Supremacy Games

Chapter 1417 The Traveler Vs Ravager! III

Chapter 1417 The Traveler Vs Ravager! III

1417 The Traveler Vs Ravager! III

Ravager would be lying if he said that he wasn't in a pinch. He was depending on ending the battle swiftly through his telekinesis' control, unfortunately, Felix's monstrous upgrade foiled his strategy.

Now, he had to treat this battle just like the one with Goliath, the only difference was that Felix proved to be ten times much tougher to crack.

'I have to go all out and use my new ultimate ability...There is no other way.' Ravager narrowed his eyes coldly in the direction of Felix as he prepared to use his final attack.

An attack he spent years trying to master for the sake of using it to clutch the championship in the heavenly plane's tournament.

He wanted to save it until then, but he understood that if he lost this battle, he would never hear the end of it from Mr. Atticus.


The tension in the air suddenly spiked, and the audience held their collective breath as Ravager's body lit up in a riot of colors!

The sky darkened ominously, and a powerful gust of wind swirled around him, lifting him off the ground.

"Traveler!" Ravager's voice echoed throughout the silent arena, each syllable carried by the wind that was rapidly picking up speed. "You should feel honored to be in the presence of my first ultimate ability...Elemental Triad: Inferno Cyclone Tsunami!"

As the words left his lips, fire erupted from Ravager's body, enveloping him in a massive pillar of flames that reached skywards!

The fire took on a life of its own, twisting and spiraling around Ravager like a swirling, searing tornado...The flames danced and crackled with a life of their own, their intense heat warping the air around them!

Suddenly, from the eye of the fire tornado, a column of water shot forth, spiraling upward into the sky before cascading down like a waterfall, adding another layer of devastation to Ravager's onslaught!

The heat of the fire turned the cascading water into steam, blanketing the entire arena in a thick, scalding fog.

Ravager was in the eye of the chaos, his silhouette barely visible through the haze of steam, the flickering flames, and the cascading waterfall.

His arms were stretched wide as if controlling the maelstrom around him, his eyes glowing intensely as he poured every ounce of his power into the ultimate combination of his elemental abilities!

'A loose use of the term ultimate, but it doesn't seem like a weak ability.'

In the face of imminent destruction, Felix's face remained stoic. He closed his eyes, focusing all his energy. The ground vibrated under him, resonating with his energy. "Anti-Elemental Vibration Barrier!" he yelled, his voice strong against the tempest.

A spherical barrier materialized around Felix, flickering with translucent energy, trembling under the force of Ravager's attack. As the cyclone of fire and water crashed against his defense, Felix's barrier vibrated violently, trying to match the frequencies of the elements and neutralize them.

However, the sheer intensity of Ravager's attack was too much!

Felix grimaced as his barrier started to crack, the vibration unable to negate all the energy from the onslaught.

With a deafening crash, the vibration barrier was broken!


Felix tightened his fists and smashed them on the ground to get better stability against the raging tempest...It was threatening to kick him out of the arena's boundary and he refused to lose in that manner!

"The Traveler is risking going through a world of agony to keep himself in the fight!!" Mr. Soglus commentated out loud.

Crack Crack!

Because Felix decided to fight off the tempest, his telekinesis barrier was the first to eat the whole brunt of the attack, cracking rapidly and showing spreading fissures across Felix's entire body!

Even with Felix's upgraded spiritual prowess, his barrier was sadly unmatched against this kind of destruction.

In a few moments at best, it shattered as well and finally left Felix to face the wrath of the infernal storm with nothing but his iron will!


Felix grunted silently in pain as his skin began to burn off and receive sharp cuts from the wind, leaving him bleeding from new spots each second gone by!

In the heavenly plane's battles, there was no such thing as elemental resistance that enabled one to be completely immune to elements from all sources.

Everyone could get burnt off, poisoned, frozen, smashed, and the list goes on...Since death wasn't an option, the worst that could happen was reaching a level of pain that force one to pass out.

So, even when Felix was using fire abilities, he was still getting burnt off by Ravager.

One hit...Two hits...Five hits...Ten hits...

"How long can you last?"

Boss Alves snickered with the rest of his peers who were already cheering on a well-earned profit from their massive wagers.

"Master, please be safe..."

Meanwhile, Karra and Sekiro weren't loving the sight before them that much.

Karra was praying each moment while Sekiro was silently watching his master struggle with a solemn expression.

He knew that his master had invested too much in this to return with nothing below fifty thousand Lumus.

Twelve hits...thirteen hits...

'I...Have...To...Do...Something.'I think you should take a look at

While the pain clouded his mind a bit, Felix was still sensible enough to know that he was nearing the hit limit and there was no way the storm was going to end before he clock off.

So, he sent his brain into overdrive, thinking, and brainstorming, to come out with a plan, a strategy, anything to help him off!

'I need something powerful and explosive to counteract the tempest momentum while at the same time not too destructive to ruin the arena.'

The first thought that came into Felix's mind was the same suicidal explosion he used against Avalanche, but he understood that if he used it, there was a high chance he would end up outside of the arena.

After all, he was barely holding into the ground and it was already starting to crack and show signs of giving up to the infernal storm.

If he went with something that destructive, it wouldn't end well for him.

When his mind wandered in the direction of explosiveness but at the same time not producing equal damage, he reached a sub-perfect solution!

'I need to use sound to my advantage. It's not guaranteed to work, but I don't have time to complain.'

Sixteen hit...

Only four registered powerful direct hits remained and Felix knew that he had merely a few seconds at best before they get registered.

In the heavenly plane, hits registration depends on the damage and pain they cause to the target...Because Felxi's pain tolerance was so freaking high, he lasted much further than most spirits!

'I have to harness the noise around me as they are mere vibrations in the wind.'

Felix honed his senses on the frenzied, resonating noises around him, the vibrations of elemental fury that filled the air.

He ignored his injuries, the pain, and everything else, drawing in the rampant vibrations and containing them around him.

This created a bizarre scene under the baffled looks of the viewers.

"Am I the only one who stopped hearing the storm?"𝓷π’ͺ𝐕𝖾𝓛𝑒𝓒𝑏.𝓬𝑢𝗆

"Why did everything go so quiet all of a sudden?"

"Am I tripping?"

The raging noisy infernal tempest was now as quiet as a forest after midnight, making everyone believe that they must have gone deaf or something.

But in reality?

All the sounds produced by the raging storms were absorbed by Felix until his body seemed to be vibrating with the untapped power!

The focus of vibrational energy within him reached a peak, a pulsating orb of pure force that seemed ready to rupture.


Then, with a raw, primal shout that resounded thunderously in this uncanny silence, a deadly shockwave erupted from Felix's form, its oscillation frequency so high it broke the sound barrier with a thunderous crack, rolling outwards in a rapidly expanding circle!!!

The shockwave ripped through the air, an unstoppable force that collided head-on with Ravager's Inferno Cyclone Tsunami!!


The collision was catastrophic. The shockwave, imbued with the power of Felix's concentrated vibration, tore through Ravager's supreme ability, scattering the elements!!

The flame in the cyclone was extinguished, the wind was silenced, and the tsunami dissolved, the devastating attack neutralized in an instant by Felix's shocking counter!!

'What the...'



The arena was left in stunned silence as the echoes of the clash slowly faded away, revealing Felix standing tall amidst the chaos, battered but unbowed.

A number nineteen was written on red above his head, but his bloodied face displayed not an ounce of fear, nervousness, or worry.

He merely lifted his head and eyed the stunned Ravager with the coldest stare he could muster.

"That's all you got?" He taunted, his ragged appearance betraying his absolute confidence.

Yet, Ravager actually felt a chill course down his spine as the predatory look in Felix's eyes made him understand that this fight wasn't close to being over!

'Get a hold of yourself! He has a mere one more hit and his telekinesis barrier is already down.'

Still, Ravager didn't allow his emotions to get the best of him as the stacks were too high to fail.

"You have earned my respect, but for the sake of my beloved, you have to bow down today," Ravager replied coldly, his hands reaching out to his pockets and bringing out two small daggers.

It was clear, with Felix only having one more hit before his elimination, Ravager wanted to finish him off up close.

"Bring it on." Felix challenged, bleeding out of his mouth and nose, but still, he strolled forward while cracking his bloodied knuckles.

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