Supremacy Games

Chapter 1306 The Battle For Tartarus! III

Chapter 1306 The Battle For Tartarus! III

1306 The Battle For Tartarus! III

The mothership, along with the rest of the fleets, hummed with electric anticipation. The synchronized plasma beam attack was a tactic of last resort, one that required the entire fleets to channel their energy weapons into a unified, devastating beam of pure energy...It was a move that required precision, timing, and an unwavering resolve.

The plasma cannons of each ship began to glow, filling with superheated particles, their humming becoming a chorus of power.

Technicians scrambled over control panels, their fingers dancing over buttons and levers as they adjusted trajectory and power output.

The energy of the fleet began to sync, their individual pulses of power harmonizing into one.

In the void of space, the Leviathan roared, a wave of energy cascading out from the form that rattled the shields of the fleets even with such a massive distance between them.

The gigantic entity, pulsing with cosmic power, seemed to sense the imminent threat. It thrashed, its massive form twisting in the void as it propelled itself toward the closest fleet to it.

Commander Nethrael held his breath, his heart pounding against his ribs as he watched the energy levels rise.

"Steady... steady..." He murmured, his eyes never leaving the main viewscreen.

Then, at the exact moment, he gave the command. "Fire!"

The hum of the plasma cannons reached a crescendo, the harmonized energy shooting forth in a brilliant beam of sizzling white-blue light!

It pierced the blackness of space and collided with the closest Leviathan in a spectacular display of light and energy!!

The cosmic entity writhed, its form contorting as it tried to resist the onslaught of the plasma beam.

The space around them seemed to distort, the pressure from the attack and the Leviathan's resistance causing ripples in the fabric of reality itself!

Alas, regardless of the Leviathan's toughness, the condensed white beam was just too powerful for it.

The enormous force of the attack caused the Leviathan to thrash uncontrollably, altering its shape.

Normally pulsing with a red, ethereal glow, its celestial body started to flicker and dim.

Energy flared across its surface in erratic patterns, reflecting the chaos of the beast's existence.

Then it took place...

The Leviathan's outer layers were cut through by the plasma beam's focal point, the concentrated center of the fleet's total energy.

From the impact site, a spectacular flare with a brightness comparable to a supernova's luminosity emerged... The cosmic monster's heart had been broken!!

The Leviathan let out a roar that reverberated throughout space-time, a primordial scream of rage and agony that reverberated throughout the vacuum of space. The energy within the monster started to become unstable as it writhed, its form twisting violently.

Its glow became stronger, changing from its customary dark purple to an obscenely bright white. As the energy locked inside the Leviathan tried to escape, it grew larger and larger. It finally exploded with a tremendous boom after that.

It was a tremendous explosion!

The Leviathan unleashed a shockwave of unbridled, primal energy that swept the cosmos like a tsunami of cosmic force, hitting the remaining Leviathans and reaching even the six demon princes and the SGAlliance's fleet!

"We did it!"

"That's what I am talking about!!"

"LET'S Go!!"

The SGAlliance's troops cheered at the top of their lungs with reddened cheeks in excitement after avenging their fallen troops.


Meanwhile, the six demon princes and their subordinates were left with mouths wide open in disbelief.

One of their superweapons that helped him conquer the universe was taken out just like that.

The scene was just too shocking, but they could do nothing but believe it as they had seen it with their own eyes!


Prince Satan was the first to order his Leviathans to get away from the battleground as he didn't want a similar fate to befall them!

The dead one belonged to Prince Beelzebub, which made his face turn even darker when he saw Prince Satan's Leviathans retreat.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled.

"The smart thing." Prince Satan ignored his furious tone and continued watching his Leviathans returning to the planet's atmosphere.

The rest of the princes did the same as well, causing Prince Beelzeubub to get even more infuriated.

"Our territories' survival depends on those Leviathans and there is no way we will sacrifice them when we have no clue if those bastards could fire a similar attack continuously." Prince Belphegor remarked.

"What about me?! What about my territory?!" Prince Beelzebub shouted back.

"Don't worry, we aren't planning to give up just yet." Prince Abaddon said coldly, "It's clear that we can't win in spatial warfare...So, let's stop wasting our time and get our hands dirty."

The demons had tried spaceships, demonized space monsters, and even their secret weapon, the Leviathans.

When all failed to stop the SGAlliance's invasion, it was time for the demon princes to make them understand why their race would never fall as long as they were alive.

"Now, we are talking...I will take the big one." Prince Beelzebub's expression turned icy as he focused on the mothership.

In a split second, Prince Beelzebub turned into a crimson misty cloud and disappeared...The other princes looked at each other for a moment before breaking into the same red mist.

"Thank god our attack has frightened them." A crewmate sighed in relief while looking at Commander Nethrael with a tint of worship.

Unbeknownst to the demon princes, the synchronized plasma attack was considered a last resort of a reason.

It overheated all the plasma weapons to the point none of them could fire a single thing for at least ten minutes of cooling down.

This meant the entire SGAlliance's fleets would be left vulnerable to a nasty counter-attack unless they decided to retreat from the battlefield completely.

Commander Nethrael still went for this decision, betting on the princes' getting frightened by their attack, making them pull back their Leviathans to safety.

"Don't lose focus yet, this isn't over yet." Commander Nethrael warned his subordinates.

His warning was proven correct sooner than anyone could anticipate as Prince Beelzebub busted open a gate and stepped inside the mothership without a single care about the screaming staff members flying through the breach!

"We have been breached!"

When everyone saw Prince Beelzeubub walking deeper inside the mothership while releasing an uncanny amount of potent evil energy, their expressions couldn't help but turn for the worst.

"How did he get in without raising a single alarm?!"

Queen Allura covered her mouth at the sight of the mothership's staff getting demonized in the blink of an eye.

The evil energy was pulsing through their bodies, transforming them into something that was...unhuman.

As the evil energy rushed into them, devouring them from the inside out, their body violently trembled. Their once-kind eyes were suddenly growing darker, the warmth in them having been replaced by a terrifying, deep pit.

Their pupils shrunk and grew alarmingly quickly, the sclera turning unnatural, horrifying black. It was a terrifying sight, one that would make even the most courageous warrior shudder.

Their skins were now either rough and red or deathly pale, almost translucent. The veins underneath, visible like a network of sinister serpents, pulsed with an eerie black hue, the evil energy seeping into every cell, every fiber of their being!


This entire transformation was done in less than a few seconds as Prince Beelzebub continued on his steady journey, leaving behind him a newborn army of demons, hungry for nothing but purities!

Thud! Thud!! Thud!!...

All of them rushed past him and began assaulting their escaping friends and colleagues, not caring in the slightest about the memories between them!

"As expected, evil power source demonization is nowhere close to a prince handling it." Felix frowned at the horrible sight.

He understood that if Prince Beelzebub wasn't stopped, it would take him no less than an hour to turn the entire mothership into an infested demon place.

"Guys, I will leave him to you."

Felix stated as he eyed The Vulkans' Lord Azzen, Shadowborns Ruler Hogan, and The Fog Crawlers' Emperor Runnonth in three holographic screens.

"We will give him a taste of the alliance's real strength." Shadowborns Ruler Hogan smirked coldly as he disappeared inside the nearest shadow to him.

The others nodded with solemn expressions and took off towards Prince Beelzebub.

It was obvious that the alliance leaders had anticipated Prince Beelzeubub making a personal move against their fleets when he get desperate.

So, those three were chosen as the mothership guardians through a draw with all the top fifty strongest fighters in the alliance in one pot.

Only Felix, King Mahit, and some exceptions were removed from the pot.

"Commander! Warships 487D, 78S4, 32BN, 119C, and 668K are being assaulted by other princes!"

"Sh*t, I didn't think they will actually attack at once. Tell all the guardians to swiftly engage on those princes and hold them down until the three leaders take down Prince Beelzebub." Commander Nethreal ordered as he leaned next to the radio.

Since most of the demons' army was taken care of after blowing the leviathan, there was no need for the guardians to stay on their warships besides the ones attacked by the princes.

So, The Executioner, Wowef/Nero, Disfigured Beauty, Nightowl, Hive Knight Guards, and more Ex-SGPlayers jumped on their nearest small spaceship and took off towards those warships.

"As expected, all you have is your brains...Today, I will make sure to put them on the menu."

Prince Beelzebub licked his lips coldly as he watched his new demonized army massacring anyone before them without an ounce of resistance.

This thought did not take root in his mind for even a second before he got ambushed by his own shadow!


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