Supremacy Games

Chapter 1422 The Brown Coated Stalker.

Chapter 1422 The Brown Coated Stalker.

1422 The Brown Coated Stalker.

When Felix and Sekiro left the shop, they went back to their table in the cafe...However, the moment they sat their asses down, the boss came to them personally with an apologetic expression.

"I am so sorry guys, I have to request you to leave the cafe." He said with a soft tone so no one would hear him.

"How can that be?" Sekiro replied with a displeased tone, "Didn't you just serve us? We aren't causing any trouble and our identities are hidden."

'Looks like it's not hidden enough as I was just contacted by a member of the red fang organization, threatening me to cut off my supplies if I dare to serve you even a cup of water.' The boss informed telepathically with a bitter smile, 'I really want to serve you as I am proud to have you represent our city, but I can't risk losing my business...I hope you understand.'

'You don't have to say more, boss. Thank you for the earlier drinks.'

Felix stood up with an indifferent expression and gave him a slight polite nod before taking off with Sekiro on his back.

'This blacklist order sure is a pain in the ass, we can't even get a cup of decent coffee in the city.' Sekiro sighed in frustration.

Even when the kind businessmen wanted to show support to Felix by ignoring the blacklist order, it end up coming at them and biting them in the ass.

Felix had no interest in making someone lose his income over his own problems unless that person deserved it.

'You are thinking the wrong way.' Felix said calmly, 'For the red fangs to know of our location so soon, they must have either sent someone to follow us or they have eyes across the entire city and even our disguise means nothing to them.'

Felix was more inclined to believe in the latter as he felt that his senses wouldn't betray him if someone had an ulterior motive against him and was nearby.

'Those bastards are really treating us as their mortal enemies to keep an eye on us for so long.' Sekiro's gaze turned colder as his slits roamed around him, attempting to find the stalkers.

'Leave them be, let's go to the park.' Felix was unbothered with his destination being known at the moment.

So, he headed to the national park with Sekiro and when they reached it, they sat under a tree and began planning to solve the case telepathically.

"The target has settled down in the park."

"Good job Oculon, keep an eye on him...Also, have you dealt with Sir. Azravan?"

"Yes boss, he promised us that the prick won't step foot in his shop even at the expense of his reputation."

"He better be if he still wants his beasts and creatures to be approved for sale faster than anyone else."

While Felix and Sekiro were chilling in the park, a whole different conversation was being held between Boss Alves and his subordinate Oculon.

Oculon was seen sitting on a public chair, acting like he was feeding the spiritual white pigeons, not even lifting his head in the direction of Felix.

He was wearing a thick brown coat, making him resemble a mafia boss. Unbeknownst to everyone in the park, there were tens of eyes situated across his entire body, making him seem quite freakish.

Felix had no idea that his senses had indeed failed him as this man's race was quite unique, making him able to spy on anyone through his other eyes without leaving a hint.

It was like putting cameras on someone, no one could sense its lifeless presence.

"As always, keep your eye on him from a distance and just report back to me." Boss Alves repeated.


After the call was put down, Boss Alves turned his chair to face the window and gazed at the national park from the highest floor of his building.

'He has associated himself with that lunatic. Let's see if she dares be as bold when she realizes the identity of the noble after him and his servant." He sneered.


'Based on Sanae's intel, Azravan leaves his shop only when there is a business that needs to be taken care of outside of the city...His house is on the highest floor of his shop and he doesn't go out to have fun or such.'

Felix had reached a decision to seek out Sir. Azravan when he was outside of the shop to avoid his strict security.

But, Sir. Azravan wasn't an outdoor type of person as he was focusing purely on his business and if there was nothing related to it, he had no issues staying even months in his shop.

'It's been more than a month since he left the shop. Based on her intel, he always brings in new batches of beasts and creatures each month and he goes to meet the hunters to personally oversee the process.' Felix thought to himself, 'If I am lucky, he is bound to leave the shop in the next couple of days to handle the next shipment.'I think you should take a look at

At the moment, Felix's entire strategy depended on Sir. Azravan's schedule.

Whether Sir. Azravan departed the shop this week or the next one, it wouldn't matter much to him besides the fact he would lose a considerable amount of Lumus if he solved the case after a week went by.

'Sekiro, you will be tasked to keep an eye on Sir. Azravan's shop 24/7 until he takes his leave.' Felix ordered.

'Understood.' Sekiro nodded.

Even if Felix wanted to help out, he knew that there was a small chance of someone following him and before he commit to the plan, he wanted to deal with this issue first.

'I will take my leave, keep a close eye on everyone in the park and see if someone tries to chase me, but don't make it too obvious.'

With that being said, Felix took his leave, heading in the direction of Miss Sanae's bureau. Sekiro kept his head lowered under the straw hat, but his gleaming slits were scanning the entire area, seeking a peculiar movement from any spirit.

When Felix had gotten out of his radar and disappeared through the streets, just as he wanted to give up, his eyes landed on a park chair that was empty.

'Wasn't a brown-coated man sitting there, feeding the pigeons?' Sekiro got suspicious as he was the only one who disappeared the moment Felix disappeared from his vision.

Since he had no other results to hand out, Sekiro informed Felix about the situation and let him deal with it. Then, he took off back to Sir. Azravan's shop and started his own stake-out mission.

'A brown-coated man.'

Felix repeated to himself as he mixed himself amidst the busy street, his back straight, his head facing forward, but his eyes darted around him under the guise of his sunglasses...He was attempting to find a spirit that matched the description but to no avail.𝗇π’ͺπ’±π”’π”©π‘ˆπ“ˆπ’ƒ.π‘πžΈπ“œ

'If he is capable of following me without emitting an ounce of bad intent, he must be the real deal.'

For specialist stalkers like those, Felix knew exactly how to fish them out of the shadows.

He reached a narrow alley and acted suspiciously by looking departed and right, then he headed inside and continued his walk.

'What do we have here?'

Oculon spotted what Felix did from a distance.

From the reaction shown, he believed that Felix was either going to meet with someone shady or do something shady...Either way, he had to investigate it.

Fearing losing his track, Oculon increased his speed and then entered the same alley after a quick peek...When he saw no one in it, his steps grew bolder.

'I was really being followed without knowing it, am I losing my touch?'

Unbeknownst to him, the moment he entered the alley, Felix had utilized an illusion ability to hide his presence completely and was standing against the wall with a cold expression!!

He watched as the brown-coated stalker walked right past him, his steps growing faster and faster until he exited the alley and entered the other busy street.

When he walked past him, Felix had examined his entire body and managed to spot peculiar eyes peeking from tiny holes in his brown coat.

'Interesting, is he from an extinct race or a hidden one? I have never seen a race born with this many eyes across their bodies.' Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise. 'No wonder I couldn't feel any intent from him, it must be due to them.'

Felix wasn't too knowledgeable about what he had just witnessed, but he believed more that the eyes were mystical than him losing his anti-surveillance skills.

'It's time to get on his detection again before he gets suspicious.'

Felix took off into the air and landed some distance from the stalker before effortlessly reemerging from his camouflage like he was always there.

'Found you!'

Oculon took a second to spot Felix among the crowd.

'For a moment, I thought he has found out about me. This destination, he must be going back to that witch's office.'

Oculon sighed in relief and continued his chase, having no clue that Felix was allowing him to keep his job.

'The red fangs will always send someone to follow me, it's best to keep the one I know about and manipulate the situation to my advantage.' Felix smiled coldly for a split second before his expression returned to normal.

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