Supremacy Games

Chapter 1442 Felix Vs Nebula! II

Chapter 1442 Felix Vs Nebula! II

1442 Felix Vs Nebula! II

The invisible force seized Felix, compressing him like an iron grip!

'Sh*t, I can't let her get close!'

Realizing the imminent danger, Felix's instincts took over.

In a desperate bid for freedom, he transformed his entire form into a blazing jet, becoming a streak of fire and energy, trying to break free from Nebula's grasp!

The arena was illuminated with the brilliant glow of his transformation, casting long, dancing shadows across the battleground!

"Not so fast!"

Nebula manifested a single, deadly spatial blade, and hurled it directly at Felix's trajectory. Felix realized that he wouldn't be able to evade the spatial blade as the telekinesis pressure made it extremely difficult for him to be flexible.

So, he made a tough maneuver that ensured his vitals' safety firsthand. Sadly, he wasn't fast enough to escape completely unscathed.


The blade cleanly sliced through his left foot just before he could entirely evade it.

A sharp, piercing pain shot through him, even in his jet form...But, Felix paid it no head and continued his flight, putting a bigger distance from Nebula.

"Traveler has been harmed!! How long can he last, though? This isn't even Nebula's peak form!"

Mr. Monnar commentated excitedly, followed by the audience's collective gasp at the sheer intensity of the scene, leaving them on the edge of their seats.

After Felix had placed a decent distance between him and Nebula, he reverted back to his human form, his face as grim as ever.

He wasn't even bothered by his missing feet as he removed his telekinesis barrier around his sliced leg and then used intense flames to burn off the wound, causing the bleeding to stop immediately.

Then, he covered it again with the barrier since he couldn't handle the fire without it.

"Is this everything you got?" Nebula shook her head from a distance. "You should know that I have yet to get serious."

Felix knew that she wasn't bluffing as there were many abilities she had yet to use. Abilities capable of making his time a hundred times worse.

"Just forfeit, you found me disinterested in continuing this tournament." Nebula seemed to offer Felix an olive branch.

Felix didn't bother to entertain this empty conversation, taking advantage of her relaxed state to establish a connection with the spacetime frequency.

"It's your humiliation then."

Nebula eyed him coldly and then vanished in the blink of an eye, using her teleportation ability to appear directly behind Felix!!

Her re-emergence caused a minor distortion in the spatial atmosphere, a subtle ripple only a few could perceive.

But Felix, attuned to the subtle shifts of the environment and a long-time utilizer of teleportation, sensed the distortion even with his eyes shut.


Almost immediately, Nebula unleashed her attack: two lethal spatial blades, glowing with an eerie luminescence, shot forward in the form of an X, aimed directly at Felix's back!

Without opening his eyes, Felix sidestepped at the last possible moment...The sharp edges of the blades missed him by mere inches, cutting through the air where he stood just moments ago, creating a shimmering X in their wake!

Even when he evaded them, Felix's focus was entirely on establishing the frequency connection.

'This is it...'

Suddenly, the atmosphere around Felix began to waver, resembling a mirage on a hot day.

Nebula, sensing an escalating threat from this anomaly, her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

'Am I feeling danger? Me?' Nebula couldn't believe it and almost got angry just at the thought.

It had been years and years since she felt a sense of threat from anything, making her almost distrust her gut feeling!

While she refused to believe that anything could harm her, she still decided to make a swift move and end this battle.

"Time prison!"

Time seemed to crystallize as she invoked her temporal prison, trapping Felix within a cage where seconds felt like eternities!

"You should have never stopped." Nebula uttered carelessly as she seized the advantage and summoned the same "Severance Star", her devastating finishing move!

The shimmering star, razor-edged and deadly, sped toward the seemingly immobilized Felix, its trajectory certain!

"It's over!"

"Traveler is doomed!"

"Haha! That's what you get for scamming us!"

The audience held their collective breaths, the intensity of the moment thickening the air. To them, and perhaps even to Nebula herself, this was her ultimate move, a surefire way to end the duel in her favor.

"Master..." Karra held her hands together, her face showed nothing but concern...Even Miss Sanae and Sekiro had solemn expressions with a bit of hopelessness in them.

'How funny, I can't believe I actually had a small believe that he might end Nebula's reigns.'

Miss Sanae showed a forceful smile as she eyed the severance star getting dangerously close to her precious servant.

Everyone believed that this was the end of Felix as there wasn't anyone in the past decade who managed to survive this technique!

Only three people thought otherwise...Asna, Elder Kraken and Carbuncle.

Asna and Elder Kraken didn't know what Felix had prepared, but they were sure that he would never allow himself to go down like this.

As for Carbuncle? He merely chuckled in derision, "Ah, what are the odds? My little girl's first defeat will be at the hands of him."

The moment he said this, Felix's eyes fluttered open slowly. Instead of the fear or surprise one might expect, his eyes danced with undulating waves, looking quite mysterious.


With a casual, yet deliberate whip of his hand that seemed to be unaffected by the time prison, Felix deflected the incoming attack!

The Severance Star, a weapon previously thought unstoppable, simply vanished, dissipating into nothingness before it could reach its target.


A collective gasp echoed through the arena, disbelief painted on every face.

Nebula, usually so composed, wore an expression of genuine shock at the sight of her ultimate failproof method vanishing into the ether.

Yet, nothing shocked her more than the next scene.

"Impossible..." She muttered, her widened eyes affixed on Felix who walked outside of the time prison at ease like he was immune to the time slowness!

Unfortunately for her, Felix neither had any plans to explain the situation to her nor give her time to break out of her daze.

He took a single step forward and suddenly appeared right in front of her.

His fist drew back and then shot forward, stopping just an inch away from Nebula's ribcage. It didn't make contact, but it might as well have!

The air around his fist distorted, resembling the fractal patterns seen in shattered glass. For a moment, the world held its breath.

Then, everything erupted...


The shattering effect that originated from Felix's fist spread rapidly...It felt like the very fabric of reality itself was splintering!

Nebula's form began to fragment, starting from the point closest to Felix's fist and spreading outwards!

Her horrified figure disintegrated, becoming part of the ever-expanding wave of destruction!

The devastation didn't stop there.

The arena, which had witnessed countless battles and stood the test of time, shattered in much the same way Nebula had!

It was as if an unseen force was ripping apart everything in its path, causing the very ground to quake and the sky to darken!

The supposedly unbreakable barrier keeping the audience safe tasted the brunt of the force as well, causing cracks to appear on its invisible surface!

The stupefied audience felt a sense of dread and uncontrollable fear as they watched the dependable barrier breaking apart right in front of them.



"That's impossible...Nothing can break this barr..."

Before that viewer could finish the rest of his sentence, the words were caught in his mouth at the sight of the barrier shattering into fragments.

Then, there was no then...

Half of the colossal stadium behind it was obliterated, leaving a sight reminiscent of a meteor's impact.

Most viewers managed to fly out of danger in time, but the stubborn ones suffered from an unknown fate, buried in the depth of the rubble...

When the dust settled at last, a stark contrast was laid out for all to see.

Behind Felix, everything remained untouched, pristine as if the battle had never transpired.

Before him was a different story: utter destruction.

The line between these two realities was sharp, clear, and undeniable.

The audience, those who were still present and unharmed, stared in disbelief and awe, having absolutely no idea how to react to this cataclysmic scene.

Unbeknownst to everyone, even Felix was left staring at his fist with a stunned expression.

'What did I just do?'

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