God Emperor

Chapter 753 - The Heir to the Thousand-bone Empress

Chapter 753: The Heir to the Thousand-bone Empress

Translator: Transn  Editor: Transn

“What a powerful sword move. It could almost penetrate anything!”

The sword move which Lin Yue displayed just now exhibited tremendous power. Within an instant, thousands of Sword Qi shattered. He almost made the deadly swordsman fall to the foot of the mountain.

His powerful sword move was supreme and invincible. All the favored talents on Scroll Mountain looked in great astonishment.

Many were wondering what would ensue had they faced the strike themselves in a fight.

The result of their conjecture made them break out in cold sweat.

It was a sword strike that could not be countered by any Monk in the Fish-Dragon Realm. If it had been them, their bodies would have been ripped apart by Lin Yue’s Sword Qi.

Of course, it also meant that the deadly swordsman from the Demonic Sect was very powerful. He was struck by Lin Yue’s blow and yet had remained unhurt.

“How could he be so powerful?”

“Hasn’t Lin Yue exhausted all his Holy Qi? Wasn’t he heavily injured?”

“Wasn’t his sword broken? Why do I feel a more terrifying power emanating from this blade? No, this sword… ”

Finally, they realized something. They all fixed their glances at the ancient white sword in Lin Yue’s hand.

Xue Wuye narrowed his eyes. He opened them again, his pupils radiating keen brilliance. His eyes looked incredibly bright. “It’s a Holy Sword in the Thousand Inscriptions Weapon class. Wait, things don’t look so simple… ”

The power the sword had emitted was certainly of a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon class. Every Monk who had seen such a weapon could attest to that.

Yet no one here could tell the provenance of Lin Yue’s sword.

A Hundred Inscriptions Weapon could become the family treasure of a Half-Saint family.

A Thousand Inscriptions Weapon could become the family treasure of a Saint family.

A Thousand Inscriptions Weapon was extraordinarily powerful. Used by a Saint, its strike could completely destroy a city 1,000 kilometers away.

As long as a Saint family could hold on to such a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon, they could protect their lineage and prevent other forces from attacking them rashly.

After all, no one could withstand the vengeful power of a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon.

When the First Central Empire was founded, Confucians scholars were made to gather information on these arms and review them endlessly. The result: the compilation of two manuals documenting these Thousand Inscriptions Weapons and Ten-thousand Inscription Weapons.

At last, the imperial court released The Thousand Inscriptions Weapons Manualand The Ten-thousand Inscription Weapons Manual to the public.

Information on every Thousand Inscriptions Weapon and Ten-thousand Inscription Weapon could be found within these manuals. So everyone knew about these powerful existing Holy Weapons. Very rarely would a new Thousand Inscriptions Weapon surface.

It was not quite possible for a Monk in the Fish-Dragon Realm to possess a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon.

Even the Demonic Sect would not entrust such a weapon to a Monk in the Fish-Dragon Realm. The loss of a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon would be even more painful to bear than the death of a Saint.

However, the impossible was happening right before their eyes.

Lin Yue had actually possessed an ancient sword in the Thousand Inscriptions Weapon class! You can imagine the astonishment of the people.

” It can’t be a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon… ”

Saint Lady shook her head gently. Her mind was trying to uncover its latent information about the sword.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and her handsome eyes shone like glittering stars. She said, quite astonished, “It can’t be that sword, can it… ?”

Saint Lady was not the only one who made this guess. All the Saint Patriarchs within Shentai City, no matter where they had hailed from, had discovered the same thing.

However, the aura emanating from the Void Sword was quite weak. They could not be sure.

Dressed in a purple Taoist robe, Moon-burier Sword Saint stood up, looking imposing in his posture. His deep-set eyes stared in the direction of the Scroll Mountain. “Sect Master, Lin Yue’s ancient white sword is… I think, quite extraordinary. It could well be that sword from the Middle Ancient Times.”

The Master of the Yin and Yang Sect, Ning Xuandao, stood up beside Moon-burier Sword Saint. He nodded as well. “You mean that sword which killed the deity?”

Moon-burier Sword Saint replied, “We can’t be sure. But Lin Yue’s cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds over the last year. His improvement is almost frightening. He must have received some help from that presence.”

Ning Xuandao started slightly. He inhaled a deep breath and said, “If that is true, our Sect must do everything in its power to protect Lin Yue. Some people must be harboring malicious thoughts about that sword and him… We can’t allow any accidents to happen.”

“No wonder he had refused to take me as his teacher.”

Moon-burier Sword Saint smiled faintly. All his past bewilderments had been swept aside and he suddenly understood.

Ning Xuandao continued. “I now quite understand why Patriarch Taiyi value Lin Yue so much. Perhaps he has discovered something before the rest of us.”

After Zhang Ruochen took out the Void Sword, he was prepared to be recognized.

However, he still believed that the Yin and Yang Sect would spend more resources to protect him. Certainly, an heir to the Thousand-bone Empress was not of a lower class than a disciple of Empress Chi Yao.

As a result, Zhang Ruochen remained calm despite the agitations of the other elders. All sorts of thoughts were creeping into their minds.

“You won because your sword is in the Thousand Inscriptions Weapon class. Your abilities certainly aren’t exceptional.” Dressed in a loose black robe, Snake Two stood on the uppermost step, just above Zhang Ruochen.

On the Scroll Mountain, a cool breeze was fluttering her black robe. It revealed her fair and slender legs.

From where Zhang Ruochen stood, he could see her thighs and a large expanse of her snowy-white skin. He could even see the amazing curvature of her rearing butt.

Zhang Ruochen smiled faintly and said, “Do you mean that I must fight you empty-handed? Must I use no weapon and defeat everyone from the Demonic Sect before I can be considered great?”

Time for another confrontation between Zhang Ruochen and Snake Two.

By now, Le had clambered up from mid-mountain. The iron sword was still in his hand. He now appeared beside Zhang Ruochen. “Although his sword is a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon, my sword isn’t ordinary too. I was indeed defeated in our last fight.”

Only now did the crowd realize Le’s rusty iron sword had remained intact.

After clashing with the Void Sword, it did not break. Le’s sword must be at least a Thousand Inscriptions Weapon.

More and more peculiar things were happening in tonight’s banquet. Even Patriarchs in the Half-Saint realm were thoroughly stunned.

Le’s eyes were keen and piercing. “I will definitely defeat him in our next fight.”

Mu Lingxi walked over and interposed herself between Zhang Ruochen and Le. She stared at Le and shook her head, trying to dissuade him. “But Le, the fight is over.”

“Why?” Le asked.

If it had been someone else, Le would have ignored him. Mu Lingxi, on the other hand, was his benefactor. If she had not recommended him to the headquarters of the Demonic Sect, he would never have achieved so much.

Mu Lingxi said, “If you two fought it out, neither of you could hold back your power. One of you would definitely die.”

Mu Lingxi knew very well that the Monks from the Demonic Sect would suspect her relationship with Lin Yue after this. They might even trial and punish her.

Still, she must step forward.

If Le and Zhang Ruochen were to fight, Zhang Ruochen would definitely hesitate at the crucial moment. Le, however, would not.

The person who hesitated would die.

Mu Lingxi could not allow such a thing to happen. She must pre-empt it.

“I’m not afraid of death,” Le replied nonchalantly.

There was a strong belief in Le’s heart–he must stop Lin Yue from reaching the summit. After all, Lin Yue was an enemy of the Demonic Sect.

Zhang Ruochen, clenching the hilt of the Void Sword, turned around and stared at Le. “Since we must fight, I can only give my all.”

Mu Lingxi bit her lip and was very angry. She could not understand Zhang Ruochen’s stubbornness at all.

Le was stubborn because it was in his innate nature. Furthermore, he did not know Zhang Ruochen’s true identity. He must uphold the Demonic Sect’s dignity and fight its enemies.

Yet… Zhang Ruochen must know the situation better than anyone else. So why should he confront Le? Why are you so stubborn? Why must you go all out after getting yourself so badly injured?

Mu Lingxi had looked at the problem from the perspective of her private emotions. Zhang Ruochen, however, must consider things from another angle–the Yin and Yang Sect’s. He had no room to retreat.

If he retreated now, all his previous efforts would be pointless.

Yet to fight Le in a death match would be wonderful for Zhang Ruochen, even if it involved massive risks. He believed that after today, they would never have another chance to fight without scruples.

It was like the death match between Sword Saint Xuanji and Nine Serenity Sword Saint–they were trying to break into a higher realm in their Tao of the sword. The death match might cause one party to die, but it would still be a unique experience.

Only a top sword practitioner could understand the excitement and joy behind an evenly-matched death duel.

So a death match could not be avoided, it seemed. The aura emanating from both Lin Yue and Le’s bodies became stronger and stronger.

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