Supremacy Games

Chapter 1387 Memories Reformation.

Chapter 1387 Memories Reformation.

1387 Memories Reformation.

Sometime later...

The meeting was adjourned after Asna was taken away by Hades.

While other spirits had to enter the system, Asna was a special case as her memories couldn‘t be erased, which meant this entire new fresh start scheme wasn't going to work on her.

After Asna and Hades took their leave, Elder Kraken swiftly excused himself and caught up with Felix's spirit...Then, he guided him away from the memories‘ reformation center and took him to the outskirts of the city.

Looming at the city's edge, an abandoned mansion stood as a solitary monument to decay, its weathered facade and overgrown grounds a haunting echo of its long-forgotten grandeur.

This was one of Elder Kraken‘s properties and he had abandoned it when he had gotten something better.

No one cared about such a thing as those abandoned mansions get erased automatically if another party had taken ownership of the territory.

In this case, Elder Kraken was the sole owner of more than a hundred thousand square kilometers across the entire heavenly plane.

'Get in.‘ Elder Kraken guided Felix‘s soul inside the mansion going through the walls akin to ghosts. Then, he took him to the living room.

The living room's condition was horrendous, but there was one of the same memories reformation machines placed in the center of it.

Elder Kraken made Felix sit on the metallic chair and placed the helmet on him.

"Can you hear me?" Elder Kraken asked, waving his hand in front of Felix‘s face.

"Still no response...This isn't supposed to happen." Elder Kraken muttered.

.com He knew that even though Felix's memories were erased, he shouldn‘t have lost the capability to reason and speak.

All arriving spirits on the heavenly plane were conscious of their surroundings. Yet, Felix resembled a soulless robot.

He knew that it must have something to do with Asna‘s soul being merged with him before.

‘I guess I am left with no choice now.‘ Elder Kraken started tinkering with the holographic buttons for a few moments and then pulled a long cable and attached it to the back of his head. Then, be pressed the start button.

Even though this was considered a spiritual realm, it was still following most of the laws of realism due to the spirits‘ guardian wanting to make it resemble the living world.

The machine hummed loudly in the center...The Elder‘s eyes were shut tight, beads of perspiration trickling down his furrowed brow as he channeled the fragmented pieces of Felix‘s memory from his own mind, passing them through the humming contraption!

Bright lights danced over the machine‘s smooth surface, sequences of glyphs and numbers rapidly processing the extracted data.

The process was intense, the living room filled with the raw sounds of technology whirring and echoing pulse of the connection between the two entities.

Strapped into a reclining chair, Felix's body was rigid, his nonexistent eyes locked in a distant stare as he was bombarded with fragments of his past...His pupils rapidly shifted, mirroring the whirlwind of memories that assaulted his consciousness.

Childhood laughter, the pain of loss, the joy of success, the burn of failure, and the adrenaline of battle, all flowed back into him.

The light, the dark, the mundane, the extraordinary, emotions and experiences he'd long forgotten, were forced back into the forefront of his mind, forging him anew.

As the process neared completion, a subtle transformation overcame Felix.

His once vibrant and expressive eyes grew cold, his features set into an unreadable mask.

The lines of his face hardened, the lively spark that once lit his gaze snuffed out, replaced by an icy, calculating gleam.

A silence fell upon the room as the machine powered down, its purpose fulfilled.

With a new body and a similar appearance to his version in the living world, Felix slowly rose from the chair, his movements smooth and precise.

He stood taller, more imposing...The once passionate and vivacious young man was gone.

In his place, a strategic, emotionless, and ruthless individual took hold.

"Felix?" Elder Kraken called, his voice was firm but had a tint of distress.

He had noticed the change in Felix's demeanor as he seemed more like a predator, molded by the past.

He always knew that there would be some changes to Felix‘s personality as the memories he pushed into him weren't complete 100%...But, he didn't think that he would emerge like this.

"Mmm..." Felix made a noise of acknowledgment as he gazed at his glowing red fists.

Although his body became physical and resemebled his old self, his skin was still shimmering with intense red light, which was an indicator of his Spirit's ranking.

'Red, not gold...Even with all of my achievements, I haven't touched the gold color, interesting.'

While it seemed bizarre for Felix not to be rewarded with gold color, it really wasn‘t.

Gold color was the peak of a spirit rank and there was no way up besides getting higher in the spirit realm government.


Elder Kraken was gold because he lived for billions of years and his achievements didn‘t affect him individually, but many others across the entire universe.

In addition, he was responsible for the creation of millions of marine races, which was in the eyes of the universe, the greatest achievement one could obtain.

0n the other hand, Felix‘s achievements were godly alright, but most of them affected him on a personal level, which did not carry the same value.

If he stayed alive and actually helped the human race develop a new cultivation system, it would have been a different story entirely.

Still, Felix was not complaining as he knew that colors could be improved or lowered through his own efforts in the heavenly plane.

‘What was your color, Asna?‘ Felix called in his mind calmly.

No response.

‘Asna?' Felix frowned.

Still, no response.

Felix closed his eyes and entered his new consciousness space.

When he opened his eyes and saw that not a single soul existed in his lake, he did not know how to react.


Felix stood in the expansive void of his consciousness space, its monotonous nothingness reflecting his current state of mind.

He searched the emptiness, a sense of anticipation echoing in the silence around him. Usually, in this very spot, he'd find Asna's radiant soul, an unmissable beacon of light in this internal cosmos...But now, there was nothing.

Just an empty void, mirroring his hollow heart.

He understood that she should have been there, a constant presence, a shared heartbeat in his existence. But his senses failed to acknowledge her absence, the rawness of loss eluded him.

There was an understanding, a knowledge that he should feel her absence like a gaping wound. Yet, there was only silence, an eerie emptiness.

He attempted to dredge up feelings of sadness, of longing, of heartbreak, but his heart remained still, almost mechanical. His mind understood the concept of these feelings, the crippling despair that should have accompanied such a loss.

"What happened to me and where is my Asna?"

Felix returned to the outside world and gazed at Elder Kraken with a look filled with untold amounts of pain and sadness, but his expression was as hardened as ever.

"My apologies little one, but I have no control over the end result of your personality when one chooses a manual's memories reformation." Elder Kraken sighed, "I have fed you with most of the important memories that define you, but I did not expect the results to be like this."

When Felix heard this, he revised those memories and realized that more than 99% of them were about conflicts, fights, wars, deaths, strategies, unfair treatment, pain, a lot, and a lot of pain.

There were some lovely memories of him with his friends, family, and Asna, but they amounted to barely 1%...

When the machine processed those memories and extracted the perfect personality of them, this was the final result.

A wounded person who was born from pain and died of pain with a life of constant struggles and conflicts, giving him the ultimate ruthless and emotionless personality.

"As for Asna, all I can tell you now is that she is in a safe place and you shouldn't be worried about her." Elder Kraken shared, "Your souls have been separated by the spirits guardian and she is under his care now."

When Felix heard this, he wanted to feel relieved, but at the same time, he could not muster an ounce of such emotion.

In the end, he took a deep breath with his eyes closed shut and opened them again when his emotions were back to normal.

"It‘s good that our souls have been separated at last and she isn‘t in danger," Felix said, his expression as indifferent as ever, making it seem like he did not mean either of them.

"She will be more in danger if she returned to the living world." Elder Kraken disclosed, "You know that already."

Felix nodded in silence.

Now that Felix had become as rational as a robot, he understood that Asna was in her safe haven as those organisms made it clear that their eyes were on them.

As much as it pissed off Felix to die in that manner, he was left awakened.

Awakened to the truth that he was nowhere close to those beings' strength and if he dared return to the living world either alone or with Asna, none of them would even see the doors of the spirit realm again.

But still, this did not mean that Felix had no plans of returning to the living world.

"Elder, is there any possibility of meeting Asna or the spirits guardian?" Felix inquired with a stoic expression.

"Unfortunately, even as an ethereal elder, I have no authority to set up a meeting between a spirit and the master." Elder Kraken shook his head, "As for Asna? I suggest you do not focus on such useless meetings and focus on your own situation."

"Your red color might be only below golden color, but you're still considered eligible to become a servant for a golden spirit." Elder Kraken warned.

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