Supremacy Games

Chapter 1337 Attempting The First Seventh Replacement!

Chapter 1337 Attempting The First Seventh Replacement!

1337 Attempting The First Seventh Replacement!


"You know, you have been born with only two affinities, poison, and illusion... You have started your bloodline path with poison and now you will conclude it with illusion." Asna chuckled, "You even already have Lord Loki's bloodline fully extracted and have been keeping it in your spatial card for thousands of years."

Felix had indeed already pushed his illusion affinity to 100% and extracted Lord Loki's bloodline from the illusion beasts.

His access to those rare beasts might have been limited while he was still broke and a nobody, but with his reputation and authority rising, such a problem disappeared on its own.

As for why Lord Loki's precious bloodline was spread among beasts, it was just like the other primogenitors...He also had descendants.

What happened to them exactly, it seemed like that was another secret between primogenitors.

"I don't know, it is interesting, but destined? I am not into that crap." Felix waved his hands carelessly.

"It does seem poetic when you think about it." Candace agreed with a dreamy look, "It's the same as you traveling to the end of the universe to search for love, but just to realize that it was near you all along."

Felix rolled his eyes speechlessly as he couldn't care less about such a thing.

"Whatever, I am just glad my bloodline path will come to an end with all of my strength departments covered." He informed them, "I will be starting my replacement process at first light."

"Isn't it best to take a bit more time to prepare?" Asna mentioned with a concerned tone, "There is no need to rush."

"There is a need to rush, but don't worry, I didn't make this decision on a whim." Felix comforted her with a stern look, "I have been feeling ready for a very, very long time. I have no intention of postponing this any longer."

If it wasn't for Lord Loki's secret throwing him off a bit, he would have done it right now and here...But, he was still sensible to give himself half a day to iron down his mind before going for it.


On the summit of a towering, majestic mountain, Felix's silhouette was set against the horizon, where the first blush of dawn began to pierce the amethyst veils of the morning sky.

Cold winds whispered against his skin, reminding him of the elemental power of this lofty place.

Lord Shiva's bloodline, known for its overwhelming destructive power was about to be replaced with a bloodline more befitting of Felix's character.

Felix had spent last night in Lady Sphinx's laboratory on the other side of the planet. It was for nonother than the permanent removal of Thor's bloodline from his system...

As much as Felix hated the process and despised doing that to his master, he was lucky to have Thor by his side, ensuring him that his legacy was in his lightning manipulation and not his bloodline.

As long as he did right to his lightning manipulation, he should never need to worry about failing Thor's legacy.

As expected of Lady Sphinx's brilliance, she had succeeded in the removal process without much trouble.

Although Felix had to suffer through the removal of his lightning absorbers mutation, and the nasty feeling of weakness from losing the enhancements, everything else went well.

'I have lost more than 50K BF, which was around our expectations.' Felix thought to himself, 'This put me back to around 760K BF. So, I need this replacement to help me get at least close to 960K BF and the rest can be carried on by my other dragon/devourer's cultivation systems.'

Lady Sphinx' calculation had made her reach the conclusion that Felix would hit his desired mark, but when it came to replacement enhancement at this height, no one could really be sure.

For all he knows, he might end up getting barely 150K BF enhancement, not pushing through the infamous swamp of the last 100K.

So, he was still merely hoping that all of this worked out as envisioned by his master...

"Phew...Let's begin."

Without further ado, he used a needle to draw from a medium, intricately crafted bottle and extracted a thick, shimmering liquid, seemingly existing but at the same time it didn't.

This was the bloodline of Lord Loki, filled with deception and trickery.

He took a deep breath, easing his heart which was pounding like a drum against his ribs.

"Only 20%," Felix muttered. He carefully measured out the required amount and stopped the moment he reached it. Then, he brought the needle in front of his chest.

With a sense of surreal calm, Felix watched as a hairline fracture on his chest, right above his heart, began to separate painlessly akin to a fault line cutting across a once solid terrain.

The natural body armor parted to expose the pulsating organs beneath.

His three main hearts, the symbol of life, were unveiled in their raw, rhythmic glory.

Felix ignored the other two and brought the needle closer to the crimson and robust human heart.

With the same detached calmness that had marked the opening of his chest, his heart also created a tiny opening for the needle as his entire body was covered in Lord Shiva's cracks, not just his skin.

Without those cracks, Felix would be hopeless to destroy his own body even if he wished.

The injection was immediate and his heart accepted the new bloodline eagerly, drawing it into its chambers and pushing it out with every determined beat.

Every vein in his body pulsed with the newly introduced essence. His bloodstream served as a network, a series of roads through which Lord Loki's bloodline traveled and spread, integrating with his own.

This internal dance was invisible to the eyes but Felix felt every bit of it, every change and shift within him.

As the process ended, his heart and chest closed just as effortlessly as they had opened...Felix closed his eyes and waited patiently for the storm to hit his body.

A moment later, a bellowing scream echoed off the mountain, a raw, primal sound that sent a flock of roosting birds fluttering into the skies in panic!

It was as though his blood was boiling, every vein on fire as Lord Loki's bloodline started to integrate with his DNA forcefully!

He could feel the alien essence infiltrating, replacing, and intertwining with his own.

This forceful integration caused drastic shifts to occur in his body as his demonic horns retracted before springing forth again, now covered in vivid light green/blue scales and with a new elegant shape.

The horns were still made out of wood but the scales made it seem animalistic.

His skin lightened from its signature gray, shifting and settling into a natural, pale hue.

His hair, once a bold crimson, transitioned into a base of transparent light yellow, with streaks of green, brown, orange, and blue dancing within.

The colors seemed to change from one place to another, making Felix's new hair seem quite mystical and illusionary.

Though, this scene ended a moment later after the blood from his horns completely tainted it red again.

His eyes weren't in the picture as Felix kept them closed tightly shut, unable to open them when waves of agonizing pain kept hitting him over and over again.

Yet, these mutations were nothing before what happened next.

The change was subtle at first, almost imperceptible. Then, small buds of texture began to appear on his skin.

What was once smooth now became rough and patterned. It was akin to the texture of a lizard, speckled, and marked with a beautiful complexity!

Within moments, the tiny buds grew, expanding into scales that were strikingly similar to those of a chameleon.

They were ethereal and intricate, a light green blue that shimmered under the gaze of the morning sun.

The scales interlocked perfectly, each one unique yet part of a larger, mesmerizing pattern that flowed over his shoulders and hips like an armor of nature.

His chest remained untouched.

The transition between skin and scales was seamless, like the meeting of land and sea along a beach.

Asna and a few spectating tenants marveled at the way the scales shifted colors subtly, mirroring the azure sky above and the emerald grass below, a perfect balance between the tranquility of blue and the vitality of green.

Just when Asna thought that was the end of Lord Loki's mutations, she raised an eyebrow after noticing a bulge arising from Felix's lower back under his constant unwilling screams.

"There is more?"

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