Supremacy Games

Chapter 1567: Worth it?

1567 Worth it?

A couple of hours later...

Felix and his companions bid farewell to the ancestral dragon dimension and set out on their journey toward the dwarven empire, eager to mine elemental minerals and continue their adventures.

The dimensional pocket was rich with natural treasures, but it didn't possess many elemental minerals.

The only place in the entire universe with a massive abundance of said riches was the dwarven empire.

When it came to decent-graded elemental minerals, Meriam collected them for Felix using her massive influence on the empire's upper echelon.

However, for the ultra-rare minerals, there were only two ways to find them. Either the dwarven royal treasury or mine them from the depths of the most dangerous places in the universe.

"Are you planning to 'borrow' again?" Candace asked with a faint giggle.

"You make it sound bad." Felix gave her an annoyed look, "I am a man of my word and I am heading there to return the Nethersteel as I promised."

"An illusion version of it, you mean."

"Potato, potato." Felix defended his stance without an ounce of shame, "No one will know the difference and they can use it like the real deal once they decide on the artifact."

"While at it, might as well take all rare minerals from their treasury and replace them with illusionary versions," Thor suggested.

"Master is surely full of wonderful ideas." Felix grinned.

Thor chuckled, knowing that Felix was already thinking about doing it and he merely gave him an excuse to accept it.

Most of the tenants rolled their eyes at his attempt to maintain his shame, not caring about judging him over stealing the dwarves' royal treasury.


Three weeks later...The Eternal Nautlis had stopped near a giant green-colored planet with oceans and thick forests across its entire surface. It barely had snow mountains, volcanos, deserts, and such.

It was just brimming with life, but at the same time, it didn't.

"No intelligent life on it," Felix remarked calmly while studying the analyzed data of the planet.

While the planet seemed full of life, it was also loaded with toxic and poisonous mist, making it impossible for many creatures to be born in its environment and adapt to it.

Even the oceans were poisonous, making only the plant kingdom dominate the planet's ecosystem.

"Is this our next destination?" Olivia asked curiously.

"It's doubtful that we will find anything of worth in it, but it's better to be safe than sorry." Felix said, "We will spend the next month searching for rare natural treasures. Whether we find anything or not, we will take off."

Selphie and the others nodded in understanding and prepared for the landing...Felix also joined the search party, hoping for his luck to turn around.

Based on the books about the discovered SSS natural treasures, he knew that there was a plant called Sacred Forgiveness Tree, which has been discovered in areas rich with myriad plant kingdoms.

That's because one of its sustainable conditions was absorbing nutrition like a parasite from different types of plants through its roots.

Felix really hoped that he would find one as it was a key ingredient for a different useful rank-six potion.

Alas, the team had spent an entire month on the planet's surface, dealing with the poisonous atmosphere, killer plants, and some beasts here and there, yet, not many great natural treasures were collected.

As for the Sacred Forgiveness Tree? It was nowhere to be found and Felix was certain that it didn't exist on this planet since three primogenitors' level beings were searching for it to no avail.

In the end, Felix gave up on the search and everyone returned to the spaceship except him, Candace, Nimo, and the darkins.

Felix ordered Queen Ai to keep the spaceship on its trajectory while he prepared to devour the planet's purities!

"Let's see how much boost I will get from this."

Felix had great hopes that it wouldn't be too disappointing due to the planet's abundance of life in it.

"Can we also share a bit?" Saurous requested, "My thoughts are getting clouded daily without eating an appropriate amount of purities."

"Likewise, we don't think we can last a couple more years without some purities in our system." Wendigo supported.

"I will bestow some upon you."

Felix decided to help them out as he didn't want them to lose their insanity to the evil energy control.

They had already struggled against hunger for seven years, which was an unfathomable period when compared to other demons, who couldn't last a month without purities.

lightsvεl m Without further ado, Felix's formbegan to swell and expand, transcending the bounds of normalcy.

Like a deity ascending, Felix grew in size, his body stretching and elongating, his features sharpening with the power that courses through him.

The stars themselves seemed to dim as he expanded, his form eclipsing celestial bodies, becoming a colossal entity that dwarfs the green planet below!

As Felix reached a size rivaling that of the green planet, his eyes, now glowing like twin suns, fixated on the planet.

Then, slowly, with a motion that stirred cosmic winds and bent the very fabric of space, Felix extended his demonic hand toward the planet.

His hand, now larger than continents, cast a shadow over the planet's surface. The atmosphere trembled under the proximity of such overwhelming power.

Then, with a touch that was paradoxically gentle and cataclysmic, Felix placed his supermassive palm upon the planet!

The moment his skin made contact, a surge of evil crimson energy rippled across the planet's surface, a display of raw power and his ominous intent!

'This boy always finds a way to be scarier...'

'When will his limits end...'

The darkins had sweat covering their forehead as they watched this unholy scene.

They have dealt with jurmi and Thor's size manipulation many times, but Felix's current form still planted a seed of utter fear in their hearts.

Meanwhile, the planet, vibrant with life and purity, started to quiver under Felix's touch. The once-bright greens of the forests and the deep blues of the oceans began to dim as if the very essence of life was being drained away!n-())--//(-.-I.-n

As this sinister process intensified, the planet underwent a heart-

wrenching transformation.

The lush landscapes withered, turning into barren wastes. The once-

crystal-clear waters of the oceans became stagnant and receded, leaving behind parched basins.

The skies, once a painting of vibrant sunrises and sunsets, now hang heavy with a lifeless grey hue.

The energy absorbed by Felix was not just the physical life force of the planet, but its spiritual essence as well.

The planet's core, a once-beating heart of energy and light, grew dimmer with each passing moment.

Cracks began to appear across the surface, like the wrinkles of age on a dying elder, spreading and deepening as the planet's vitality was sapped away.

Finally, the once green planet, a beacon of life and hope, was reduced to a gray, cracked rock, reminiscent of a world still in its birth stage, barren and lacking in the life it once harbored...

As Felix gazed at the product of his strength-seeking obsession, his heart wasn't moved even once.

"I have killed a 5 billion-year-old planet in less than a minute..." Felix gazed upon his demonic hand which still had a few rubbles on its surface. Then, he murmured, "All of this to get one hundred BF increase in strength...Worth it?"

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