom, but it is also for another purpose, in which we already decided to risk our lives. It would be better for us to cross the river in the same boat, working together in sincerity, for mutual benefit, mutual profit. What do you think?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were greatly astonished, but they were also very curious; they mused secretly that when a friend is in trouble, naturally they must lend a hand to help, much less this was their benefactor, they must not to be shirked without dishonor even more.

Kou Zhong spoke with determination, “Peng Xiong, please speak forthrightly and freely. As long as Old Ba wakes up, even gargantuan matter, we can still think of a way.”

After muttering to himself irresolutely for half a day, Yuekepeng said, “Have you ever heard about a man called Funantuo?”

Xu Ziling replied, “Isn’t he the ‘Tianzhu Kuang Seng’ [Indian mad monk] Funantuo who incited Bai Ziting to establish his kingdom?”

The murderous intent in Yuekepeng’s pair of eyes flaring greatly, he spoke hatefully, “Precisely that man. Seven years ago, this man came to Turpan to preach his religion, and had religious debate against the Jiaozhu [Cult Leader] of Monijiao [Manicheanism] and Jingjiao [Nestorian Christianity], two religions. His eloquence was superb, his religious logic refined, he deeply won the acclaim of various kingdoms’ sovereign. He even established Tianzhu Jiao [Indian Cult]. At that time he was not called Funantuo at all. His face was hidden behind luxuriant beard, and he called himself Ku Seng [lit. bitter/suffering monk]. At that time everybody thought that he was a Buddhist law expert, a profound holy monk; those who were cheated by him followed him blindly. Who would have thought … Ay!”

“Was Peng Xiong also swindled by him?” Kou Zhong asked.

Yuekepeng replied, “At that time I was still very young. My parents are followers of Nestorian Christianity, hence they were not swindled. But the kings of various kingdoms and tribes, none did not revere him as a deity. With him fabricating all kinds of excused, they donated money and presented him treasures; he also sought children to be his followers, until the Monijiao and Jingjiao, two Jiaozhu died suddenly. Only then did some people suspect that it was he who dealt vicious blow to them. But they were still one step too late. He took a large amount of money and valuables and disappeared without any trace. They also discovered that a large number of good-looking female disciples who had been with him to study the religion have been raped and murdered. This matter aroused huge waves. Our former king, because he had wholeheartedly promoted him, received the blame of the people; he died in his sorrow and anger. This hatred, our Jushi people definitely will not forget.”

“How many kingdoms are there in Turpan?” Xu Ziling asked.

“There are altogether eight kingdoms,” Yuekepeng replied, “The largest is our Jushi Qian [front/forward] Kingdom, the others are Jushi Hou [rear] kingdom and the Shan Bei [north of the mountain] six kingdoms. Two years ago, some people from our country went to Longquan on business; as chance has it, they ran into Funantuo. Although he has shaved off his beard, in just one glance they were able to recognize him.”

Kou Zhong had a sudden understanding, “In name, your trip this time is to deliver a gift, but in fact, it is to look for Funantuo to settle the account. In my opinion, Bai Ziting can’t be a good person either. Eight or nine out of ten, I’ll say he and Funantuo are villains colluding together, cheating your wealth to be used to establish his kingdom.”

Xu Ziling said, “This kind of lascivious monk, everybody has the right to put him to death, let alone it is Peng Xiong’s business; we will definitely not watch with folded arms.”

With a bitter smile, Yuekepeng said, “The problem is whether we can pass the first hurdle, which is to deliver the gifts to Longquan. Because Qidan’s most notorious horse thief boss, Hu Yanjin, who has obtained the full support of Qidan’s most powerful Abaojia, has vowed to intercept the congratulatory gifts we are delivering to Longquan.”

Kou Zhong said, “If Peng Xiong took a roundabout route to bypass Qidan, won’t this problem be solved?”

Yuekepeng sighed and said, “If we bypass Qidan, we will have to go through Shiwei. I hear Shiwei people are in opposition to Bai Ziting and Qidan people forming an alliance. It is rumored that South Shiwei’s Shen Mohuan is even more difficult to deal with than Hu Yanjin.”

Kou Zhong happily said, “In that case, it would be better to detour via Shiwei to lure Shen Mohuan out of his thief nest, because we are looking for him.”

Frowning, Kezhuan said, “We don’t know the way over there.”

Xu Ziling did not want to, because of their private business, disturb other people’s plan; he hastily said, “No problem, you must go following your established route!”

A bit awkward, Yuekepeng said, “Xiaodi has not asked the reason why two gentlemen came to the prairie?”

Having a headache, Kou Zhong said, “Originally it was just to get the eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin, which had been robbed by a certain party – back, but things have been progressing in a tangled and complicated way. Peng Xiong suddenly asked, I suddenly find it difficult to decide where to start.”

Speechless, Yuekepeng said, “Eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin, that is not a small amount. Who owns it?”

Kou Zhong replied, “Bai Ziting was precisely the middleman, he bought it from Huihe people.”

Shaken, Kezhuan looked at Yuekepeng. He wanted to speak, but then stopped.

The latter nodded slightly, he said, “Similar thing has happened to us. About three years ago, we bought a hundred carts of famous rice [paddy] from Bai Ziting. Along the way it was robbed at night! Several people were lucky to escape, but the rest were murdered. All along we thought we came across horse thieves, and never suspected Bai Ziting. Looks like it is not as simple as we imagined.”

Hearing that, the two looked at each other in dismay. Gnashing his teeth, Kou Zhong said, “We did not suspect him either. Humph! If I can obtain the evidence, I will turn his founding-a-country ceremony into a funeral of vanquished nation.”

Yuekepeng and Kezhuan only thought that he spoke those words in the moment of anger, they had never guessed that he had a very close relationship with Tuli, hence he really had the power to overturn Limo Mohe.

Yuekepeng stretched out his hand; showing a firm expression of vowing to achieve the goal, he said, “Starting tonight, we are brothers who fight side by side, we live together, we die together, we will never abandon each other.”

Kou Zhong reached out to grab his hand firmly, he said, “No matter how difficult it is, we will definitely seek justice from Funantuo for your distinguished country.”

Xu Ziling followed Kou Zhong example by putting his hand on top of the two men’s hands, and said, “We will never allow cheating lascivious monk running amuck in the prairie.”

Kezhuan also joined the ranks of men swearing an oath by handshake. All four men felt intense emotion in their strong bosom.

The sound of howling wolves came from afar, reminding them that on the beautiful prairie, which on the surface appeared to be tranquil and peaceful, crises were crouching in the dark. The road ahead would be difficult.

The two returned to their tent. Ba Fenghan was still in deep sleep meditation state. After checking his pulse, Kou Zhong happily said, “F*ck his granny’s bear. Although Tianzhu produced a lascivious monk, they also produced genuine goods at fair prices Huan Ri Da Fa. Old Ba only has two main meridians that have not been reconnected yet. It is really hard to believe.”

Very pleased, Xu Ziling said, “These two days will be critical time. We must not let Old Ba receives any external damage.”

Kou Zhong said, “Tomorrow we will enter the Qidan’s sphere of influence, we must not fail even more. Therefore, we now must have a good sleep. Ay! How many nights have we stayed up?”

Blowing the sheep horn wind lantern, Xu Ziling said, “In your opinion, are the wolf-bandits Bai Ziting’s men? Perhaps even that Duan Zhu or the fellow called Guan Ping are also the hunting dogs that accumulate wealth for him?”

Kou Zhong breathed out a mouthful of air. He said, “If your guess is correct, then that Da Ming Zun Jiao ought to use Bai Ziting as one nostril to breathe out the air. His Niang! We are going to Longquan to disturb him until the sky and the earth are turning upside down, so that Bai Ziting and that lascivious monk will not have any good days in the future.”

Smiling bitterly, Xu Ziling said, “You seem to forget another problem that will give us headache. Niang’s country, Gaoli is fully supporting Bai Ziting. If we interfere and mess things up, our feud with Shiyi [martial aunt] will grow deeper and deeper.”

Kou Zhong remembered the beautiful young martial aunt Fu Junqiang, whose fragrant footprints appearing suddenly at Shanhai Pass, but immediately disappeared; grabbing his head, he sighed and said, “We can only take it one step at a time. Ay! Let’s talk again after we wake up!” And then he lay down on the reed mat.

Xu Ziling was lying on Ba Fenghan’s other side. Inside the darkness of the tent, his eyes were wide open, but Shi Feixuan’s exceptional jade countenance appeared in the lake of his heart. He wondered if at this moment she was at the other corner of the prairie?

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