Supremacy Games

Chapter 1535: Evil Energy's Side Effect.

Chapter 1535: Evil Energy's Side Effect.

1535 Evil Energy's Side Effect.

Immediately after, a spectral mirror manifested in front of them and its surface began to ripple, like a stone thrown into a still pond. Slowly, the ripples coalesced into a swirling vortex of dark, ethereal mist.

From within the depths of the mirror, a pair of piercing, otherworldly eyes emerged.

Lord Hades' presence loomed large, even within the confined space of the mirror, causing all the tenants to show respectful and solemn expressions.

Before the primogenitors could greet him, Lord Hades' voice rumbled, deep and commanding as if it echoed from the depths of the underworld.

"I have no clue what's going in her mind and don't bother asking me about it. As for the next part, you will need to devour the false unigin's core. As you have just witnessed, the seven sins laws are too powerful against mortals with desires. If you attempted to devour the false unigin's core, you would end up dead without knowing how."

Seeing that Lord Hades wasn't wasting time with empty talks, Felix dropped the subject related to the paragon of sins.

"I require your guidance then." Felix narrowed his eyes, "How is it possible to gain immunity or at least a decent resistance against the seven sins?"

After what the Paragon of Sins put him through, Felix had absolutely no interest in taking down Nimo's alter ego without proper preparation.

"That's for you to solve." Lord Hades remarked calmly before shutting down the mirror, not staying for even half a minute straight.

He didn't even give Felix a chance to ask him about the paragon's statement of waiting for Felix's arrival like she was certain he would come to find her later.

While Felix had absolutely no thought of ever getting close to that vixen, he was slightly concerned that his path of ascension would end up with dealing with her again.

"Well, he didn't help much. But, it's understandable." Lady Sphinx disclosed, "This is new grounds we are treading on and he doesn't want to give you bad advice."

Lord Hades only led the way if he was somewhat certain about the results.

In the case of Lucifer, he connected the dots and understood that there was a high possibility of Felix merging successfully with the evil energy and becoming its new owner.

However, he refrained from telling Felix about the exact method since he also was ignorant about it.

In other words, he would merely keep giving Felix an outline of the plan and it was up to him to fill in the details and deal with its challenges.

"I think our best chance is Nimo." Thor mentioned, "While he isn't as powerful as his alter ego or knows much about his abilities, I think it's possible to take advantage of his immunities."

"How so?" Felix raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, you can see if it's possible to merge with him or have him transform into a wearable suit or something." Thor shrugged his shoulders.

"While your ideas do sound a bit too unrealistic, I can see a possibility." Lady Sphinx held her chin thoughtfully, "When it comes to the unique powers of the seven sins, there is always a possibility."

"Let's find him first and see how it goes." Felix nodded.

He was already planning to retrieve Nimo after he dealt with Lucifer, postponing even his hunt of the darkins...Nimo was family and family always comes first. (Vin Diesel quote)

"By the way, did any of you hear what the paragon said earlier? About the purities?" Elder Kraken interjected with a serious tone.

"How could we miss it?" Lord Loki remarked with an intrigued look. "Looks like primogenitors' purities are well sought after especially those with higher levels of purities like Lady Yggdrasil."

It was nothing new that demons devour purities to maintain their sanity and also increase their strength.

However, it never really hit them that primogenitors could also have their purities devoured and turned into demonized versions of their old selves.

It was understandable as the only demon who was somewhat capable of standing before the primogenitors was Lucifer.

Even he got his ass beat by the darkins and more than a hundred times at the hand of Fenrir without a chance of defeating him.

But now? Felix was the owner of evil energy and he possessed what it took to demonize any primogenitor he desired!

"If I devoured Wendigo and Saurous purities and demonized them, doesn't that mean I can turn them into my slaves?" Felix showed a devious smile.

"Darkins as slaves?! Love to see it."

Thor was the first to dig the idea, grinning as wickedly as Felix.

"For what they had done, death is a mere release." Fenrir said coldly, approving the suggestion.

It was far, far more humiliating and cruel to turn the darkins into demonized slaves than just killing them.

Felix was certain that they wouldn't be able to betray him since not a single demon could be disloyal to the personification of evil energy...Even the proud black and green dragon heads knelt before Lucifer after demonization.

"Let them enjoy their freedom for now."

Felix hadn't made a decision yet and didn't want to waste his time on them at the moment. Nimo was clearly up to something big and he wasn't comfortable not knowing about it.

So, for the next couple of days, Felix focused only on two things...Learning how to harness evil energy as good as Lucifer's and searching for Nimo's tracks.

With Lord Loki's help and the all-seeing eyes of Lord Khaos, Felix managed to finally discover somewhat of a lead.

It was through a void nation's citizen who got caught exiting from a dimensional portal near a semi-populated planet, which was in the process of getting invaded by void creatures.

"He seems to be focusing on gathering the void creatures rather than saving the planet." Felix commentated with a deep frown as he watched the Djin, opening void portals in front of the void creatures and baiting them inside by using the planet's citizens!

He threw a bunch inside and the void creatures followed them mindlessly and then he closed the portal and repeated the cycle over and over again.

Felix wasn't too pleased, but he wasn't surprised. He already knew that the void citizens couldn't care less about innocent lives or such.

The only reason they respected his rules was because of their respect for his strength and Nimo's authority.

But after his death? There was no point in still adhering to his laws.

'I don't like what I am seeing, but why isn't my body reacting?'n())/--.).(-/1..n

Suddenly, Felix knitted his eyebrows in discomfort after noticing the sight of those innocent people getting murdered hadn't touched a nerve.

It was like he was watching the void citizen executing objects instead of lives.

'Is this an inescapable effect of merging with the evil energy? I don't get corrupted, but my heart became unreceptive to goodness?'

Felix didn't know how to feel about this development.

He was completely normal and if he wanted, he could appear next to the void citizen and save those people. However, the drive that made him want to do this instinctively wasn't there.

It was like a psychopath doing a good deed...His body didn't tell him to do it and he wouldn't feel an ounce of fulfillment if he did it.

'Stop whining about every small thing.' Felix chided himself, 'Mercy and goodness is the ultimate weakness a person can have in my shoes. You should feel glad that you no longer possess such a weakness and people's suffering won't put a dent in your mental health.'

'From now on, you will be dealing with merciless monsters who have no problem with creating races and ending them for the sake of entertainment.' Felix said coldly as he kept watching those poor innocent people getting executed, 'Get your sh*t together or you will never observe Asna's face ever again.'

When his masters and the tenants heard his thoughts, each had their own personal reaction and opinion.

'Sigh, this day has finally come.' Thor smiled bitterly.

'I always wanted him to be more cold-blooded, but it somewhat feels wrong.' Jörmungandr shook his head, having no concept how he felt about this.

'At last, this dumbass can't be manipulated anymore through strangers.' Lord Shiva smiled in approval.

Yet, all of them kept it to themselves, understanding that the path ahead would only get more brutal and tougher, and Felix losing his good heart was the best way to keep his sanity intact.

After all, how could he handle with the three rulers when they could intimidate to wipe his entire race with a snap of a finger? Whether they could do it or not didn't matter.

Felix's reception to the threat was everything and if he wasn't absolutely cold-blooded, he would always be one step below them no matter how strong he had gotten...

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