Supremacy Games

Chapter 1326 Wanting To Leave But Forced To Remain.

Chapter 1326 Wanting To Leave But Forced To Remain.

1326 Wanting To Leave But Forced To Remain.

"Humans are taking the biggest hit because of me." Felix rubbed his tiresome eyelids, "The only way to truly stop all of this madness is through ending that f*cker's reign."

"That sounds all good, but even Fenrir has failed." Asna replied.

"I didn't fail." Fenrir growled in irritation, "He stopped taking my fights and escaped at first sight."

In the past six decades, there were more than fifty battles between Fenrir and Lucifer, and the score was 50-0 in Fenrir's favor.

This made Lucifer take the smart decision of avoiding the battles entirely as the moment Fenrir tracked him down, he escaped through a spatial portal with the help of a demonized space worm. Even when Lady Sphinx made a personal move on Lucifer, it didn't change much.

This was one of the reasons why the demonic invasion was getting harder and harder to contain

as with no one holding Lucifer down, he kept jumping from one galaxy to another.

"It's clear that he is getting impatient with you and has gotten much more active." Candace addressed Felix.

"That's why I need to start preparing to replace my bloodline and become a deity." Felix narrowed his eyes coldly.

"Not so fast." Lord Shiva said indifferently. "You leave when I let you."

"I have spent six thousand years on bettering myself in all departments." Felix tightened his fists,

"I have mastered four advanced abilities, three greater spatial spells, and five lesser time spells. I have boosted the elemental range of my first primary elements to ten thousand kilometers and the destruction elemental range to one thousand kilometers. I even have mastered hundreds of destruction and construction abilities in addition to the conversion technique. All of this without mentioning creating new techniques and fighting styles by weaving those abilities and spells together."

"I have grilled myself until my brain was running on nothing but fumes." Felix said with a suppressed tone, "What else do you want?"

"More." Lord Shiva replied expressionlessly, "If you are feeling proud of such small achievements, then you really don't have what it takes."



Felix had never felt the urge to punch off one of his tenants before until this very moment. He was more than livid at Lord Shiva's stubbornness, but at the same time, he couldn't really break the deal between them.

If lives weren't at stake, Felix would have respected his persistence to push him into working harder, but he just couldn't take it anymore. Take the notion that each day going by, millions of innocent lives were being demonized from the elderly to children.

"How about you give him a goal at least." Thor said with a solemn tone, "As much as I want him to train even more, I also understand that this is messing with his mentality and focus. If he can't stay focused on his training, then it's nothing but a meaningless waste of time."

"I think so too." Jörmungandr nodded, "The last thing I want is for him to resent training...This is what's going to happen if his entire race went extinct and he did nothing but watch."

If there wasn't a deal at hand that needed to be respected, his masters would have already bailed Felix out of the Elementals Galaxy against Lord Shiva's will.

'Hmmm, with that boy's emotions being in control of him, I can see this happening.' Lord Shiva frowned. While he didn't care about the humans or anyone's lives for that matter, he knew that it was best to avoid completely cutting off Felix's future.

'Tsk, this is truly irritating.' In the end, Lord Shiva decided to cave in and give Felix some hope...The key term here was 'hope'.

"Fine, you can leave after mastering at least one concept destruction ability." Lord Shiva waved his hand carelessly.

Everyone was left at a loss for words as they stared at the heartless Lord Shiva...Forcing Felix to master concept destruction ability was the same as sealing him for additional millennia if not more!

"I barely managed to master four advanced spells from each element besides the destruction element." Felix gritted his teeth, "I left it out for a reason."

"I don't care about your reason." Lord Shiva replied, "After you replace my bloodline, you will lose concept destruction trident. If you left before mastering a similar ability, god knows how long it will take you in the real universe to pull it off."


Felix remained silent as he knew that Lord Shiva's reasoning was correct. Concept destruction trident was one of Felix's greatest abilities as it allowed him to pull off unique utilization. Without it, he wouldn't be able to separate Nimo from his alter ego.

If Lord Shiva's ultimate ability, Totality Collapse wasn't a must-have, he would have chosen to etch the trident. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep both and when he replaced his bloodline, one of them had to go.

However, this didn't mean that it would be easy to master a concept destruction ability as it was considered one of the most difficult advanced abilities!

"Without an elemental helping me enhance my destruction affinity talent, I won't be able to master it even with thousands of years invested solely in it..." Felix covered his face, "By then, more than 40% of the alliance's territory would have fallen to the demonic plague."

40%...That's close to half. Even if Felix returned to the real universe and eliminated Lucifer once and for all, this wouldn't return the hundreds of billions of lives lost or recover the infected planets...

The SGAlliance would live with a constant reminder of the damages done by the demonic invasion for eternity.

"That's not my problem, you want to leave this galaxy? Master a concept destruction ability." Lord Shiva shared calmly, "But don't worry, I am not unreasonable, I will help you master it."

"It's not enough...I am not going to spend more than a millennia here." Felix eyed him with an icy expression.

Felix was grateful for Lord Shiva's gifts and help, but he still harbored a deep sense of resentment toward him. It was understandable as Lord Shiva wasn't considering Felix as his student but as a mere means to fulfill a goal.

It was nothing more than a transactional deal between them.

"What do you have in mind?" Asna asked as she gave Lord Shiva a death glare.

"I need to enhance my destruction affinity talent as I did with the other elements." Felix noted.

If it wasn't for the tribe chiefs' help, Felix wouldn't have reached the ten thousand km range in four of his elements... If he had it for his destruction manipulation, he would have pushed it in a similar fashion too.

"We have talked about this, there is only one destruction elemental in this galaxy and she will never agree to meet you." Thor said.

Thor was so certain that she wouldn't meet with Felix because the destruction elemental was none other than Foremother Siamese herself!

In this galaxy, she was considered the death elemental, life elemental, destruction elemental, and even creation elemental!

As the consciousness of an entire galaxy, she had the freedom to do whatever she desired in her own body, which meant she had control over all elements and laws alike as long as they were in the same matter dimension.

For example, she had no control over the void realm and spirit realm. Since she had the powers of destruction and could erase anything inside her own territory, it would be a walk in the park for her to help Felix enhance his destruction affinity or even his other affinities to a new height.

But, this was Foremother Siamese and one shouldn't forget how she literally gave Felix a favor just to make him stay away from Lord Zurvan and her galaxy.

"I have to give it a try." Felix narrowed his eyes, "Too many lives are at stake to be prideful."

Felix knew that there was more than a 99.99% chance of Foremother Siaseme humiliating him before sending him on his merry way, but he still planned on seeking her help.

Without her, it would be impossible for him to master a concept destruction ability in less than a millennia...


While Felix was figuring out a method to seek Foremother Siamese's assistance, his friends were in a standalone battle against a demonic army under the leadership of Prince Beelzebub.

They were on a war-torn landscape of a crimson-ruined planet called Merreniz, the once azure sky now roared with an ominous scarlet, setting a chilling tableau of a clash of titanic forces.

The air was heavy with the scent of brimstone, a nauseating reminder of the demonic forces that held sway. Against this apocalyptic backdrop, one colossal figure stood at the forefront of the teeming legion of demons.

Beelzebub, a monstrous form with blackened wings, his every move orchestrated a symphony of death. On the opposing side, a frail yet defiant human force steeled itself for the impending onslaught.

At their helm stood Noah, his usually human features contorted into a werewolf's fierce countenance. His breath crystallized in the sulfurous air, signifying his mastery over the ice element. The chill of his power brought a contrast to the relentless heat of the wasteland.

Beside him, Olivia, her eyes a vivid green that mirrored the life force she commanded. At her behest, vines erupted from the barren soil, thorny tendrils forming a living barrier against the demonic force.

They swayed as if in a breeze, though no wind blew on this forsaken planet, a testament to the power of the plant element she wielded.

Lastly, there was Malak, her eyes flickering with the intensity of a raging bonfire...Around her, spirals of flame danced, painting terrifying shadows upon the crimson ground.

"These two have an extraordinary feel to them...They will serve as excellent subordinates."

Prince Beelzebub licked his lips as he eyed Noah and Olivia.

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